Okay, now it has been about one month since my beloved laptop broke down. Last week when I brought my laptop to hp service center, they promised me this week's Monday (which is yesterday) it would have been fixed. However, last Friday when I called them to ask about the progress, they said the spare part they got from Jakarta was error and they gotta reorder again and it would arrive on Monday. So yes, there's no chance it's gonnabe okay on Monday. Shoot. They usually need 1 day to assemble the spare part and test it. So assuming it's alright I thought it would have been finished today (Tuesday). Monday afternoon, I called them and they said I could probably take it Wednesday morning. Okay, I'm fine with Wednesday. Today, they called me and said that they have fixed the problem (wah! I was relieved for a while). Why a 'while'? Because I had a bad feeling about it.
However, they found another problem (DAMN!!). Apparently the sound device was also broken! What!?!? Before, there was no sound produced by the speaker and I could only hear really low voice when I plug the earphone in. Nowthey said that if we plug the earphone in, it would work normally but still, there's no sound produced without the earphone. Dang!! Okay, so I asked them to check it and also the important part, the ethernet connection. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna ring them again. Thursday is national holiday so probably I will get my laptop back next Friday. Shoot... :(
Anyway, April has really been a damn month. My error laptop, a lot of things to do on campus (the election, the 'Company Visit', the assignments, etc), and some clashes (I will write another one about it within some days in my private blog). Phiuhhh..... . I'm so relieved now after I pass all those things, but the laptop thingy still haunts me...
Oke, sekarang sudah hampir sebulan neh sejak laptop tercinta saya rusak. Minggu lalu waktu aku bawa laptopku ke pusat servisnya hp, mereka janji tu Senin minggu ini (yang berarti kemarin) laptopku akan sudah beres. Namun, Jumat kemarin kan aku telpon mereka untuk nanya kemajuan pengerjaan dan mereka bilang spare part yang mereka dapat dari Jakarta tu rada error makanya mereka harus memesan lagi tu dari Jakarta dan baru akan sampai hari Senin. Jadi bener bgt, ga mungkin deh hari Senin laptopku akan beres. Sial. Mereka biasanya membutuhkan waktu satu hari untuk memasang spare part dan mengetesnya. Jadi dengan mengasumsikan ga ada masalah harusnya sih hari ini (Selasa) udah beres. Senin sore aku telpon mereka dan katanya bisa diambil deh Rabu pagi. Oke, Rabu nggak papa deh untuk saya. Hari ini mereka telpon saya bilang kalo masalahnya sudah dibenerin (wah! Aku cukup lega untuk sesaat). Kenapa 'sesaat'? Karena aku merasa firasat jelek deh.
Namun, mereka menemukan masalah lain (SIAL!!). Ternyata sound system-nya juga error! Apa!?!? Sebelumnya kan nggak ada suara tu yang keluar dari speakernya dan aku baru bisa denger suara yang sangat kecil sekali kalo aku masang earphone. Nah sekarang katanya kalo kita masang earphone suaranya tuh normal2 saja namun kalo nggak tetep aja nggak mau keluar suaranya. Sial!! Oke, jadi aku minta aja mereka mengeceknya dan yang penting, ngecek koneksi ethernet-nya deh. Pagi besok aku telpon lagi ah. Kamis kan hari libur nasional makanya kayanya baru balik Jumat ini deh. Siyal... :(
Ngomong2, April beneran bulan yang benar2 sialan deh. Laptopku error, banyak hal terjadi di kampus (Pemilu, 'Kunjungan Perusahaan', tugas2, dll) dan beberapa perselisihan (aku akan nulis 1 lagi tentang ini deh dalam beberapa hari di blog private). Phiuhhh..... . Aku lega nih sudah melewati semua itu namun ya tetep aja masalah laptop bener2 menghantui saya...
Damn blogspot. In the past 2 weeks I have experienced some uncomfortable things in Blogspot: I can't access my blog. Well, not all time of course, but it's so annoying. I dunno, is blogspot banned? Well,I dun think it's supposed to be banned tho. The interesting thing is that that situation occurred only when I surf the internet on this 'warnet', I dunno why. When I use the wi-fi connection I never experienced the problem. That's kinda weird. Anticipating that problem, I have considered to move to Wordpress. Now I'm still here tho since I haven't made up my mind since Wordpress has some weaknesses too. I think I'll wait until my laptop is fixed and we will see.
