Well, nothing special happened this weekend, haha... . It's just another weekend.
Anyway, one picture I took on my last vacation 'got' me, wkwkwkw... . The picture is this one, haha... . Well, yesterday I saw that photo and suddenly I wanted to eat 'kue bandung', wkwkwkwkw... . So, I browsed what 'kue bandung' is called in Bandung, and Sheilla was right, it's called 'martabak manis (sweet pancakes)' here. So, I then bought a 'martabak manis' at Jenderal Soedirman, haha... .
Today I had dinner at Gudeg Banda, because of suggestion from some friends and relatives, hahaha... . Hmm, it was pretty good actually, hehe... . Then I went to BIP to go to Hypermart. Well, I now realize that Hypermart is slightly more expensive than Super Indo, hmmm...
Arrgghh, tomorrow is gonnabe a looong day
Anyway, let's compare one this year's front-runners on American Idol, David Archuleta and a contestant from season 4, Jessica Sierra when both of them sang 'Shop Around'. Which one fo you prefer? Look at the videos below
::: martabak manis (sweet pancakes)
::: my meal at Gudeg Banda this evening
Jessica Sierra:
David Archuleta:
Hmm, nggak ada yang spesial sih wiken ini, haha... . Cuma wiken biasa yang lain.
Ngomong2, satu gambar yang aku ambil liburan kemarin malah 'menjebak' saya neh, wkwkwkw... . Gambarnya tuh yang ini, haha... . Hmm, jadi kemarin tu aku kan liat foto yang itu dan tau2 saya jadi pengen makan 'kue bandung', wkwkwkwkw... . Jadi, aku nyari deh apa sih istilah dari 'kue bandung' di Bandung, dan ternyata Sheilla bener, istilahnya disini itu 'martabak manis' disini. Makanya kemarin trus aku beli sebuah 'martabak manis' di Jenderal Soedirman.
Hari ini aku makan malam di Gudeg Banda, karena beberapa saran dari beberapa temen dan kerabat, hahaha... . Hmmm, lumayan enak loh sebenernya, hehe... . Trus aku pergi ke BIP untuk pergi ke Hypermart-nya. Wah, baru sadar saya sekarang kalo ternyata Hypermart itu sedikit lebih mahal daripada Super Indo, hmmm...
Arrgghh, besok akan jadi hari yang panjaaang
Ngomong2, mari kita bandingkan salah satu unggulan tahun ini di American Idol, David Archuleta dengan seorang kontestan dari season 4, Jessica Sierra ketika keduanya nyanyiin lagu 'Shop Around'. Pada lebih suka yang mana nih? Lihat deh videonya di atas.
Wah, this week I got the result of some midterms. Well, one of them is a bit shocking. I think I was having a low pointat that time and I'm not really confident with my answer. One detail about my answer (that I didn't write at that entry) is that it was a bit messy. I mean, I had written something then I realized it was wrong so I crossed it and then wrote the seemingly correct in a new part of the paper, and so on. So it was a bit messy, hahaha... . Guess what? I got 87 (eighty-seven) for that exam!! Waaaaa!!!! wkwkwkwkw... lol. It is exceeding my expectation. Thanks God!! haha...
Anyway, yesterday I watched the Result Show of American Idol top 10. The final bottom three: Chikezie, Syesha Mercado, and Jason Castro. Wah, I think this bottom three is correct, eventho I still think Syesha could be replaced by Ramiele. First, Ryan saved Jason (well, many people must like it but I don't, haha... . I NEVER like Jason Castro, I dunno why). Then, Ryan said Syesha was safe, so Chikezie is going home this week. Well, I think it's a good result, hahaha.... . Well, next week there will be a mentor and the mentor is Dolly Parton. So many guess it will be a country week, hmmm.... . Good for Kristy, hehehe
Anyway, Star World now airs a gameshow called 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?'. I think it's so interesting, hehe... ;) Eventho it's not really applicable for Indonesian watcher (since what Indonesian got in elementary school is different with what American got, hehe... :D). Tonight a new game show called 'Unan1mous' is gonnabe premiered. I'm interested on its ad so we will see...
::: American Idol 2008 Top 10. Up Row, left to right: Kristy Lee Cook, Jason Castro, Ramiele Malubay, Michael Johns, and Syesha Mercado. Bottom Row, left to right: David Cook, David Archuleta, Carly Smithson, Brooke White, and Chikezie
::: Bottom Three this week: Chikezie, Syesha Mercado, and Jason Castro.
::: "Syesha, you are safe"
Wah, minggu ini kan aku dapet beberapa hasil dari UTS tuh. Hmm, salah satunya bener2 mengejutkan deh. Aku rasa kan aku mengalami suatu low point (titik terendah)pada waktu inidan aku nggak gitu yakin sama jawaban saya. Satu detail tentang jawabanku (yang nggak aku tulis di posting itu) adalah kalo berantakan deh. Maksudnya tuh, misalnya aku uda nulis sesuatu tapi aku trus sadar kalo itu salah, ya udah trus aku coret aja dan nulis lagi yg kayanya bener di bagian lain kertas jawabannya, dan selanjutnya. Makanya jadi rada berantakan dah, hahaha... . Dan bagaimana? Ternyata aku dapat 87 (delapan puluh tujuh) tuh untuk ujian itu!! Waaaaaa!!!!! wkwkwkwkw... lol. Bener2 melebihi perkiraanku dah. Terima Kasih Tuhan!! haha...
