Sunday, April 30, 2006

April's Last Weekend


These some last weekends were not as enjoyable as they should have been. Yesterday, I had my quarter-final (not semi-final) biology competition at UGM. My team was in the 8th group which competed at 14.30 PM that afternoon (last match that day), and we still had to come at 7.00 AM to have the opening ceremony. Luckily, after that we could go home if we wanted to, and for sure, I went back home (before that I went to my school first to ask for permission for being absent yesterday). At 13.30 PM I went to UGM, and my friend called me that my team's match would soon start!! (I was shocked because according to the schedule, it should have been at 14.30 PM). Luckily I arrived on time and we still have about 25 minutes to our turn. Well, I (or we) were very nervous yesterday on stage, and weren't maximal, besides the bell didn't work well >> we wanted to answer and pressed the button but it didn't sound as it's supposed to... :(, therefore we lost... . But that's okay, one good thing was that we were not burdened anymore, because if we had sailed through to the next round, we still would have to study last night.... . :)

Today, my brother and I went to Plaza Ambarrukmo to go to my parents' (and also their friends') new restaurant there (my parents and their friends join to open this restaurant) called Qua-Li >> 3rd floor number 3A. It's a Chinese food restaurant and the food are delicious (>> my fave so far are mayonaisse lumpia and black pepper beef >> I still haven't tried all menus, but I think most of them are tasty).... :) Starting tomorrow, it will be open for public (today was for only the owners and invited guests, he3...).

::: Qua-Li Plaza Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta (3rd floor) >> click to enlarge.

Note: Sorry, forgot to take the foods' photos, I remembered after we had eaten all of them... :D


Beberapa akhir minggu belakangan ini nggak sesantai yang seharusnya. Kemarin aku menghadapi babak perempat final (bukan semi final) lomba biologi di UGM. Teamku berada di grup 8 yang bertanding jam 14.30 siang (pertandingan terakhir hari itu), dan kita masih tetap harus dateng jam 7 pagi untuk ikut upacara pembukaannya. Untungnya, habis itu kita boleh pulang kalo mau, dan tentu aja donk, aku pulang ke rumah (sebelum itu aku pergi ke sekolahku dulu untuk minta ijin soalnya nggak masuk kemarin). Jam 13.30 siang aku pergi balik ke UGM dan temenku nelpon aku kalo teamku bakalan segera bertanding!! (aku shock soalnya berdasarkan jadwal kan masih jam 14.30 tuh pertandingannya). Untungnya aku sampe temapt waktu dan masih punya 25 menit sampe giliran kita. Aku (atau kami) deg-degan banget pas lomba kemarin, dan nggak maksimal, disamping faktor bel yang nggak bekerja dengan baik >> kita mau ngejawab dan dah mencet tombolnya, tapi nggak bunyi seperti yang seharusnya... :(, makanya teamku kemarin kalah. Tapi nggak papa koq, soalnya satu hal bagus yang didapat adalah kami dah nggak terbebani lagi untuk belajar, soalnya kalo misalnya kemarin kita lolos, kita kan masih harus belajar lagi kemarin malam... . :)

Hari ini, adikku sama aku pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo untuk pergi ke restoran baru orang tuaku (dan juga temen-temennya) di sana (orangtuaku sama temen-temennya kerja sama buka nih restoran) yang bernama Qua-Li >> lantai 3 nomer 3A. Ini adalah restoran chinese-food dan makanannya enak (>> favoritku sejauh ini adalah lumpia mayonaise dan sapi lada hitam >> aku masih belum nyoba semua menunya sih, cuma kayaknya kebanyakan enak)... :) Mulai besok nih restoran bakalan dibuka untuk umum (hari ini hanya untuk yang punya sama tamu-tamu undangan, he3...).

Friday, April 28, 2006



Finally it's Friday!! The last day of my final practical examination for me (yea, only for me. Actually the last day for my class is tomorrow but because tomorrow I have a competition, the test that should be taken tomorrow, has already been taken yesterday).

If I was unlucky in physics examination (I got hard task), I wasn't unlucky in the last two tests (chemistry and biology), I got the easy ones. Yesterday, I had my chemistry practical examination. Well, honestly, I was very very nervous and pretty afraid if I forgot what to do when I was in it. My exam started at 9 AM and before that, I prepared myself outside the lab in nervous. Then, at 9 AM, we came inside the room and took the lottery. I got number 1 (matery transformation), which is one of the most easiest experiment from all 8 kinds of tasks. However, because I was still pretty nervous (I was sweating also), I wasn't careful in doing one thing. I cut the magnesium tape too long and when I burnt it, it flared up too long and burnt some paper below it, luckily I brought cloth so I could extinguish the fire. I got point reducement I think... :(

This morning, I got my final biology practical test. Just like yesterday, I was nervous also. Then, when the time came, I went inside the lab and took the lotterty. I got number 7 (monocotile stalk). I thought it was gonnabe hard, because cutting the stalk was very difficult since we had to cut it very carefully and also very thin so it's clear when we observed it with microscope. But, on the second try, I got it right. It was thin enough to be observed and that's good!!

