Damn blogspot. In the past 2 weeks I have experienced some uncomfortable things in Blogspot: I can't access my blog. Well, not all time of course, but it's so annoying. I dunno, is blogspot banned? Well,I dun think it's supposed to be banned tho. The interesting thing is that that situation occurred only when I surf the internet on this 'warnet', I dunno why. When I use the wi-fi connection I never experienced the problem. That's kinda weird. Anticipating that problem, I have considered to move to Wordpress. Now I'm still here tho since I haven't made up my mind since Wordpress has some weaknesses too. I think I'll wait until my laptop is fixed and we will see.
O yea, last Friday I called hp and they're late, shoot. My laptop will be fixed as early as Tuesday, hmmm... :( Hopefully it's gonnabe alright and back to normal.
Anyway, I have uploaded some pictures about our 'Company Visit' last Thursday. Here they are: (note: story about it can be read here)
Blogspot sial. Dalam 2 minggu belakangan ini aku mengalami hal yang tak menyenangkan dah di Blogspot: Aku nggak bisa mengakses blogku. Hmm, nggak setiap kali sih kejadiannya tapi kan tetep aja tu menyebalkan. Aku nggak tau,apa blogspot di-ban? Hmm, mestinya sih aku rasa seharusnya sih enggak. Hal yang menarik adalah peristiwa tak terbukanya blogku ini cuma terjadi kalo aku internetan di warnet ini loh. Kalo misalnya aku pake koneksi wi-fi gitu aku ga pernah menemui masalah ini. Rada aneh deh. Mengantisipasi masalah, aku sudah mempertimbangkan untuk pindah ke Wordpress. Sekarang aku masih disini sih soale aku belum yakin juga mau pindah apa enggak soale kan Wordpress banyak kelemahan juga. Aku rasa keputusanku mending nunggu sampe laptopku bener deh dan kita lihat saja nanti.
O iya, Jumat kemarin aku telpon hp dan mereka telat, sial. katanya laptopku akan bener paling cepet Selasa,hmmm... :( Semoga beneran nggak papa dan semua balik kaya waktu dulu deh.
Ngomong2, aku sudah meng-upload beberapa foto2 'Kunjungan Perusahaan' kemarin Kamis loh. Foto-fotonya ada di atas (catatan: cerita tentang Kunjungan Perusahaan bisa dibaca disini)
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