Yeah, three more to go before all midterms are passed, hahaha... . Yesterday I had a Numerical Method Labwork Midterm. Dang, on the 2nd problem of the programming, I just found the right method 10 minutes before the time was up! Shoot. Yea, I finished the program on time but I just didn't have the chance to check it, damn. I thought there were still some errors on some small syntaxes tho, but the logic of the program is I'm sure correct, haha... .
Anyway, yesterday I watched the Result Show of American Idol. The result was shocking!! The bottom three:
- Syesha Mercado
- Kristy Lee Cook
- David Hernandez
Well, eventho I like Kristy Lee Cook so much, but from this composition, Kristy should go. Guess what? Ryan first saved Syesha. Ok, good choice. Syesha is a good singer. Then, he said: "Kristy, you are safe". Waaah!! What?? David Hernandez is the first to go from the Top 12?? Waaaa, that's a mistake. David Hernandez is a great singer!! Wah... . I hope it's not the rumor which somehow contributed to his elimination. Yea, he was not great this week, but overall he's good enough to survive elimination. Wah... . Hmmmm.... . Anyway, let's move on. I don't think Kristy's that dumb to murder another song of The Beatles next week (apparently next week's theme is still the same). I heard there was one song of The Beatles which was transformed to a country style by someone and it became a hit. Kristy should pick that song next week.
Anyway, similar with Mrs Mercury's entry, yesterday I also encountered a similar experience. I asked my lecturer what if I submit my assignment a bit late since I'm going back to Jogja (he's cruel, we gotta do an interview on a company and the assignment is due on 24th March 2008, while we have midterms until 19th March 2008. Note that 20th and 21st March are national holidays. There's no way any company will operate at those days (and also 22nd March since it's Saturday)). Since I'm going back to Bandung on 25th March 2008 and on 26th March (Wednesday) I'm going to my campus, I ask my lecturer what if I submit it on Wednesday. Guess what?? He didn't answer my question but explained the reason why he gave the assignment, the purpose, about our future in insurance world, etc, wkwkwkw... . After all the 'speech', I then asked again: "So, can I submit it a bit late?". He answered: "Yes, it's only you, rite? Not the whole class?". Wkwkwkwkwkwkw... . Why didn't he answer it like that on the first place?? LOL. However, there's still a bright side. I understand the assignment even more and it makes me easier in executing the task, haha...
Yeah, tiga lagi nih sampe semua UTS saya terlewati, hahaha... . Kemarin aku Ujian Praktikum Metoda Numerik. Sialan nih, soal programming yang nomer 2, aku baru dapet ide metoda program-nya 10 menit sebelum waktunya habis! Sialan. Iya sih, aku bisa menyelesaikan programnya tepat waktu tapi aku kan jadi ga ada waktu untuk ngecek programnya, sial. Aku rasa masih ada beberapa error dalam sintaks tuh, tapi logika dari programnya aku yakin bener sih, haha... .
Ngomong2, kemarin aku nonton Result Show dari American Idol. Hasilnya mengejutkan!! Tiga terbawahnya:
- Syesha Mercado
- Kristy Lee Cook
- David Hernandez
Well, walau aku suka bgt Kristy Lee Cook, tapi kalo dari komposisi ini, Kristy sih yg harus pergi. Dan bagaimana? Ryan pertama menyelamatkan Syesha. Ok, pilihan yang bagus. Syesha kan bagus juga tuh. Trus kemudian dia bilang: "Kristy, you are safe (Kristy, kamu aman)". Waaah!! Apa?? David Hernandez adalah kontestan pertama yang tereliminasi di Top 12?? Waaa, kesalahan tuh. David Hernandez kan sebenarnya bagus banget!! Wah... . Aku harap bukan isunya deh yang dikit banyak berkontribusi pada tereliminasinya dia. Ya, dia nggak bagus2 amat minggu ini tapi secara keseluruhan dia cukup baik lah untuk bertahan. Wah... . Hmmmm.... . Udahlah, lupakan saja. Aku rasa Kristy nggak setolol itu untuk akan membunuh satu lagu lain dari The Beatles minggu depan (ternyata temanya tetap loh minggu depan). Aku dengar ada tuh satu lagunya The Beatles yang diubah ke gaya country oleh seseorang dan menjadi hit. Kristy seharusnya mengambil lagu itu minggu depan.
Ngomong2, mirip sama postingnya Mrs. Mercury, kemarin aku juga mengalami pengalaman yang mirip loh. Aku nanya dosenku gimana kalo misalnya aku rada telat ngumpulin tugas soalnya aku balik ke Jogja (Waa, sadis juga dia soale kita harus mewawancara sebuah perusahaan dan tugasnya dikumpulin 24 Maret 2008. Padahal UTS kan sampe tanggal 19 Maret 2008 tuh. Padahal juga kan tanggal 20 sama 21 Maret itu tanggal merah. Nggak mungkin kan perusahaan buka pada tanggal itu. Tanggal 22 Maret juga pasti tutup soalnya kan udah Sabtu). Nah, karena aku baru balik Bandung tanggal 25 Maret 2008 dan tanggal 26 Maret 2008 (Rabu) aku ke kampus, aku nanya bisa nggak kalo aku ngumpulinnya Hari Rabu. Dan gimana? Ga dijawab deh pertanyaanku, malah dijawab latar belakang kenapa dia ngasi tugas ini, tujuannya, dan tentang masa depan kita di dunia asuransi, dll, wkwkwkwk... . Habis itu aku nanya lagi: "Jadi, boleh nggak saya ngumpulnya telat?". Dijawab: "Boleh, cuma kamu aja kan gak sekelas?". Wkwkwkwkwkwkw... . Lha kenapa kaga dijawab gitu aja dari awal yah?? LOL. Tapi ada sisi baiknya sih, itu jadi memudahkan saya ngerti tugasnya dan jadi lebih siap waktu wawancara, hahaha...
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