O yea, last Friday I called hp and they're late, shoot. My laptop will be fixed as early as Tuesday, hmmm... :( Hopefully it's gonnabe alright and back to normal.
Anyway, I have uploaded some pictures about our 'Company Visit' last Thursday. Here they are: (note: story about it can be read here)
::: one session at Bank Indonesia
::: Syafrudin Tower's Lobby
::: me at The Fountain (well, bad resolution, I took this pic with my camera phone. I haven't got the better resolution pictures from my friend's digital camera)
::: sharks at Sea World
::: picture of the main aquarium taken from the bridge (you can see two white fish 'riding' the large stingray!!)
::: divers
::: lazy stingrays
::: dugong
::: white crocodiles
::: piranhas
::: coral reefs
::: lionfish
::: sea dragon
::: my hand with the stamp
Blogspot sial. Dalam 2 minggu belakangan ini aku mengalami hal yang tak menyenangkan dah di Blogspot: Aku nggak bisa mengakses blogku. Hmm, nggak setiap kali sih kejadiannya tapi kan tetep aja tu menyebalkan. Aku nggak tau,apa blogspot di-ban? Hmm, mestinya sih aku rasa seharusnya sih enggak. Hal yang menarik adalah peristiwa tak terbukanya blogku ini cuma terjadi kalo aku internetan di warnet ini loh. Kalo misalnya aku pake koneksi wi-fi gitu aku ga pernah menemui masalah ini. Rada aneh deh. Mengantisipasi masalah, aku sudah mempertimbangkan untuk pindah ke Wordpress. Sekarang aku masih disini sih soale aku belum yakin juga mau pindah apa enggak soale kan Wordpress banyak kelemahan juga. Aku rasa keputusanku mending nunggu sampe laptopku bener deh dan kita lihat saja nanti.
O iya, Jumat kemarin aku telpon hp dan mereka telat, sial. katanya laptopku akan bener paling cepet Selasa,hmmm... :( Semoga beneran nggak papa dan semua balik kaya waktu dulu deh.
Ngomong2, aku sudah meng-upload beberapa foto2 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' kemarin Kamis loh. Foto-fotonya ada di atas (catatan: cerita tentang Kunjungan Perusahaan bisa dibaca disini)
ENGLISHWell, yeah Thursday is now passed. LOL. As you can read at some previous entries, yesterday I went to Jakarta for a 'Company Visit' and (unluckily) I was the project manager of the program.Well, overall the program went pretty well despite the fact that the crowdedness of Jakarta was beyond expectation. That thing caused we were late... :( Well, I hope the guys on Bank Indonesia understand it... :( After visiting Bank Indonesia we went downstairs (our class was on the 2nd floor of Syafruddin Tower). Unpredictably, they gave us a really good 'service'. There was a coffee break during the program (that was cool!). Plus, they gave us lunch! What!?!?!? We didn't know that and unfortunately we had prepared meals for our lunch from Bandung, duh... .Then, we went to Ancol and went to Sea World (some friends chose to be apart from us and had their own schedule). Then at 6.15 PM we left Jakarta and went back to Bandung. Undeniably, there were some flaws on the program. I could say it was because it was the first program held by us. There was no 'Company Visit' before causing we had no idea about what we were going to plan for the program during the planning time. Overall, I like the fact that it went well... :)Anyway, this week is the top 6 week of AI 7. I think, my top two: David Cook and Syesha Mercado. My bottom two: Jason Castro and Brooke White. They were the weakest, plus Brooke forgot the lyrics and decided to start over. It was a bit awkward. However, after 38 millions vote, the bottom two: Syesha Mercado and Carly Smithson!! What!! Arrrggghhh, OMG. They didn't deserve to be there (now I hate Jason Castro even more, haha...
). Daaammnnn... . However, from these two, Carly should go simply because Syesha was so great this week and she was not. Well, then Carly got voted off...
note: photos about yesterday's trip will be posted soon since now I forget to bring the cable data to this warnet, hahaha... :)
::: Bottom Two this week: Syesha Mercado and Carly Smithson.