Tomorrow I will have the semi-final round of the biology competition. My team gets number 31 which will compete at 14.30 PM tomorrow (the last match during the day). All of my school's teams are in group A.

Talking about American Idol 2006, the Result Show this week was very unpredictable. Simon apologized to Katharine because he thought that the judges were unfair to her last Tuesday (I said Katharine was under-reated). Then, the result was surprising. Katharine McPhee and Chris Daughtry were in the top two of votes, in other side, Kellie Pickler and Paris Bennett were in the bottom two!! Finally Kellie was in the bottom two!!

::: Top and Bottom two this week


Akhirnya ini hari Jumat!! Hari terakhir dari ujian praktek untuk aku (ya, cuma untuk aku. Sebenernya hari terakhir untuk kelasku tuh besok, cuma karena besok aku mesti ikut lomba, jadi tes yang harusnya dilakuin besok, sudah aku kerjakan kemarin).

Kalo aku nggak berutnugn di ujian fisika (aku dapet tugas yang susah), aku nggak tidak beruntung di dua tes yang terakhir (kimia dan biologi), aku pas dapet tugas yang lumayan gampang. Kemarin, aku ujin akhir praktek kimia-ku. Sujujurnya aja, aku kemarin tuh bener-bener deg-degan banget dan agak takut kalo misalnya nanti pas lagi kerja tiba-tiba aku lupa mesti ngapain. Ujianku dimulai jam 9 pagi dan sebelum itu, aku mempersiapkan diriku di depan ruang lab dalam suasana tegang. Trus, jam 9 pagi, kita dipersilakan masuk ruangan dan ngambil ujian. Aku dapet nomer 1 (perubahan materi), yang merupakan salah satu yang termudah dari 8 macam percobaan. Tetapi, karena aku tuh kemarin deg-degan (aku keringatan juga loh), aku nggak hati-hati pas melakukan satu tugas kecil. Aku memotoong pita magnesiumnya agak kepanjangan dan waktu aku membakar tuh pita, tuh pita menyala terlalu terang dan lama trus membakar kertas di bawahnya, untungnya aku membawa serbet jadi aku bisa memadamkan tuh api. Aku dapet pengurangan nilai deh kayaknya... :(

Pagi ini, aku ujian praktek akhir untuk biologi. Kayak kemarin, aku juga deg-degan. Trus, waktu waktunya tiba, aku masuk ke lab dan ngambil undian. Aku pas dapet nomer 7 (batang monokotil). Pertamanya aki kira itu bakalan susah juga, soalnya memotong tuh batang susah banget soalnya kan kita harus memotongnya dengan hati-hati dan tipis sehingga tuh batang jelas kalo kita amati lewat mikroskop. Tapi, di usaha yang kedua, aku mendapatkannya. Tuh batang udah cukup tipis dan itu bagus!!

Besok aku bakalan mengikuti babak semi-final untuk lomba biologi. Timku mendapat nomer 31 yang akan bertanding pukul 14.30 soang besok (pertandingan terakhir hari itu). Semua team dari sekolahku masuk di grup A.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang American Idol 2006, Result Shownya minggu ini bener-bener nggak terduga. Simon meminta maaf sama Katharine soalnya menurutku, para juri nggak adik sama dia Selasa kemarin (aku bilang Katharine dinilai terlalu rendah). Trus, hasilnya juga mengagetkan. Katharine McPhee dan Chris Daughtry berada di 2 teratas (ini sih ngak ngagetin, memang layak), sementara di sisi lain, Kellie Pickler sama Paris Bennet berada di dua terendah!! Akhirnya Kellie berada di dua terendah!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wednesday the twenty-sixth


Sorry for keep talking about school but this is because these days we have our final examinations and we were so busy with school-stuffs... :)

This morning, my class had our final practical examination for physics. Our class were divided into three groups, and I was in the first group which had the test first (from 7 AM to 9 AM). There were 10 kinds of experiments which we had to master (each person had to do one experiment, and we knew which experiment we would have to do by lottery). Some experiments were pretty difficult and the rest were not that hard. I was so nervous about my task and decided to take my lottery paper later after some of my friends did. But, I was not that lucky, my friends who took their lotteries first were lucky, they got the easy ones... . Arrrggghhh... . And yes, I got one experiment which IMO was one of the hardest experiment.... :( . But that's okay, I think I could do that pretty well.... :D. Then, at 9 AM it was all finished and I went back home. Tomorrow I will have my final practical examination for chemistry....