Ngomong2, kemarin aku nonton Result Show dari American Idol 10 besar. Tiga terbawahnya: Chikezie, Syesha Mercado, dan Jason Castro. Wah, aku rasa tiga terbawah ini bener koq, walau aku masih berpikir Syesha bisa ditukar dengan Ramiele. Pertama2 Ryan menyelamatkan Jason (hmm, banyak orang pasti senang tapi aku nggak, haha... . Aku NGGAK PERNAH suka Jason Castro, gatau deh napa). Trus Ryan bilang Syesha aman jadinya Chikezie pulang minggu ini. Hmm, aku rasa ini hasil yang ok, hahaha.... . Hmm, minggu depan akan ada mentor dan mentornya itu Dolly Parton. Makanya banyak yang menduga tema minggu depan adalah country, hmmm.... . Bagus deh untuk Kristy, hehehe
Ngomong2, Star World kan sekarang menayangkan kuis berjudul 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?' tuh. Aku rasa kuis ini lumayan menarik dah, hehe... ;) Walau rada nggak aplikatif kalo diterapkan untuk penonton Indonesia (lha kan orang Indonesia tu pelajaran yang didapat di SD berbeda dengan apa yang didapat oleh orang Amerika kan, hehe... :D). Malam ini akan ada kuis lagi tu yang mulai dimainin judulnya 'Unan1mous'. Hmmm, aku lumayan tertarik sama iklannya tuh jadi lihat nanti deh...
Holiday is over. Yesterday I went back to Bandung via Jakarta. I caught Garuda Indonesia GA 209 flight from Jogjakarta. So, at 12.30 PM I went to Adisucipto Airport and tried the 'Blue Sky' Executive Lounge there (I have a credit card which can be used at that lounge so it's free, wkwkwkw.... lol). Well, since the lounge is on the east part of the airport when normally the aircrafts are parked on the west side of the airport, I asked the employee there how we would proceed to the aircraft. Apparently, we would NOT walk, wkwkwkw, we would ride a special car to go to the aircraft, wakakaka... . Well, for me, that lounge is the best lounge (out of three executive lounges) at Adisucipto Airport.
At 1.20 PM Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-3Q8 PK-GHS flight number GA 208 arrived from Jakarta. Anyway, I know that PK-GHS was previously operated by Citilink, but since Citilink is temporarily closed now, then now it's operated by Garuda, hmmm... . Then, at 1.50 PM we boarded the aircraft. So I went to the gate and got in the car, wkwkww... . We (me and 2 other people (they traveled on executive class, while I was on economy)) were brought directly to the aircraft.
At 2.10 PM my flight GA 209 took off from runway 09 Adisucipto Airport. At 3.00 PM we landed at runway 07 L Soekarno-Hatta Airport Jakarta. Well, it was my first time landing at runway 07 (so we passed the airport first, then made a u-turn, then landed) at Jakarta. Usually, we always landed at runway 25, hmmm... . Anyway, there was a weird thing. After the aircraft stopped at gate F1 Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The air-steward didn't get the code to open the door for about 10 minutes! Wah, even she was confused. It was so weird. The plane had stopped, but the jetway wasn't moved to the door. Hmmm... . Then, my travel was late! Arrgghh, so I left the airport at about 4.30 PM. Plus, there was also a traffic jam in Jakarta, shoot, haha... .
Anyway, I just watched the top 10 performance of American Idol. My top three: - David Cook - Michael Johns (he finally picked a (or two? wkwkwkw) great song(s) for him!! :D) - Carly Smithson.
My bottom three: - Ramiele Malubay - Chikezie - Jason Castro.
Hmmm.... . Kristy Lee Cook was smart, picking 'God Bless The USA' song, haha... . And her performance was her best so far, hmmm... . David Cook was amazing, changing Michael Jackson's song like that and it worked, wow... . I think Carly is the best female contestant this week but I still prefer Jessica Sierra's (season 4) version of that song (Total Eclipse Of The Heart), hmmm.... . Maybe Chikezie is out this week, hmmm....