::: "Carly ... is leaving us tonight on American Idol"
BAHASA INDONESIAHmmm, yeah Kamis terlewati sudah, LOL. Seperti yang bisa dibaca di beberapa posting sebelumnya kan kalo kemarin aku pergi ke Jakarta untuk 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' dan (sialnya) aku adalah ketua program (project manager) dari acara ini.Hmmm, secara keseluruhan acaranya berjalan dengan lancar sih kecuali fakta bahwa kemacetannya Jakarta itu benar-benar melebihi ekspektasi. Hal itu membuat kami terlambat... :( Semoga orang2 di Bank Indonesia maklum sih... :( Habis mengunjungi Bank Indonesia kita ke bawah (kan acaranya ada di lantai 2 Menara Syafruddin tuh). Tak terduga, mereka memberika 'servis' yang bagus bgt loh. Sampe ada coffee break segala di tengah acara (keren dah!). Plus, mereka juga ngasi kita makan siang. Apa!?!?!?!? Kita nggak tahu itu dan sayangnya kan kita juga udah nyiapin makan siang dari Bandung tuh, duh... .Trus, kita pergi ke Ancol dan ke Sea World deh (beberapa memilih untuk memisahkan diri dan jalan2 sendiri sih). Sebenarnya dari awal aku uda ngerencanain mending ke Dufan aja, cuma kalo masuk Dufan kan lebih mahal trus baru sempet masuk jam 2 siang paling cepet, rugi lah... . Trus jam 6.15 sore kita meninggalkan Jakarta dan balik menuju Bandung. Tak terelakkan kalo pasti ada deh kekurangan dari acara ini. Yah soalnya gimana lagi soalnya kemarin tu programnya pertama kali diadain sih. Belum pernah ada tu 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' sebelumnya makanya kan kita jadi bener2 ga ada gambaran tentang apa yang akan kita adakan pada waktu perencanaan. Secara keseluruhan sih aku senang dengan program ini soalnya berjalan lancar sesuai dengan rencana.... :)Ngomong2, minggu ini adalah minggu 6 besar AI 7. Aku rasa, dua teratasku: David Cook dan Syesha Mercado. Dua terendahku : Jason Castro dan Brooke White. Mereka tu yang terlemah, ditambah lagi Brooke lupa lirik dan memutuskan untuk ngulang tuh waktu nyanyi. Suasananya ganjil bgt. Namun, setelah 38 juta suara yang masuk, dua terendahnya: Syesha Mercado dan Carly Smithson!! Apa!! Arrrggghhh, OMG. Mereka nggak berhak tu masuk 2 terbawah (sekarang aku makin membenci Jason Castro dah, haha...
). Siaaaalll... . Namun dari dua ini ya memang Carly sih yang harus out, soalnya ya sederhana aja, Syesha bagus bgt minggu ini dan dia enggak. Hmm, kemudian Carly tersisih...
catatan: foto2 tentang perjalanan kemarin akan di upload kemudian deh ya soale sekarang aku lupa ni untuk bawa cable data ke warnet ini, hahaha... :)
Finally, today my blog reaches its THIRD birthday....
517 entries have been posted on its first three years, or 189 entries during the last one yearMany feedbacks have already been acquired Many people have come and visitedThanks everyone for your supports.... . I will keep on writing in this blog... :)
Note : My latest regular entry can be read hereQuick Update:- last Tuesday (yesterday) I brought my laptop to hp service center. They said maximum next Monday it will have been fixed and they guarantee everything's gonnabe alright (yea, if I really have to spend Rp 2,000,000.- and it's not alright, well, grrrrr....
)- next Thursday (tomorrow) I'm going to Jakarta all day long (for a 'Company Visit', hopefully everything's gonnabe alright... :D) so I think I won't be online tomorrow, haha... :) I will be back online on Friday, hmmm...
