Starting this morning, I have a one-week holiday (because this week is The Easter week)!! Actually I'm not that happy because I have many things to do on this holiday. After this holiday, school is not relaxing anymore, we start our "special" schedule which means that the final-practical examination will be held.
Ok, keep that story for some days later. I'll turn back a little to the past 2 days. As usual, before having easter holiday, last Saturday we received our mid-semester report paper. At first I thought it would be quick (so we just arrived at school, waited for 7 AM, then our teacher came into out class and gave us our report papers). But it wasn't. We had to wait until 7.45 AM, and then we went to the hall, and had a mass liturgy for an hour. After the liturgy, we had to listen to some announcements. Well, there were some interesting facts (which I knew from that announcement). Based on this mid-semester result, there are 72 students from the first grade students don't pass (their scores are lower than the minimum passing grade to the second grade). For the second year students, there are 50 students from science stream, 10 from the social stream, and 12 (of 17 >> imagine that!!!) from the language stream whose scores are lower than the minimum grade. There are 400something applicants from Junior High-School applied to enter my high-school, and 193 of them made it (including my brother), and only 185 confirmed. Well, after listening to the announcement, we went back to our classroom and waited for our teacher gave us our report papers. Then, our teacher came and she gave those papers. I was shocked and suspicious, because I thought I got my score higher than my estimation and also my score's combination (including my class average) was exactly the same with my first mid-semester score last October. One of my friends then asked to the headmaster and after checked the files, yes, we got the wrong papers. Arrrggghhh... . Then I will get the right paper next Monday.... :(
Last Sunday, I slept almost all of the day... lol (I wanted to enjoy my holiday... :D). Well, some guests came here, and last night I accompanied them having dinner (my parents had a meeting about the new restaurant, therefore I had to accompany them). We first wanted to eat at Tojoyo restaurant, but unfortunately, their foods were sold out!!! I then realized that yesterday was holiday and many tourists came to Yogyakarta. We then went to Soeharti Restaurant and ate there, and when we came there were some buses and many cars parked there. We had to wait for 1 hour until the meal came to our table... :( After that, we went back home...
Mulai pagi ini, aku akhirnya libur selama seminggu (soalnya kan ini adalah minggu Paskah)!! Sebenernya sih aku nggak seneng-seneng banget juga, soalnya ada banyak hal yang harus dilakuin sih di liburan ini. Habis liburan ini, sekolah dah nggak santai-santai lagi, kita memulai jadwal "khusus" kami yang artinya juga bahwa ujian akhir praktikum akan segera dimulai.
Ok, kita simpan tuh cerita untuk besok-besok. Aku mau berbalik sedikit ke 2 hari terakhir ini. Seperti biasanya, sebelum memulai liburan Paskah, Sabtu kemarin kira menerima nilai mid-semester kami. Pertamanya aku kira bakalan cepet tuh (jadi kita cuma ke sekolah, menunggu sampai jam 7 pagi, trus guruku dateng ke kelas dan membagikan nilai kami). Tapi ternyata enggak. Kita mesti menunggu sampai jam 7.45 pagi trus pergi ke aula, dan ada misa kudus selama satu jam. Setelah misa, kita mesti mendengarkan beberapa pengumuman. Ada beberapa fakta menarik (yang aku dapat dari pengumuman itu). Berdasarkan hasil mid-semester kali ini, ada 72 murid kelas 1 yang nggak naik (nilainya dibawah nilai batas bawah minimum untuk naik kelas). Untuk yang kelas dua, ada 50 anak dari jurusan IPA, 10 anak dari jurusan IPS, dan 12 anak (dari 17 anak >> bayangin tuh!!) dari jurusan Bahasa yang terancam gak naik alias nilainya di bawah nilai minimal. Trus ada 400an anak SMP yang mendaftar untuk masuk ke sekolahku, dan 193 anak keterima (termasuk adikku), dan hanya 185 yang daftar ulang. Habis mendengarkan ke pengumuman itu, akhirnya kita balik lagi ke kelas dan menunggu guruku membagi nilai kita. Trus guruku dateng dan membagi kamu kertasnya. Aku shock dan curiga, soalnya kayaknya nilaiku lebih tinggi dari perkiraan deh, dan kombinasi nilainya bisa sama persis (termasuk rata-rata kelasnya) sama nilai mid-semester pertamaku Oktober kemarin. Trus salah satu temenku tanya ke kepala sekolah dan habis ngecek filenya, beneran, kita mendapatkan kertas yang salah. Arrrggghhh... . Trus aku bakal dapet kertas yang bener Senen besok... :(
Minggu kemarin, aku tidur hampir sepanjang hari... lol (aku kan mau menikmati hari Minggu-ku... :D). Trus beberapa tamu dateng, dan kemarin malem aku menemani mereka cari makan (orang tuaku ada meeting tentang restoran baru, makanya aku yang harus menemani mereka). Pertamanya kita mau ke Restoran Tojoyo, tetapi sayangnya, makanannya habis!!! Aku trus menyadari kalo kemarin tuh liburan dan banyak turis dateng ke Yogyakarta. Kita trus ke Restoran Suharti dan makan disana, dan waktu sampe disana ada banyak bis dan mobil yang parkir disana. Kita mesti nunggu 1 jam sampe makanannya sampe di meja kita... :( Habis itu aku pulang deh ke rumah...
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