::: one spot at 'Blue Sky' Executive Lounge
::: another spot at 'Blue Sky' Executive Lounge
::: my boarding pass and ticket
::: Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-3Q8 PK-GHS taxiing after landing from Jakarta
::: Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-3Q8 PK-GHS flight no GA 209 was ready to fly to Jakarta
::: Inside Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-3Q8 PK-GHS flight no GA 209
::: you can see EIGHT Adam Air's aircrafts grounded at Soekarno-Hatta Airport
::: one spot at Soekarno-Hatta Airport
::: Visit Indonesia 2008
Liburan selesai sudah. Kemarin aku balik ke Bandung via Jakarta. Aku naik Garuda Indonesia penerbangan GA 209 dari Jogjakarta. Jadi, jam 12.30 siang aku pergi ke Bandara Adisucipto dan sekalian deh nyoba lounge eksekutif 'Blue Sky' disana (aku kan ada kartu kredit yang bisa dipake di lounge itu, jadinya kan gratis, wkwkwkw.... lol). Hmm, karena lounge-nya ada di bagian timur airport dan biasanya pesawat2 kan parkirnya di sebelah barat tuh, aku nanya aja sama pegawainya nanti gimana tu kalo udah waktunya boarding. Ternyata, kita TIDAK akan jalan, wkwkwkw, tapi nanti akan dianter pake mobil khusus gitu langsung ke pesawatnya, wakakaka... . Hmm, untuk aku lounge yang ini tuh lounge terbaik deh (dari 3 lounge eksekutif) di Bandara Adisucipto.
Jam 1.20 siang pesawat Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-3Q8 PK-GHS penerbangan GA 208 mendarat dari Jakarta. Ngomong2, aku tau sih kalo PK-GHS itu dulunya dioperasikan sama Citilink, tapi kan sekarang Citilink lagi ga beroperasi sementara tuh, makanya sekarang dioperasikan dulu sama Garuda, hmmm... . Trus jam 1.50 waktunya boarding deh. Jadi aku ke gate-nya dan naik mobil yang nganter deh, wkwkwkw... . Kita (saya dan 2 orang lain (mereka naik kelas eksekutif tuh, aku sih naiknya ekonomi)) dianter deh ke pesawat langsung.
Jam 2.10 siang penerbanganku GA 209 lepas landas dari runway 09 Bandara Adisucipto. Jam 3 sore kita mendarat di runway 07 L Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta. Hmm, pertama kali tuh aku mendarat di runway 07 (jadi mesti ngelewati bandara dulu, muter balik, baru mendarat) di Jakarta. Biasanya sih kalo di Jakarta mendaratnya langsung di runway 25, hmmm... . Ngomong2, ada yang aneh tuh. Habis pesawatnya berhenti di gate F1 Bandara Soekarno Hatta, pramugarinya nggak dapet kode untuk membuka pintu pesawat lumayan lama tuh, sekitar 10 menit! Sampe pramugarinya aja juga heran. Aneh banget dah. Pesawatnya uda berhenti, tapi gabarata (jetway) nggak digerakkan ke dekat pintu. Hmmm... . Trus, travelku telat lagi! Arrgghh, akhirnya baru meninggalkan bandara jam 4.30 sore deh. Plus, di Jakartanya macet banget tuh, sial, haha... .
Ngomong2, baru aja nonton penampilan 10 besar American Idol nih. Tiga teratasku: - David Cook - Michael Johns (dia akhirnya memilih sebuah (ato 'dua'? wkwkwkw) lagu yang bagus banget untuk dia - Carly Smithson
dan tiga terbawahku: - Ramiele Malubay - Chikezie - Jason Castro
Hmmm... . Kristy Lee Cook pinter dah milih lagunya, 'God Bless The USA', haha... . Dan penampilannya adalah penampilannya terbaik sejauh ini, hmmm... . David Cook bagus, mengubah lagunya Michael Jackson sampe kaya gitu dan berhasil juga loh, wow... . Aku rasa Carly memang kontestan cewe terbaik minggu ini, tapi aku koq masih lebih suka versinya Jessica Sierra (season 4) yah nyanyi tuh lagu (Total Eclipse Of The Heart). Mungkin Chikezie yang out minggu ini, hmm....
Waaah, time flies!! Today is Monday, tomorrow I'm going back to Bandung via Jakarta, catching Garuda Indonesia GA 209 flight. Btw. I just found out (my mom told me) that actually Garuda has one 'unpublished' sub-class, the lowest one!! Waaa!! Up till now I always thought sub-class V (promotional sub-class which I often buy) is the lowest sub-class. Apparently, there's one lower sub-class than V, which is X. But if we take the X sub-class, we gotta really be sure with our traveling date and flight, otherwise we will be charged much higher (than if we buy V sub-class ticket and we want to change flight) and it's almost the same with buying another new ticket.
Anyway, yesterday morning my family and I went to the church, to celebrate Easter. The liturgy was so long, 1.5 hours!! Wah!! Then, we had breakfast at Soto Pak Parman at Kridosono. Then, I continued my sleep (at that time I had slept for only 4 hours... T-T ). In the evening, we had dinner at Tojoyo. While we were eating, there was a black out!! Wah!! It was about 15 minutes I think, pretty long. Then we went to Malioboro Mall. Later that evening I completed my assignment from campus.