ENGLISHHaha, this is the week. Next Thursday I'm gonna go on a 'Company Visit', a program where I become the project manager (LOL, so The Apprentice, haha... :) ). So today I made all the calls, confirming everything's fine (so far everything has gone as I want, yeah). Hopefully there will be no problem.Anyway, one of my lecturer knows there will be a 'Company Visit' next Thursday. SO, (I think) he gave us an assignment on purpose, wah... . Usually he gives like 10 days - 2 weeks time for assignment, but this time, he only gave us 1 week (he gave us this assignment last Friday so next Friday is the due date). Daammnnn... :( Well, okay, I knew what I had to do, finish the assignment as possible as I could. And that's what I did last weekend. Instead of enjoying my weekend, I finished all the assignments for this week, haha... . (apparently the assignment is not that difficult tho, haha... :D).Anyway, today is Kartini's Day, and Happy Kartini's Day for all women, haha... .I think tomorrow I'm gonna bring my laptop to hp again, unless I have something really important to do with my laptop first, hmmm....
BAHASA INDONESIAHaha, ini dia minggunya. Besok Kamis aku akan pergi deh di acara 'Kunjungan Perusahaan', sebuah acara dimana aku jadi project manager-nya (LOL, The Apprentice bgt dah pilihan katanya, haha... :) ). Makanya hari ini aku telpon banyak tempat, mengkonfirmasi kalo semuanya oke-oke saja (sejauh ini sih semuanya berjalan seperti yang aku harapkan, yeah). Moga2 ga akan ada masalah deh.Ngomong2, salah satu dosenku kan tau tu akan ada 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' besok Kamis. MAKANYA (aku rasa) dia ngasi kita sebuah tugas dengan sengaja, wah... . Biasanya kan kita dikasi waktu 10 hari - 2 minggu untuk ngerjain tugas, nah kali ini cuma dikasi waktu seminggu doang (tugas yang kali ini dikasinya hari Jumat kemarin makanya Jumat besok harus udah dikumpulin). Siaaaaallll... :( Hmm, oke dah, aku tau apa yang harus aku lakukan, menyelesaikan tugas secepat mungkin. Dan itulah yang aku kerjain wiken kemarin. Bukannya menikmati akhir minggu, aku malah menyelesaikan semua tugas buat minggu ini, haha... . (ternyata tugasnya kagak susah-susah amat, haha... :D).Ngomong2 hari ini kan Hari Kartini, dan Selamat Hari Kartini deh buat para perempuan, haha...Kayae besok dah aku akan membawa laptopku ke hp lagi, kecuali kalo beneran ada hal yang sangat penting banget yang harus aku selesaikan dengan laptop dulu, hmmm.... .
ENGLISHYeah, it's weekend again so I can relax a bit, haha... . Actually I have several assignments from campus due next week (dang it, next week I will have a 'Company Visit' program and there are some assignments? Damn... :( ). One homework has been done (yeah). Actually my plan is to finish that homework tomorrow (Sunday) but somehow I managed to finish it yesterday, LOL.Anyway, as you can read at one previous entry, I planned to bring my laptop to the official hp service center in Bandung. So I did that yesterday. The service center is located at the 9th floor Lippo Tower. After checking some things in my laptop, the technician concluded that it was the hardware, not the software. Because of that he said I should change the motherboard of my laptop. I insisted that my laptop works normally, it was just the sound system and the ethernet connection, why should we change all the motherboard? Hmmm... . He said that the usb, the ethernet, the sound system is one part of the system so we can't partially fix it.Okay. Then I asked, how long would it take? Well, he answered minimum 3 days if they have the stock in Jakarta but up to 10 days if there is no stock since they then need to send my laptop to Singapore. OMG, Singapore? No Way. I had a bad feeling about that and I asked how much would it cost likely? He said: Rp 1,500,000 - 2,000,000!! What!! Arrrggghhhh!!! Damn!! WTF!!! Is it really that super expensive?? Shoot!! Well, it seems that I have no other choice (actually there is, not getting my laptop serviced then if I want to browse the internet I have to always go to the uncomfortable 'warnet' with the smoke or hotspot area just as I used to, plus I can't enjoy music again).Then, since I have so many things to do with my laptop this weekend so I took my laptop and said probably next Tuesday I will bring it to them, haha... . I hope they are wrong about the price. LOL.
