Yeah, I just passed thru one exam today and that made me now in a long weekend, huahahaha... . My next exam is gonnabe held next Monday, so now I have a 2.5 days off, pretty good, haha. Anyway, I think I did well on today's exam, Abstract Algebra. There were TEN questions (damn, TEN guys, TEN!!) and I finished them right on the clock. When I finished my last answer, the time was up, haha... . Now I have passed three exams (out of six) and I think I did pretty well.
Anyway, last Wednesday my friends and I hanged out. We first went to BSM to play bowling there. I finally accomplished one target there, scoring 105 (my target for that time was 100 since I hadn't played for a while). Then, we went karaokeing, haha... . After that we had dinner at a Mie Djowo Restaurant. It was okay I think, and not really cheap.
Anyway, yesterday I watched the Result Show of American Idol, and Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nunez were eliminated. Yea, they were not really good this week. Anyway, apparently the new twist is 'judges save', where the judges could save one contestant from being eliminated should that contestant got the lowest number of votes that week. By doing that, there will be no elimination that week and as a result, the following week will be another Double Elimination Week (DEL). The judges can only execute this once during the whole show, and before the top 5. Well, this new twist makes the judges's roles is not only judging, but also 'playing' on the show. See? They have one shot to save one contestant and they gotta use it on the right time, haha... . Just like on a strategic game.
Anyway, I kinda disagree with the backgrounds why this new twist came up. Ryan Seacrest said Tamyra Gray, Michael Johns, Jennifer Hudson, and Chris Daughtry were eliminated too soon, and therefore this twist was raised. FYI, Tamyra Gray and Chris Daughtry were voted off in the top 4. So, had this twist already existed that time, they would still have gone since it was the top 4 and the judges couldn't use the save anymore, rite?
I also really hate that the bottom three (or four) were not revealed. Yes, this week Ryan asked Megan Joy and Anoop Desai to go to the center of the stage also, but they were not claimed to be in the bottom four. It's just like he randomly picked another two to accompany Jasmine and Jorge. I think it would have been A LOT better when they revealed who the bottom three (or four) were. All the things he said about Megan and Anoop were very neutral (no even implicit message they were the bottom four). I hope next show they will reveal it.
O yea, I like Kelly Clarkson's song which she sang during The Result Show, haha...
Yeah, aku baru saja melewati ujian hari ini dan ini membuatku berada di long wiken neh, huahahaa... . Ujianku selanjutnya adalah hari Senin besok, makanya aku jadi ada 2,5 hari off neh, lumayan lah, haha. Ngomong2, kayanya aku bisa sih di ujian hari ini, Struktur Aljabar. Ada SEPULUH soal (sial, iya saudara2, SEPULUH!!) dan aku menyelesaikannya tepat waktu. Ketika aku tepat menyelesaikan soal terakhir, eh pas waktunya habis, haha... . Sekarang aku sudah melewati tiga ujian neh (dari enam) dan rasanya bisa sih.
Ngomong2, Rabu kemarin aku dan teman2 jalan2. Pertamanya kita ke BSM untuk main bowling. Aku mencapai target loh disana, mencapai skor 105 (targetku kemarin adalah cuma 100 soalnya kan udah lama kaga main). Trus kira karaokean deh, haha... . Habis itu kita makan malam di Restoran Mie Djowo gitu. Rasanya lumayan seh, tapi gak murah juga.
Ngomong2, kemarin aku nonton Result Show dari American Idol, dan Jasmine Murray dan Jorge Nunez tereliminasi. Yea, mereka memang gak terlalu bagus seh minggu ini. Ngomong2, ternyata twist barunya adalah 'judges save', dimana juri bisa menyelamatkan satu kontestan dari eliminasi ketika tuh kontestan mendapat suara terendah di suatu minggu. Dengan melakukannya, tidak akan ada eliminasi malam itu dan sebagai hasilnya, minggu selanjutnya adalah Minggu Eliminasi Ganda (MEG). Juri hanya bisa melakukan ini sekali sepanjang show dan sebelum 5 besar. Hmm, twist baru ini membuat posisi juri tidak hanya sebatas juri, tapi juga 'memainkan' kompetisi ini. Ya kan? Kaya memiliki satu kesempatan menyelamatkan kontestan dan harus dipake di waktu yang tepat, haha... . Kaya di game2 strategi tuh.
Ngomong2, aku agak gak setuju sama alasan koq twist baru ini muncul. Ryan Seacrest bilang kalo Tamyra Gray, Michael Johns, Jennifer Hudson, dan Chris Daughtry tereliminasi terlalu cepat, makanya twist ini muncul. FYI, Tamyra Gray dan Chris Daughtry tereliminasi di 4 besar. Makanya andai waktu itu pun udah ada twist ini, mereka tetap akan tereliminasi kan lha soalnya udah 4 besar dan juri kan kaga akan bisa memakai tuh save lagi.
Aku juga benci banget soalnya tiga (atau empat) terbawahnya tidak disebutkan. Ya, minggu ini memang Ryan meminta Megan Joy dan Anoop Desai untuk juga maju ke tengah panggung menemani Jasmine dan Jorge, tapi mereka tidak sekali pun dikatakan sebagai empat terendah lho. Makanya kesannya jadi dia kaya ngambil secara acak aja dua kontestan untuk menemani Jasmine dan Jorge. Akau JAUH SEKALI lebih baik jika mereka menyebutkan siapa sih yang di tiga (atau empat) terendah. Semua yang mereka sebutkan tentang Megan dan Anoop kemarin tuh sangat netral (malah pesan terselubung kalo mereka di empat terendah pun tidak ada). Mudah2an mulai minggu depan akan mereka umumkan.
Oya, aku suka neh sama lagunya Kelly Clarkson yang dinyanyikannya pas Result Show, haha...
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