This morning I got up at 9.30 AM. We had breakfast at Soto Gondolayu (across McD Soedirman Jogjakarta). Then, later that afternoon I accompanied my dad to try a warung soto and soup at Jalan Solo (pretty far, about 10 km from Jogja). One unique thing I was curious about (I learnt from the newspaper) was that they serve soup in coconut shells. Wah!! That's interesting. Then, we found it. Well, I think twas just okay, not that special, haha... . Because we were still pretty hungry so we went to Sabar Menanti Restaurant which is famous for its 'pecel lele' (catfish pecel). It was SOO hot and spicy!! Damn. I'm anti super-hot-and-spicy food, but actually twas tasty, hehehe... :) We also ordered dawet there. Then we went back home. Later this evening we went to Malioboro Mall and had dinner at a Japanese Restaurant there.
Btw, at Malioboro Mall, there was a black out today!! Waa!! hahaha, pretty silli since we encountered a black out at a mall. That was my second experience having a black out at a mall. The first one was at this time, 1.5 years ago, at Istana Plaza, Bandung. There was also a black out. Today the black out was about 1 - 2 minutes. Btw, by the time the electricity went out, actually at my store(Kassaya Malioboro Mall) there was a customer who was about to pay using Credit Card. Because of the black out, of course the card machine wasn't on. Lucky the customer was fine to wait for 1 minute, hahaha... . If she wasn't, wah, that's a bit sad since she bought a pretty expensive fragrance, hahaha...
::: martabak I bought yesterday
::: Soto Gondolayu (sorry, poor lighting)
::: ribs soup served in coconut shells
::: my meal at Sabar Menanti, 'pecel lele' (catfish pecel) and dawet
::: my meal at Malioboro Mall this evening
::: Kue Bandung I bought this evening
Waaah, waktu beneran terbang deh!! Hari ini adalah Senin, dan besok aku akan balik ke Bandung via Jakarta naik penerbangan Garuda Indonesia GA 209. Btw, aku baru tau loh (dikasi tau mamaku sih) kalo ternyata Garuda memiliki satu kelas yang 'nggak dipublikasikan', yaitu yang paling rendah!! Waaa!! Sampe tadi sih aku kira sub-kelas V (subkelas promosi yang biasanya aku beli) tuh yang paling murah. Ternyata ada 1 sub-kelas lagi yang lebih rendah dari V, yakni sub kelas X. Tapi kalo kita ngambil sub kelas X, kita harus yakin sama tanggal keberangkatan dan penerbangan kita sih, soale kalo nggak nanti kita harus bayar lebih mahal lagi (daripada kalo kita beli yang sub kelas V dan kita mau ganti penerbangan) dan itu hampir sama aja kalo kita beli tiket baru lagi.
Ngomong2, kemarin pagi aku sekeluarga pergi ke gereja, buat merayakan Paskah. Misa nya panjang juga tuh, 1,5 jam!! Wah!! Trus kita makan pagi di Soto Pak Parman di Kridosono. Trus, aku melanjutkan tidur saya (waktu itu aku uda tidur baru selama 4 jam... T-T). Sorenya, kita makan di Tojoyo. Sewaktu makan, lampunya mati!! Wah!! Selama 15 menit tuh kayanya, cukup lama koq. Trus kita pergi ke Malioboro Mall. Malemnya aku nyelesein tugas dari kampus.
Pagi tadi aku bangun jam 9.30. Kita makan pagi di Soto Gondolayu (seberangnya McD Soedirman Jogjakarta). Trus, siangnya aku nemeni papaku mencoba warung soto dan sop di Jalan Solo (lumayan jauh tuh, sekitar 10 km deh dari Jogja). Satu hal unik yang aku penasaran adalah (aku tau dari koran sih) mereka menyajikan sop-nya pake tempurung kelapa tuh. Wah!! Cukup menarik deh. Trus, tempatnya ketemu. Hmm, aku rasa biasa aja dah masakannya, nggak spesial, haha... . Karena masih lapar trus kita pergi ke Restoran Sabar Menanti yang terkenal dengan 'pecel lele'-nya. Masakannya BENERAN pedas banget dah!! Sialan. Aku kan nggak suka masakan yang pedas-pedas, tapi sebenernya masakannya enak loh, hehehe... :) Kita juga pesen dawet disana. Trus balik deh. Malemnya kita ke Malioboro Mall dan makan malam di sebuah Restoran Jepang.
Btw, di Malioboro Mall tadi mati lampu!! Waa!! Hahaha, lucu juga neh di mall mati lampu. Ini pengalaman kedua ku lho mengalami mati lampu di mall. Yang pertama tu waktu ini, 1,5 tahun lalu, di Istana Plaza di Bandung. Mati lampu juga tu. Mati lampunya sekitar 1 - 2 menit dah tadi. Btw, tadi pas mati lampu padahal di toko (Kassaya Malioboro Mall) lagi ada yang mau bayar pake Credit Card tuh. Gara2 mati lampu mesinnya kan mati. Untung pelanggan-nya mau nunggu bentar, hahaha... . Kalo ga kan sayang tu, dia beli parfum yg lumayan mahal soale, hahaha...