::: Quick Update (Sat 19th April, 6.57 PM) :::
Haha, now I'm at Bandung Indah Plaza again. Well, I still can't believe what I got two weeks ago about the not so good service I got at Starbucks. I think I was just experiencing a bad day, hmmm... . A big and well-known name like Starbucks I'm sure won't give away service like that. Well, because of the curiosity, today I come back to the same Starbucks. If I get the same treatment, well, then I won't go back again, hmmm... . But it was not!! haha... . I got the best service out of all other cafes I have been too, I feel the hospitality and charm, hehehe... :) Okay, so I took all my words about this cafe two weeks ago. Nice job Starbucks!! :) Anyway, I ordered a caramel frappucino and it's tasty!! hehe... (but not the price, LOL).
::: Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, and Syesha Mercado, the bottom three of AI 7 this week.
::: "The person staying with us is ... Brooke"
BAHASA INDONESIAYeah, sudah weekend lagi jadinya aku bisa nyantai dikit neh, haha... . Sebenernya aku ada beberapa tugas neh dari kampus yang harus dikumpulin minggu depan (siyal, minggu depan aku kan akan ada 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' dan akan ada beberapa tugas? Sial... :( ). Satu PR sudah selesai sih (yeah). Sebenernya rencanaku sih nyelesaiin PR ini besok tapi gatau kenapa tau2 kemarin aku sudah menyelesaikannya, LOLNgomong2, seperti yang bisa dibaca di satu posting yg lalu, aku memutuskan untuk membawa laptopku ke pusat servis resminya hp aja dah. Jadi itu yg aku lakukan kemarin. pusat servisnya ada di lantai 9 Menara Lippo. Habis ngecek beberapa hal di laptopku, teknisinya berkesimpulan kalo masalahnya ada di hardware, bukan di software.Karenanya dia bilang kalo aku perlu mengganti motherboard laptopku. Lah, aku trus bilang dong kalo laptopku tu normal2 aja cuma sound system sama koneksi ethernet-nya aja yang error, tapi kenapa mesti mengganti semua motherboard-nya? Hmmm... . Dia bilang kalo usb, ethernet, sound system itu satu kesatuan dan gabisa deh dibenerin sendiri-sendiri. Oke. Trus aku nanya, kira2 berapa lama tuh ngebenerinnya? Katanya sih minimal 3 hari kalo mereka ada stok-nya di Jakarta tapi maksimal 10 hari jika nggak ada di Jakarta tuh stoknya soalnya kalau gini mereka harus mengirim laptopku ke Singapore. Heh, Singapore? Duh, bahaya neh. Aku punya perasaan sedikit kagak enak dan aku akhirnya nanya biayanya berapa. Dijawab: Rp 1.500.000 - 2.000.000!! Apa!! Arrrggghhhh!!! Sialan!! WTF!!! Masak iya sih semahal itu?? Sialaaann!! Hmm, kayanya nggak ada pilihan lain sih (sebenernya ada sih, yaitu nggak usah servis laptopku jadinya kalo mau internetan aku mesti selalu pergi ke warnet yang tak nyaman dengan asap rokoknya itu atau ke area hotspot kayak dulu-dulu, plus nggak bisa menikmati musik lagi).Trus karena aku ada banyak hal yang mesti diselesaikan minggu ini pake laptop makanya deh mungkin Selasa besok aku akan bawa ke mereka lagi, haha... . Moga2 mereka salah deh tentang harganya, LOL.
::: Apdet Cepet (Sabtu 19 April, 6.57 sore) :::
Haha, sekarang aku ada di Bandung Indah Plaza lagi neh. Hmm, aku sih masih ga percaya loh sama pengalaman yang aku dapat dua minggu lalu tentang pelayanan tak begitu memuaskan yang aku dapat dari Starbucks. Kayake aku cuma lagi sial aja tuh hari, hmmm... . Nama yang besar dan terkenal kay Starbucks aku rasa gak akan mungkin dah memberikan pelayanan kaya gitu. Makanya karena penasaran kan hari ini aku balik lagi deh ke Starbucks yang sama. Kalo pelayanannya sama aja berarti ya, gak akan balik lagi deh, hmmmm... . Ternyata enggak loh!! haha... . Pelayanannya ternyata malah jadi yang terbaik deh dari semua kafe lain yg pernah aku kunjungi, aku merasakan keramahan dan kenyamanan-nya loh, hehehe... :) Oke, jadi aku tarik kembali deh kata2ku tentang kafe ini dua minggu lalu. Bagus deh Starbucks!! :) Ngomong2, aku baru aja pesen frappucino karamel dan enak juga!! hehe... . (tapi harganya sih tetep enggak, LOL).
