Thursday, March 19, 2009

#686 - Midterm is Over!!


Yeah, finally today my midterm this semester is officially over!! huahahaha... .This morning I had my sixth (last) test, Partial Differential Equation. Anyway, because now it's over, now I'm on the second long weekend of these two weeks, haha... :) I'm off on Friday till Monday, getting back to campus on Tuesday which I suspect will be another off day, but we will see, haha...

Anyway, watching the top 11 week of American Idol, I like the theme, Country, haha. My top three this week were Kris Allen, Matt Giraud, and Anoop Desai. Good for Anoop, he proved himself for deserving a spot in the top 13, haha. Then, my bottom three were Allison Iraheta, Scott MacIntyre, and Alexis Grace. I dunno why many people praise Scott MacIntyre since I still believe he is NOT that good!! This week, he, again, showed a really standard performance. Maybe people voting for him because of his blindness? Hmm... .

Then, the real bottom three were Allison Iraheta, Michael Sarver, and Alexis Grace. Well, I'm really fine with this bottom three, haha. In fact, Michael was in my bottom four. In the end, Alexis Grace got voted off and not being saved by the judges. Well, yes, just based on this week, Alexis Grace was the weakest. However, looking for their whole performance since the semifinal, I think she deserved another chance. Maybe the judges were saving their 'SAVE' for another contestant considering there are still six more weeks ahead tho.

Well, so far, despite hating the system on the semifinal, I find this season of American Idol is one of the most exciting seasons ever!! There are many great contestants, not just two or three or four just like some previous seasons. I also like the diversity of contestants. Plus, I also like the themes so far, haha. Next week the theme is gonnabe Motown.

::: top 10


Yeah, akhirnya hari ini UTSku semester ini secara resmi berakhir sudah!! huahahaha... . Pagi tadi aku ada ujian yang keenam (terakhir), yaitu Persamaan Diferensial Parsial. Ngomong2, karena udah beres ni, jadi sekarang aku berada di long wiken kedua dalam dua minggu ini loh, haha... :) Aku akan libur besok Jumat sampai Senin, dan balik ke kampus hari Selasa yang aku curiga sih akan menjadi hari kosong juga, tapi liat ntar lah, haha...

Ngomong2, nonton minggu top 11 dari American Idol, aku suka temanya neh, Country, haha. Tiga teratasku minggu ini adalah Kris Allen, Matt Giraud, dan Anoop Desai. Bagus untuk Anoop, dia membuktikan bahwa dia layak mendapat tempat di top 13, haha. Trus, tiga terbawahku adalah Allison Iraheta, Scott MacIntyre, dan Alexis Grace. Gatau kenapa koq banyak ya yang memuji Scott MacIntyre padahal aku rasa dia NGGAK sebagus itu lho, biasa aja!! Minggu ini dia, lagi, menampilkan penampilan sangat biasa. Mungkinkah orang mendukung dia karena kebutaannya? Hmm... .

Trus, tiga terbawah yang beneran adalah Allison Iraheta, Michael Sarver, dan Alexis Grace. Hmm, aku sih fine-fine saja dengan tiga terbawah ini, haha. Malah, Michael ada di empat terbawahku koq. Akhirnya, Alexis Grace lah yang tereliminasi dan tidak diselamatkan oleh juri. Yah, kalau hanya berdasarkan penampilan minggu ini, Alexis Grace memang yang terlemah sih. Namun, kalau melihat penampilan secara keseluruhan dari semifinal, dia sebenernya berhak bertahan lho. Mungkin jurinya menyimpan 'SAVE' mereka untuk kontestan lain kali ya mengingat masih ada enam minggu ke depan.

Hmm, sejauh ini, walau sangat gak suka sama sistem di semifinalnya, aku rasa American Idol tahun ini adalah salah satu season yang paling keren dan menarik deh!! Ada banyak tuh kontestan2 yang bagus dan sangat beragam. Nggak cuma dua atau tiga atau empat kaya di musim2 sebelumnya kan. Plus, aku juga suka tema2nya sejauh ini, haha. Minggu depan temanya adalah Motown.

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