Last Thursday my parents' friends from Semarang came. Thursday evening (after watching The Result Show of American Idol for sure), we went to their hotel. They stayed at Melia Purosani. Then, at 9 PM we went to Royal Restaurant near the northern city plaza (Alun-Alun Utara). We first went to Ibu Ruswo Street, not knowing that there was a huge traffic jam near the plaza. Dang It. We gotta turn around and went thru the Main Post Office at Senopati Street. Arrrggghhh... . Then, after having dinner, we went back to the hotel at 10.30 PM. At 11.45 PM we went back home after chit-chatting
Friday afternoon, I went to the barbershop at Ambarrukmo Plaza to get my hair cut, haha... . Actually the original plan was gonnabe on Monday but somehow I changed it, hmmm... . Anyway, Jogja is so crowded these days!! Wah!! So many cars from another cities. There was a really long line to enter Ambarrukmo. Then, after having my hair cut, I had lunch at Mr Baso Ambarrukmo Plaza, hehe (sorry, no pic. I totally forgot, hehe). Later that evening my mom and I went to Galeria and took some pics of Kassaya Galeria and some products.
Today evening, my parents and I had dinner at Lie Djiong Restaurant (I bet from the name, you know what restaurant it is, hahaha... :D). We ordered Butter Sauce Pigeon, Flour-Fried Frogs, Kamar Bola (vegetables), and Ko Lo Kee. Then, we went to Malioboro Mall, just as usual
Anyway, Happy Easter Guys... :)
::: some of our meals at Royal Restaurant
::: narcist time (1)
::: narcist time (2)
::: Kassaya Galeria
::: chocolate
::: some of our meals at Lie Djiong Restaurant
::: my plate after having dinner at Lie Djiong, hahaha...
::: Happy Easter 2008!!
Yeah, aku suka sekali sama liburan, wkwkwkwkw....
Kamis kemarin temennya ortuku dari Semarang dateng. Kamis malam (tentunya habis nonton Result Show-nya American Idol), kita pergi ke hotelnya. Mereka nginep di Melia Purosani tuh. Trus jam 9 malem kita pergi ke Restaurant Royal di deketnya Alun-Alun Utara. Pertamanya kan kita lewat Jalan Ibu Ruswo tuh, nggak tau kalo ternyata macet banget pas dah deket alun-alunnya, sialan. Kita mesti muter balik dan pergi lewat Kantor Pos Utama di Jalan Senopati. Arrrggghhh... . Trus habis makan malam kita balik deh ke hotelnya jam 10.30 malem. Jam 11.45 malem kita balik ke rumah habis pada ngobrol2.
Jumat siang, aku pergi ke salon di Ambarrukmo Plaza buat potong rambut, haha... . Sebenernya rencana awalnya sih hari Senin besok tapi gatau napa akhirnya kemarin dirubah deh, hmmm... . Ngomong2, Jogja beneran rame banget dah!! Wah!! Banyak banget mobil tuh dari luar kota. Ada antrian yang panjaang bgt buat masuk Ambarrukmo. Trus, habis potong rambut aku makan siang di Mr Baso Ambarrukmo Plaza, hehe (sorry, ga ada gambarnya ey, kemarin beneran kelupaan, hehe). Sorenya, aku nemeni mamaku pergi ke Galeria dan sekalian deh foto Kassaya Galeria dan beberapa produk.
Sore tadi aku sama ortuku makan malam di Restoran Lie Djiong (aku yakin deh dari namanya aja pada tau dong restoran apa, hahaha... ;D). Kita pesen Burung Dara Saus Mentega, Kodok Goreng Tepung, Kamar Bola (sayur2an gitu), dan Ko Loo Kee. Trus kita ke Malioboro Mall, kaya biasa deh
First of all, this is entry number 500!! It was this time it reached the number 400 (about 6.5 months ago). It means in average there were about 15.38 entries per-month, ha3... . Then, this morning the number of visitors of my blog reached 70,000!! Wah!! It was this time when it reached 60,000 (4 months ago). So, in average there were 2,500 visitors per month. Thanks for the support (I will write a similar entry when the number reached 80,000), huehehehe... :D
Yeah, finally yesterday officially my midterm ended!! Yeeaaahhh!!! :)
Anyway, yesterday I watched the top 11 show of American Idol. The theme was again, The Beatles. I think this is weird and corny since now we had 2 consecutive weeks with the same theme!! Wah... . I prefer different theme tho, hmmm... . Anyway, finally, David Archuleta was back!! Hehe... . My top two: David Archuleta and Syesha Mercado. Many other were just okay. My bottom three: Amanda Overmyer, Kristy Lee Cook, and Chikezie.
Now I just watched the Result Show and guess what?? The bottom three were: Carly Smithson (WHAT??? Yea, she was okay this week, but not that bad to be in the bottom three, hmmm...), Kristy Lee Cook (no surprise... T.T), and Amanda Overmyer. First, Ryan saved Carly (good choice). Then, he said: "Kristy, you are safe for another week!". Yeaah, my Kristy is now on the top 10, wkwkwkw... . That means, Amanda got voted off this week. Hmmm, I personally never really like Amanda Overmyer and her elimination is not a big deal for me...