ENGLISHWell, I dunno what to write now, hmm... . So, keeping my promise, I will write something in my private blog now (2 entries a day, hahaha.... :D). Anyway, this week the theme of American Idol is 'Mariah Carey'. At first I thought David Cook and Jason Castro would struggle (not David Archuleta because his voice suits Mariah's songs, hmmm...). Guess what? I think David Cook did great, he was even the best this week, hmmm... . My bottom three:1. Kristy Lee Cook / Carly Smithson2. Brooke White3. Jason Castro (I still dun like him).The Real Bottom Three:5. Syesha Mercado6. Brooke White7. Kristy Lee Cook (VOTED OFF)Well, eventho I like Kristy Lee Cook, I think Simon is right, maybe it's her time. It's hard to pick another contestant to go (except Jason Castro for me, LOL). Michael Johns left earlier than she did has been surprising. Plus, she is now on the 7th place is also an amazing fact. Noone (I think), thought she would stay this long. Well, Good Luck my Kristy, hahahaha... :)Anyway, CLICK HERE to enter my private blog.
::: Bottom Three this week: Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Syesha Mercado
BAHASA INDONESIAHmm, gatau nih apa yang harus ditulis, hmmm... . Jadi, memenuhi janji deh, aku akan nulis sesuatu lagi di blog privat sekarang (wah, 2 posting sehari ey, hahaha... :D). Ngomong2, tema minggu ini dari American Idol adalah 'Mariah Carey'. Pertamanya aku kira David Cook dan Jason Castro akan kesulitan (David Archuleta enggak soale suaranya dia menurutku cocok sama lagu2nya Mariah, hmmm...). Dan bagaimana? Aku rasa David Cook keren bgt dah, dan dia kayanya yg terbaik deh minggu ini, hmmm.... . Tiga terbawahku: 1. Kristy Lee Cook / Carly Smithson2. Brooke White3. Jason Castro (masih tetep gasuka dia neh).Tiga terbawah sebenarnya:5. Syesha Mercado6. Brooke White7. Kristy Lee Cook (TERSISIH)Hmm, walau aku suka Kristy Lee Cook, aku rasa Simon benar deh, memang sudah waktunya dia kayanya. Soalnya kan susah tu untuk milih kontestan lain untuk tereliminasi (kecuali jason Castro sih untuk aku, LOL). Michael Johns tersisih sebelum dia aja udah mengejutkan tuh. Plus, dia bertahan sejauh ini sampe posisi 7 juga udah bagus banget, nggak ada kan (aku rasa) yang ngira kalo dia akan bertahan selama ini. Hmm, semoga berhasil deh untuk Kristy ku, hahahaha... :)Ngomong2, KLIK DISINI untuk masuk ke blog privat-ku.
ENGLISHWell, I think this month is really not my month. Beside I'm super busy this month (well, I have something in my mind to write on my private blog, haha... >> busy month = frustrated me = so many things going on), I think I'm also pretty unlucky this month. Started with the damn storm earlier this month, my laptop can't access the net using the connection at my boarding house, shoot.Last week the technician took my laptop and they said they would fix the problem. Yesterday they informed me that they failed even after I gave them extra THREE days to fix the problem. Damn. I think I'm gonna bring my laptop to the official hp center (lucky there is one in Bandung, hohoho, there is no official hp center in Yogyakarta FYI). Well, hopefully it won't take so long since because of the busy month I have so many things to do with my laptop... :(Well, to be fair, there's some good things tho because of that 'tragedy' (LOL). At least now my sleep time moves forward to 11 PM - 12 AM rather than the usual 12 AM - 1.30 AM, haha... . However, overall, the bad things still dominate. Now I have to torture my wallet since I have to still pay for the monthly internet fee while I don't use it and I have to spend extra money on 'warnet' fee, damn. Plus, this warnet is a public space where so many people smoke, shoot, not really comfortable... :(
