Yea, as you can read at my previous entry, last weekend I went to this year's Temu Akrab (TA). It was my third TA I had during my college years this far, haha.
Anyway, after having a really tiring Saturday (a typical one this semester, with lectures going NON-STOP from 8 AM till 3 PM ++), I went back to my boarding house and prepared everything I needed for the TA. Then, at about 3.45 PM I went to the bus-stop in front of Unpar to pick some other friends. At 4 PM, we departed.
At about 5.30 PM we arrived at the villa. After satisfying the narcistic drive inside most people (LOL), at 6 PM the TA was opened with four outdoor games. Seven PM was dinner time. After having dinner for about one hour we had a gift exhange time. I was lucky to get a tasty snack while my friend got a : dish washing foam (I dunno the name for it tho, but it was the green and yellow foam we use when we do the dishes, haha), wkwkwkw.
Then, we gotta prepare for the class' performance. At first, my class was really blur with the theme. Some themes came up, we worked half thru on some of them but then we gotta dropped them since they were not 'attracting'. In the end, we agreed on one theme, a parody of 'Termehek-mehek' show on Tr**s TV. Of course to support the Vote for Earth, we turned off some lights and electronic devices at 8.30 PM. Then, it was show time. Of course, as the tradition, the show started with the youngest class, this year, it's class of 2008. Then it was 2007's, then us. Overall it went well but there were so many improvisation which showed the narcictic drive (LOL) on some friends, LOL. Then it was 2005's and after that it was barbeque time, haha... . After that it was a free time and it already was about 1 AM. After having a long Saturday, I was really exhausted that I opted to sleep. I kinda struggled a bit to sleep but eventually I did.
On Sunday (the 2nd day), I got up at 6 AM. Then I took a shower and had breakfast. After that we prepared for the Amazing Race game (sure, I came up with this idea, wahahaha). All participants were divided into four groups and they gotta 'race' like on TAR where they gotta follow clues to receive the next one. During the 'race', there were some tasks (games). I was responsible for the starting line and the pitstop (where there was a Roadblock before I could check them in, haha). The race started at 8.30 AM and the last group checked in at about 10.45 AM. After that it was kinda a free time and I took a nap for a while, haha. At 12 PM we had lunch and after that the TA ended.
At 2 PM we left the villa. It was raining really hard that I could say that Setiabudi Street was not a 'street' anymore but a 'river', LOL. All part pf the road was flooded with water, and the water cascaded really fast, it was like a stream. Anyway, then at 3 PM I arrived at my boarding house. That's pretty much my last weekend, haha, so tiring but fun.
Ya, seperti yang bisa dibaca pada posting sebelumnya, wiken kemarin aku ikutan Temu Akrab (TA). Itu adalah TA ketiga yang telah aku ikuti selama aku kuliah sejauh ini, haha.
Ngomong2, habis menjalani Sabtu yang sangat melelahkan (tipikal Sabtu sih semester ini, dengan kuliah NON-STOP dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 3 sore ++), aku balik ke kos dan siap2 segala hal untuk TA. Trus, jam 3.45an sore aku pergi ke halte bus depan Unpar untuk menjemput beberapa teman. Jam 4 sore kita berangkat.
Sekitar jam 5.30 sore kita tiba di villa. Setelah memuaskan hasrat narsis di dalam diri beberapa orang (LOL), sekitar jam 6 sore TA dibuka dengan game outdoor. Jam 7 adalah waktu makan malam. Habis makan malam selama sekitar sejam, tibalah waktu tukar kado. Aku beruntung dapet snack yang enak, nah daripada temenku yang dapet busa cuci piring (aku gatau namanya neh, tapi yang itu lho, yang busa berwarna hijau dan kuning yang dipake untuk mencuci piring, haha), wkwkwkw.
Trus, kita harus mempersiapakan acara angkatan. Pertamanya, angkatanku agak gak jelas dengan tema. Beberapa tema muncul, kita trus merancang beberapa acara dengan beberapa tema tetapi kemudian dibatalkan karena kurang 'menarik'. Pada akhirnya, kita setuju dengan satu tema, parodi dari acara 'Termehek-mehek' di Tr**s TV. Tentu saja dong untuk mendukung Vote for Earth, kita mematikan beberapa lampu dan alat elektronik jam 8.30 malam. Trus, akhirnya waktu tampil tiba. Sesuai tradisi, tentu saja yang tampil duluan ya angkatan yang termuda, yaitu angkatan 2008. Kemudian angkatan 2007 dan kemudian kita. Secara keseluruhan berjalan baik walau banyak improvisasi yang menunjukkan hasrat narsis di dalam diri beberapa teman (LOL). Trus giliran angkatan 2005 dan kemudian adalah waktu barbeku, haha... . Habis itu adalah waktu bebas dan itu sudah jam 1 pagi. Yah, habis menjalani Sabtu yang panjang, aku capek banget dan memilih untuk tidur saja. Agak susah tidur juga sih tapi akhirnya bisa tidur.
Hari Minggu (hari kedua), aku bangun jam 6 pagi. Trus tentu saja mandi dan sarapan. Habis itu aku ikutan mempersiapkan game Amazing Race (yup, tentu saja aku yang datang dengan ide ini, wahahaha). Semua peserta dibagi ke dalam empat grup dan mereka harus nge-'race' kaya di TAR gitu dengan mengikuti petunjuk untuk mendapat petunjuk selanjutnya. Selama 'race' berjalan, ada beberapa tugas (games). Aku bertanggung-jawab terhadap garis mulai dan pitstop (dimana ada Roadblock dulu sebelum aku bisa memasukkan mereka ke villa, haha). Race mulai jam 8.30 pagi dan tim terakhir beres jam 10.45an pagi. Habis itu ya semacam waktu bebas dah dan aku istirahat bentar, haha. Jam 12 siang kita makan siang dan setelah itu TA berakhir.
Jam 2 siang kami meninggalkan villa. Waktu itu sedang hujan sangat deras sampai aku bisa mengatakan kalau Jalan Setiabudi bukan 'jalan' lagi tapi 'sungai', LOL. Seluruh bagian jalannya terendam air dan airnya mengalir dengan deras juga loh. Sekitar jam 3 sore akhirnya sampai di kos juga. Yah, itulah kurang lebih wikenku kemarin, haha, sangat melelahkan tapi asik juga.
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