Talking about the top 6 show of American Idol 2006. I think some contestants did good. This is my thought:
IDOLS-01/07 - Katharine McPhee >> she was underrated by the judges I think, she was not that bad. She didn't show her best, but it was also not bad... . One think that bother me is her gown (some people (I read in a mailing list) thought that she wanted to gain votes by selling herself sexually). Probably she didn't mean it but it happened... . Score: 8.5
IDOLS-02/08 - Elliott Yamin >> he performed great. One thing that was weird is watching Paula teared... . Score: 9
IDOLS-03/09 - Kellie Pickler >> definitely the worst last night, so boring. Score: 5
IDOLS-04/10 - Paris Bennett >> she showed pretty good IMO. Score: 7.5
IDOLS-05/11 - Taylor Hicks >> wrong song choice, it didn't suit him. Score: 7
IDOLS-06/12 - Chris Daughtry >> One of the best last night. Score: 8.5

So, IMO, I hope Kellie will be voted off, but I'm still not sure because she had a great and strong fan-base... :)


Sorry kalo ini ngomongin tentang sekolah trus, tapi ini soalnya gara-gara hari-hari belakangan ini kita ujian-ujian terus dan kita sibuk sama urusan sekolah...:)

Pagi ini, kelasku ujian praktek akhir untuk mata pelajaran fisika. Kelasku dibagi ke dalam 3 kelompok dan aku berada di kelompok pertama yang maju tes duluan (dari jam 7 pagi sampe jam 9 pagi). Ada 10 macam percobaan yang harus kita kuasai (tiap orang harus ngerjain satu percobaan, dan kita tahu percobaan mana yang harus kita kerjakan melalui cara undian). Beberapa percobaan menurutku lumayan susah dan sisanya nggak susah-susah amat. Aku deg-degan banget tadi tentang tugasku dan mutusin untuk ngambil undiannya belakangan habis temen-temenku ngambil. Tetapi aku nggak seberuntung itu, temenku yang ngambil undian duluan ternyata beruntung, mereka dapet yang gampang-gampang... . Arrrggghhh... . Dan iya, aku dapet yang menurutku termasuk salah satu yang paling susah tuh :( Tapi nggakk papa, kayaknya sih aku mengerjakannya dengan lumayan koq... :D Trus jam 9 pagi semuanya selesai dan aku pulang. Besok aku bakalan ujian akhir praktek untuk kimia.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang show 6 besar American Idol 2006. Menurutku beberapa kontestan melakukan dengan baik. Ini dia pendapatku:
IDOLS-01/07 - Katharine McPhee >> menurutku dia dinilai terlalu rendah sama jurinya, dia nggak sejelek itu koq. Dia emang nggak nunjukin yang terbaik, tapi nggak jelek juga... . Satu hal yang agak mengganggu tuh gaunnya (beberapa orang (aku baca di mailing list) berpendapat kalo dia mau mendapatkan suara dengan cara menjual dirinya). Mungkin dia nggak bermaksud gitu, tapi kan dah terjadi... . Nilai: 8.5
IDOLS-02/08 - Elliott Yamin >> tampil dengan bagus. Yang aneh cuma ngeliat Paula nangis... . Nilai: 9
IDOLS-03/09 - Kellie Pickler >> benar-benar yang terjelek deh tadi malam, membosankan banget. Nilai: 5
IDOLS-04/10 - Paris Bennett >>menurutku lumayan juga koq. Nilai: 7.5
IDOLS-05/11 - Taylor Hicks >> pilihan lagu yang salah, nggak cocok sama dia. Nilai: 7
IDOLS-06/12 - Chris Daughtry >> Salah satu yang terbaik tuh. Nilai: 8.5

Jadi, menurutku, aku berharap sih Kellie yang out, tapi aku masih nggak yakin soalnya dia punya fans yang banyak dan kuat...:)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Sunday and Monday


Last Sunday, finally I had my biology competition at UGM Yogyakarta. At 7 AM in the morning I went to my school first (and waited for some other friends). While waiting, I studied for it and read some books (I didn't study the day before, and last Saturday I hanged out with my friends instead of studied). Just to be honest, I didn't have that much passion to win the competition. I don't know why. Probably because this is my last competition and even if I win this competition, the certificate will not be that useful in registering to university. Or probably because I'm not that expert in biology so for me it sounds hard. Then, at 7.40 AM we went to UGM. The competition started at 9.10 AM and finished at 10.40 AM. We had to do 100 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes >> we did that in a group. Well, just like many other competitions, the questions were very hard (not all of them were hard, but most of them were). For example: just wanted to say: "bending the knee", they said: "the knee was in the position of flexi, abduction, and endorotation". Arrgghhh... . They also used the system 2,0,-1 >> 2 points for each correct answer, 0 for leaving each question in blank, and -1 for each wrong answer. From 100 questions my team filled 70. Not all of them we were sure, but most of them were just like gambling. We didn't expect that much after it finished.