BAHASA INDONESIAHmm, aku rasa beneran deh bulan ini bukan bulanku. Selain aku super sibuk bulan ini (hmm, ada beberapa hal neh yang mau aku tulis di blog private, haha... >> bulan sibuk = saya frustrasi = banyak hal yg terjadi), aku rasa aku juga sial bgt dah bulan ini. Dimulai dengan badai sialan awal bulan ini, laptopku kan jadi kaga bisa mengakses internet pake koneksi di kos-ku, sial. Minggu lalu kan teknisinya ngambil laptopku dan katanya mereka mau membenarkan laptopku. Kemarin mereka ngasi tau kalau mereka gagal bahkan setelah aku memberi waktu mereka waktu ekstra TIGA hari untuk membenarkan masalah. Sial. Aku rasa aku akan membawa laptopku ke pusat servis resmi hp aja deh (untung bgt deh di Bandung ada tuh pusat servis resmi-nya, hohoho, kalo di Yogyakarta sih nggak ada, FYI). LHmm, semoga cepetan deh servisnya yah soale bulan ini aku sibuk bgt dan banyak yg mesti dikerjakan dengan laptop nih... :( Hmm, supaya agak adil sedikit, ada beberapa hal bagus sih karena 'tragedi' ini (LOL). Paling nggak sekarang jam tidur saya maju deh menjadi jam 23 - 00 dari yang biasanya jam 00 - 1.30, haha... . Namun, secara keseluruhan, tetep aja sih hal-hal jeleknya yang mendominasi. Sekarang aku beneran mesti menyiksa dompet nih, soale kan aku tetep mesti membayar biaya internet bulanan padahal aku ga sering pakai dan harus mengeluarkan uang ekstra untuk warnet, sial. Plus, warnet ini kan tempat umum, banyak yang ngerokok neh, sial, nggak begitu nyaman... :(
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ENGLISHSigh, these last 2 days have really been exhausting for me... :(Thursday (10th April 2008)As you can read at my previous entry, I was going to Jakarta yesterday. My friends and I departed at 7.30 AM from Bandung (I drove my car). Well, twas my first time driving to Jakarta, hehe... :) Unexpectedly, I only needed 1.5 hours to reach Jakarta, wkwkwkwkw.... (I thought it would take about 2 hours drive). But then, once we entered Jakarta, the traffic jam started, damn Jakarta.Okay, after we looked at the 'Bank Indonesia' building (2 weeks ahead we're going there) we went to Ancol. We tried to manage the trip for the 'company visit', hmmm.... . We went to Sea World to get some info then we went to Marina Beach. Somehow, some minutes after I parked my car suddenly we were all in a boat, wkwkwkw.... lol (because we were interested in the offer (Rp 5,000.oo), that's cheap). Well, then after doing some survey, the plan is pretty fixed!! yeah, haha....Then, we went to Grand Indonesia Mall, I had never been there before. Well, it's such a cool mall!! hahaha.... . There is a fountain show, a theme for a floor, etc. After hanging out there we had dinner at Burger King (so far as I know there's no Burger King in Bandung nor Yogyakarta). Then, we went back to Bandung. On the way back, there was a storm plus there was an accident, causing a big long line on the Jakarta - Cikampek highway, damn... . We arrived at Bandung after 2 hours drive (including the damn long line).My day wasn't finished yet. I still gotta finish the proposal. Once I was at my room I planned to go to bed but when I turned my tv on, there was a 'Superman Returns' on HBO so since I haven't watched it so I did it, wkwkwkw... lol.Friday (11th April 2008)Because of watching the movie, I didn't have enough sleep today, damn. I'm so tired and sleepy now. I had lectures from 8 AM until 11 AM. Then I gotta submit the 'company visit' proposal and had a meeting with the lecturer. Then, because my cellphone pulse had been dying so I walked to the store after I went back from campus not realizing my wallet was also dying, shoot. Well, then at 12 PM I had to go to Istana Plaza since I become one of the judges for the math competition there. Sigh. So tiring. I went back from IP at 4 PM.Well, I haven't watched American Idol yet since my tv (I think the provider) is error. Damn. Well, I heard Carly Smithson, Michael Johns, and Syesha Mercado were the bottom three, and Michael Johns got voted off. What?? Wah!! Hmmmm.... . I never love Michael Johns but he is a good singer, hmmm.... . I dun root for him tho so... . My laptop is supposed to be done today but there's still a problem. Another damn.Today is not my best day, neither this week, grrr.... :( Lucky tomorrow is weekend where I can relax a lil' bit