Anyway, this morning I went back to Jogjakarta catching Argo Wilis Express. It departed at 7 AM and was scheduled to arrive at 2 PM. This morning I wanted to have breakfast at Hoka-Hoka Bento but it hadn't opened yet when I was there, dang!! :( So, I gotta deal with my hunger during the trip, haha... (I didn't really wanna buy food on train, hmmm). Then, the train arrived at Jogjakarta Tugu Railway Station at 1.45 PM!! Wah, it was 15 minutes earlier than the schedule!! Wah!! Nice Job!! hehehe.... ;)
::: 70,000!!
::: Bottom Three this week: Kristy Lee Cook, Carly Smithson, and Amanda Overmyer
::: Inside Argo Wilis Executive 4 Cart
::: A fascinating scenery about 1 hour after we left Bandung
::: Argo Wilis Express
::: Soto Sawah, 5 minutes before Jogjakarta
Pertama-tama, ini adalah posting nomor 500!! Padahal pada waktu ininih nomernya mencapai angka 400 (sekitar 6,5 bulan yang lalu). Berarti secara rata-rata dalam sebulan ada 15,38 postingan deh, haha... . Trus, pagi tadi jumlah pengunjung blogku mencapai 70.000!! Wah!! Terakhir tuh waktu ini ketika jumlahnya mencapai angka 60.000 (4 bulan yang lalu). Jadi di rata-rata ada 2.500 pengunjung deh tiap bulan. Thanks yah atas dukungannya (aku bakal nulis hal yg mirip lagi deh waktu jumlahnya mencapai 80.000), huehehehe... :D
Yeah, akhirnya kemarin secara resmi UTS-ku selesai!! Yeeaaahhh!!! :)
Ngomong2, kemarin aku nonton show 11 besar dari American Idol. Temanya sekali lagi, The Beatles. Aku rasa ini aneh dan norak lah kita punya 2 minggu berturutan temanya sama!! Wah... . Aku sih lebih suka kalo temanya berbeda, hmmm... . Ngomong2, akhirnya David Archuleta balik lagi tuh!! Hehe... . Dua teratasku: David Archuleta dan Syesha Mercado. Kebanyakan lainnya biasa-biasa saja nanyinya. Tiga terbawahku: Amanda Overmyer, Kristy Lee Cook, dan Chikezie.
Sekarang baru aja nih nonton Result Show-nya dan bagaimana?? Tiga terbawahnya adalah: Carly Smithson (APA?? Yea, dia biasa saja minggu ini, tapi gak separah itu dah untuk masuk tiga terbawah, hmmm...), Kristy Lee Cook (nggak kaget... T.T), dan Amanda Overmyer. Pertama2 Ryan menyelamatkan Carly (pilihan bagus). Trus dia bilang: "Kristy, kamu aman untuk maju ke minggu depan (Kristy, you are safe for another week)!". Yeaah, Kristy-ku masuk 10 besar, wkwkwkw... . Itu berarti, Amanda tereliminasi minggu ini. Hmm, kalo aku pribadi sih, aku gak gitu suka sama Amanda Overmyer deh makanya tereliminasinya dia bukan suatu masalah untuk saya...
Ngomong2, pagi tadi aku balik ke Jogjakarta loh naik Kereta Cepat Argo Wilis. Berangkatnya jam 7 pagi dan jadwalnya sih sampe di Jogja jam 2 siang. Pagi tadi rencananya mau makan pagi di Hoka-Hoka Bento Stasiun tapi ternyata pas sampe sana belum buka ey, sial!! :( Jadi, aku harus berurusan dengan perasaan lapar dah selama perjalanan, haha... (aku ga gitu tertarik deh beli makanan di kereta, hmmm). Trus keretanya sampe di Stasiun Kereta Api Tugu Jogjakarta jam 1.45 siang!! Wah, kecepeten 15 menit tuh dari jadwal!! Wah!! Bagus deh tapinya!! hehehe... ;)
Yeah, now it's only one more to go until my exam week is officially over. Tomorrow I'm gonna have my last exam, Stochastic Process. Wish Me Luck, hehe... . Not like this time, I am not so worried about my last exam like that time tho, hehe
Anyway, yesterday I had my second to last exam, (Ordinary) Differential Equation. Probably yesterday was my best day since I did the exam really calmly and systematically. However, the questions were not that hard, but counting to get the answer was so hard. We were not allowed to use calculator (eventho if we were allowed it wouldn't have been so much different tho, hahaha). It was just super because we gotta multi-differentiate and multi-integrate some really long functions!! Wah!!! Grrr... . I think I did really well overall, I dun care whether I got the answer right or not, but I finished it and I think I did really well since I really concentrate on the exam, hahaha. So, the chance my answers were right is pretty big.
