Sunday, March 08, 2009

#680 - When the Week is Over


Finally, I have gone thru this last week before midterm. The midterm will start on Tuesday (Monday is a national holiday) tho, with Real Analysis became the first tested subject. I like the fact that next Monday is a national holiday since that gives me more time to rest, haha

Anyway, not like the other semesters where I usually don't really like when the midterm (or final exams) comes, I kinda like it this time. Why? Well, because now it means that I can get free temporarily from the weekly assignments and of course weekly presentation on Seminar, haha... . A good break is what I think I need, hmmm... .

Now I'm just staying late again, kinda a habit every weekend this semester, hmmm


Akhirnya, satu minggu terakhir sebelum UTS ini terlewati sudah. UTS akan dimulai besok Selasa (soalnya Senin kan tanggal merah), dengan Analisis Real menjadi materi ujian pertama. Fakta bahwa Senin besok adalah tanggal merah bener2 membuatku lumayan senang deh soalnya jadi ada waktu istirahat tambahan, haha

Ngomong2, ga kaya semester2 lain yang aku ga gitu suka kalo waktu UTS (atau UAS) tiba, agak berbeda deh kali ini. Yah, ini cuma karena di masa UTS ini aku dapat libur sementara dari tugas2 mingguan dan tentu saja presentasi mingguan dari Seminar, haha... . Rasanya liburan adalah hal yg aku butuhkan kini, hmmm... .

Nah sekarang begadang lagi ne, uda jadi kaya kebiasaan saban wiken dah, hmmm

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