::: Sea World
::: Marina Bay (1)
::: narcist on the boat
::: Marina Bay (2)
::: a jellyfish
::: Marina Bay (3), a cablecar, and buoys
::: one spot at Grand Indonesia
::: fountain show
::: another spot at Grand Indonesia
::: my meal at Burger King, a black pepper beef burger
::: Bottom Three this week: Carly Smithson, Michael Johns, and Syesha Mercado
BAHASA INDONESIAHhh, 2 hari terakhir ini beneran melelahkan bgt deh untuk aku... :(Kamis (10 April 2008)Seperti yg bisa dibaca di posting sebelumnya, aku pergi ke Jakarta kemarin. Aku sama temen2ku berangkat jam 7.30 pagi dari Bandung (aku yg nyetir mobilku). Hmm, pertama kalinya neh aku pergi ke Jakarta, hehe... ;) Nggak terduga ternyata cuma membutuhkan waktu 1,5 jam yak buat ke Jakarta, wkwkwkwkw... (kirain mah bisa sekitar 2 jam deh). Tapi kemudian, begitu masuk Jakarta, macet menyerang, Jakarta sial.Oke, habis kita melihat lokasinya Gedung 'Bank Indonesia' (kan 2 minggu lagi kita kesana), kita jalan deh ke Ancol. Kita mencoba deh untuk menyusun rencana buat 'kunjungan perusahaan' ntar, hmmmm.... . Kita pergi ke Sea World untuk dapat informasi trus pergi ke Pantai Marina deh. Kemudian, tiba2 beberapa menit habis parkir tau2 kami uda ada di atas perahu, wkwkwkw.... lol (soale tertarik sama tawarannya sih (Rp 5.000,oo) doang tuh, kan murah). Hmm, habis survey, rencananya sudah pasti!! yeah, haha....Trus, kita pergi ke Mall Grand Indonesia, kan aku belum pernah kesana. Mall-nya ternyata keren loh!! hahaha.... . Ada pertunjukan air mancurnya, satu tema untuk satu lantai, dll. Habis jalan2 kita makan deh di Burger King (setauku sih nggak ada deh Burger King di Bandung atau Yogyakarta). Trus kita balik deh ke Bandung. Waktu balik ada badai gede tuh dan ada kecelakaan, makanya menyebabkan macet panjang di jalan tol Jakarta - Cikampek, sial.... . Kita sampe di Bandung setelah 2 jam perjalanan (termasuk macet panjang).Hariku kemudian belum selesai. Aku jg mesti menyelesaikan proposal dulu neh. Trus waktu uda di kos mau tidur kan nyalain tv, eh ada 'Superman Returns' di HBO. Karena aku blum nonton ya udah aku nonton dulu deh, wkwkwkw... lol. Jumat (11 April 2008)Karena nonton tuh film makanya aku nggak tidur dengan cukup tadi. Capek bgt dan ngantuk nih. Aku ada kuliah dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 11. Kemudian aku kan harus ngasiin proposal 'kunjungan perusahaan' dan ada rapat sama dosenku. Trus karena pulsa hapeku uda sekarat habis dari kampus aku jalan ke tokonya nggak nyadar kalo sebenernya dompetku jg lagi sekarat. Sialan. Trus jam 12 aku harus ke Istana Plaza soale aku jadi juri kompetisi matematika disana. Hhh. Capek bgt neh. Baru beres dari IP jam 4 sore.Hmm, blum sempet nonton American Idol nih soale tv-ku (kayae providernya sih) lagi error, sialan. Hmm, katanya Carly Smithson, Michael Johns, and Syesha Mercado adalah tiga terbawah minggu ini dan Michael Johns tersisih. Apa?? Wah!! Hmmmm.... . Aku nggak pernah sih suka2 bgt sama Michael Johns tp dia sih penyanyi yg ok sebenarnya, hmmm.... . Aku nggak dukung dia sih jadi ... . Trus laptopku kan harusnya beres hari ini tapi masih ada masalah neh. Sialan lagi.Hari ini beneran bukan hari terbaikku deh, minggu ini juga, grrr... :( Untungnya besok adalah wiken dimana aku bisa nyantai dikit neh