Last Friday and Saturday I had two MKU-s exams. Both were a 1 hour exam. On Pancasila, we got 4 essay questions. I think I nailed it since I studied before, haha... . On Ethics, we got 3 compulsory questions and 12 optional questions (we gotta pick 3 our of 12). Our compulsory questions were based on a really long article!! Waa!! We only had 1 hour, we had 6 questions (essay questions) to finish and we also gotta read that article first? Shoot. Ethics Exam was so different with Pancasila's exam where in Pancasila some people got out of the room just in 30 minutes, haha...
Anyway, this might be my last entry before homecoming next Thursday, hehehe.... .
Btw, I read an article in today's newspaper saying that starting next Thursday, Adam Air is gonna cease operation temporarily. Hmmm... . Just few days ago, another Adam Air's aircraft (Boeing 737-400 PK-KKT) encountered a hard landing upon landing at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam. Hmmmm... . Then 50 percent of its stakes were bailed out, hmm.... . Apparently Adam Air's encountering a financial problem these days. Wah, it's a surprising news since I thought Adam Air is one of the most successful low-cost-carrier in Indonesia (along with many bad reports about it). Hmmm....
Yeah, sekarang tinggal satu lagi sampe minggu UTS saya selesai. Besok aku akan menghadapi ujian terakhir, Proses Stokastik. Doakan saya yah, hehe... . Gak kaya waktu ini, aku nggak terlalu deg2an banget sama ujian terakhir saya kaya waktu itu, hehe
Ngomong2, kemarin aku ujian yg kedua terakhir, Persamaan Diferensial (Biasa). Mungkin kemarin adalah hari terbaik saya soale aku mengerjakan ujiannya dengan sangat tenang dan sistematis. Namun, soalnya sebenernya nggak terlalu susah2 amat tapi menghitungnya itu lho yang menjengkelkan. Kita nggak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator (nggak ngefek sih sebenernya kalaupun sebenernya boleh pake kalkulator, hahaha). SUsahnya tu karena kita mesti menurunkan dan mengintegralkan berkali-kali fungsi yang sangat panjang!! Wah!!! Grrr... . Aku rasa aku mengerjakan dengan baik sih secara keseluruhan, ga peduli deh jawabannya bener apa nggak, tapi aku selesai ngerjain dan aku rasa lumayan bagus soalnya aku bener2 konsentrasi dalam ujian, hahaha. Jadi kemungkinan jawabanku bener ya cukup besar.
Kemarin Jumat dan Sabtu aku ujian 2 MKU. Dua-duanya adalah ujian 1 jam. Di Pancasila ada 4 soal essay. Aku bisa juga sih kan udah belajar, haha... . Di Etika ada 3 soal wajib dan 12 soal pilihan (harus memilih 3 dari 12 itu). Soal wajibnya tu berdasarkan artikel yang sangat panjang!! Waa!! Kita cuma punya waktu 1 jam dan ada 6 soal yang harus dikerjakan (uraian) yang harus diselesaikan dan kita harus membaca artikel panjang dulu? Sial. Ujian Etika beda banget sama Pancasila dimana di Pancasila beberapa orang udah keluar dalam waktu 30 menit, haha... .
Ngomong2, ini mungkin posting terakhir saya sebelum mudik besok Kamis, hehehe.... .
Btw, aku baca di artikel tadi katanya mulai Kamis besok, Adam Air akan menghentikan sementara operasinya. Hmmm... . Beberapa hari lalu salah satu pesawatnya Adam Air (Boeing 737-400 PK-KKT) mendarat keras waktu mendarat di Bandara Hang Nadim, Batam. Hmmm... . Trus beberapa persen sahamnya ditarik deh, hmmm... . Ternyata Adam Air menghadapi krisis keuangan akhir2 ini. Wah, ini cukup mengejutkan soale aku kira Adam Air kan salah satu penerbangan termurah tersukses di Indonesia (bersama dengan banyak berita buruk tentangnya juga sih). Hmmm....
Yeah, three more to go before all midterms are passed, hahaha... . Yesterday I had a Numerical Method Labwork Midterm. Dang, on the 2nd problem of the programming, I just found the right method 10 minutes before the time was up! Shoot. Yea, I finished the program on time but I just didn't have the chance to check it, damn. I thought there were still some errors on some small syntaxes tho, but the logic of the program is I'm sure correct, haha... .
Anyway, yesterday I watched the Result Show of American Idol. The result was shocking!! The bottom three: - Syesha Mercado - Kristy Lee Cook - David Hernandez
Well, eventho I like Kristy Lee Cook so much, but from this composition, Kristy should go. Guess what? Ryan first saved Syesha. Ok, good choice. Syesha is a good singer. Then, he said: "Kristy, you are safe". Waaah!! What?? David Hernandez is the first to go from the Top 12?? Waaaa, that's a mistake. David Hernandez is a great singer!! Wah... . I hope it's not the rumor which somehow contributed to his elimination. Yea, he was not great this week, but overall he's good enough to survive elimination. Wah... . Hmmmm.... . Anyway, let's move on. I don't think Kristy's that dumb to murder another song of The Beatles next week (apparently next week's theme is still the same). I heard there was one song of The Beatles which was transformed to a country style by someone and it became a hit. Kristy should pick that song next week.
Anyway, similar with Mrs Mercury's entry, yesterday I also encountered a similar experience. I asked my lecturer what if I submit my assignment a bit late since I'm going back to Jogja (he's cruel, we gotta do an interview on a company and the assignment is due on 24th March 2008, while we have midterms until 19th March 2008. Note that 20th and 21st March are national holidays. There's no way any company will operate at those days (and also 22nd March since it's Saturday)). Since I'm going back to Bandung on 25th March 2008 and on 26th March (Wednesday) I'm going to my campus, I ask my lecturer what if I submit it on Wednesday. Guess what?? He didn't answer my question but explained the reason why he gave the assignment, the purpose, about our future in insurance world, etc, wkwkwkw... . After all the 'speech', I then asked again: "So, can I submit it a bit late?". He answered: "Yes, it's only you, rite? Not the whole class?". Wkwkwkwkwkwkw... . Why didn't he answer it like that on the first place?? LOL. However, there's still a bright side. I understand the assignment even more and it makes me easier in executing the task, haha...
::: The new stage of American Idol
::: Bottom Three this week, Syesha Mercado, David Hernandez, and Kristy Lee Cook
::: "Kristy, you are safe"
Yeah, tiga lagi nih sampe semua UTS saya terlewati, hahaha... . Kemarin aku Ujian Praktikum Metoda Numerik. Sialan nih, soal programming yang nomer 2, aku baru dapet ide metoda program-nya 10 menit sebelum waktunya habis! Sialan. Iya sih, aku bisa menyelesaikan programnya tepat waktu tapi aku kan jadi ga ada waktu untuk ngecek programnya, sial. Aku rasa masih ada beberapa error dalam sintaks tuh, tapi logika dari programnya aku yakin bener sih, haha... .
Ngomong2, kemarin aku nonton Result Show dari American Idol. Hasilnya mengejutkan!! Tiga terbawahnya: - Syesha Mercado - Kristy Lee Cook - David Hernandez
Well, walau aku suka bgt Kristy Lee Cook, tapi kalo dari komposisi ini, Kristy sih yg harus pergi. Dan bagaimana? Ryan pertama menyelamatkan Syesha. Ok, pilihan yang bagus. Syesha kan bagus juga tuh. Trus kemudian dia bilang: "Kristy, you are safe (Kristy, kamu aman)". Waaah!! Apa?? David Hernandez adalah kontestan pertama yang tereliminasi di Top 12?? Waaa, kesalahan tuh. David Hernandez kan sebenarnya bagus banget!! Wah... . Aku harap bukan isunya deh yang dikit banyak berkontribusi pada tereliminasinya dia. Ya, dia nggak bagus2 amat minggu ini tapi secara keseluruhan dia cukup baik lah untuk bertahan. Wah... . Hmmmm.... . Udahlah, lupakan saja. Aku rasa Kristy nggak setolol itu untuk akan membunuh satu lagu lain dari The Beatles minggu depan (ternyata temanya tetap loh minggu depan). Aku dengar ada tuh satu lagunya The Beatles yang diubah ke gaya country oleh seseorang dan menjadi hit. Kristy seharusnya mengambil lagu itu minggu depan.
Ngomong2, mirip sama postingnya Mrs. Mercury, kemarin aku juga mengalami pengalaman yang mirip loh. Aku nanya dosenku gimana kalo misalnya aku rada telat ngumpulin tugas soalnya aku balik ke Jogja (Waa, sadis juga dia soale kita harus mewawancara sebuah perusahaan dan tugasnya dikumpulin 24 Maret 2008. Padahal UTS kan sampe tanggal 19 Maret 2008 tuh. Padahal juga kan tanggal 20 sama 21 Maret itu tanggal merah. Nggak mungkin kan perusahaan buka pada tanggal itu. Tanggal 22 Maret juga pasti tutup soalnya kan udah Sabtu). Nah, karena aku baru balik Bandung tanggal 25 Maret 2008 dan tanggal 26 Maret 2008 (Rabu) aku ke kampus, aku nanya bisa nggak kalo aku ngumpulinnya Hari Rabu. Dan gimana? Ga dijawab deh pertanyaanku, malah dijawab latar belakang kenapa dia ngasi tugas ini, tujuannya, dan tentang masa depan kita di dunia asuransi, dll, wkwkwkwk... . Habis itu aku nanya lagi: "Jadi, boleh nggak saya ngumpulnya telat?". Dijawab: "Boleh, cuma kamu aja kan gak sekelas?". Wkwkwkwkwkwkw... . Lha kenapa kaga dijawab gitu aja dari awal yah?? LOL. Tapi ada sisi baiknya sih, itu jadi memudahkan saya ngerti tugasnya dan jadi lebih siap waktu wawancara, hahaha...