The result would be announced at 12.00 PM. Because of that, we had lunch at Jogja Chicken north of faculty of forestry UGM. Then, we went back to the faculty of medical UGM waiting for the result. After waiting for about 40 minutes, finally the result came up. And, unexpectedly, my team sailed through the next round!!! (I think I should tell you the system of this competition first. There are 6 regions, and in each region, they took the best 10 teams, so they got 60 teams. And they also picked 4 more teams with the highest scores from all contestants,and they got 64 semi-finalists). My school sent 6 teams to this competition, and 4 team went through.... . We will have the next round next Saturday....

This morning, I had my final practical examination for Bahasa Indonesia. There were 3 questions, all about writing, and we had to do them in 120 minutes. It was not very hard, but the scoring, for me, is very hard..... . :( After that, I went to the physics lab to study for the final exam next Wednesday. My teacher was da*n cruel. She changed one experiment just 4 days before the day without telling it to us (it's still unfair even if she told it to us, because we had already prepared and studied hard for it, and now she just easily changed it to another one which means that we have to study it once again from zero).

::: My Bahasa Indonesia final practical examination question sheet


Hari Minggu kemarin akhirnya aku mengikuti lomba biologi di UGM Yogyakarta. Jam 7 pagi aku pergi ke sekolahku dulu (dan menunggu beberapa temen yang lain). Sambil menunggu, aku belajar untuk itu dan membaca beberapa buku (aku nggak belajar sebelumnya, dan Sabtu kemarin aku malah pergi sama temen-temenku).Jujur aja deh, aku nggak punya nafsu yang membara untuk memenangkan lomba ini. Aku nggak tahu kenapa. Mungkin gara-gara ini adalah lomba terakhir dan bahkan kalo misalnya aku menang, piagamnya nggak bakalan berguna banget untuk mendaftar ke universitas. Atau mungkin karena aku nggak gitu ahli di biologi jadi kesannya susah banget. Trus jam 7.40 pagi kami pergi ke UGM. Lombanya dimulai jam 9.10 pagi dan selesai jam 10.40 pagi. Kita mesti ngerjain 100 soal pilihan ganda dalam waktu 90 menit >> kita melakukannya dalam grup. Hmm, kayak lomba-lomba yang lainnya, soal-soalnya susah banget (nggak semuanya sih, cuma kebanyakan gitu). Misalnya aja: mau bilang: "menekuk lutut", eh ditulisnya malah: "lutut berada dalam posisi fleksi, abduksi, dan endorotasi". Arrgghhh... . Mereka juga pake sistem 2,0,-1 >> 2 untuk setiap jawaban yang benar, 0 untuk jawaban yang kosong, dan -1 untuk setiap jawaban yang salah. Dari 100 pertanyaan kita ngerjain 70 soal. Bukan berarti kesemuanya yakin bener, tapi kebanyakan lebih ke untung-untungan. Kita nggak berharap banyak habis lombanya selesai.

Hasilnya bakalan diumumin jam 12 siangnya. Karena itu, kita makan siang dulu di Jogja Chicken di sebelah utartnya Fakultas Kehuatanan UGM. Trus, kita balik lagi ke Fakultas Kedokteran UGM untuk menunggu hasilnya. Habis nunggu sekitar 40 menit, akhirnya hasilnya keluar. Dan, nggak terduga, teamku berhasil masuk ke babak selanjutnya!!! (kayaknya aku mesti nulis dulu sistem dari lomba ini deh. Jadi tuh ada 6 daerah, dan di setiap daerah, diambil 10 team dengan nilai terbaik, jadi didapatkan 60 team. Trus, diambil lagi 4 team dengan nilai tertinggi dari keseluruhan kontestan yang tersisa, jadi mereka mendapatkan 64 semifinalis). Sekolahku ngirim 6 team dan 4 diantaranya masuk... . Babak selanjutnya bakalan diadain besok Sabtu...

Pagi ini, aku ada ujian akhir praktek untuk Bahasa Indonesia. Ada 3 pertanyaan, semuanya tentang menulis, dan kita mesti ngerjain dalam 120 menit. Nggak susah-susah amat, cuma penilaiannya yang susah banget.... :( Habis itu, aku pergi ke laboratorium fisika untuk belajar ujian praktek akhir besok Rabu. Guruku bener-bener kejam dan s****n. Dia ngganti salah satu eprcobaannya hanya 4 hari sebelum hari-Hnya tanpa bilang apa-apa ke kita (bahkan walaupun dia bilang ke kita itu juga tetep nggak adil soalnya kita kan dah persiapan dan belajar keras untuk itu, dan sekarang dia dengan gampangnya mengganti menjadi yang lainyang artinya kita harus belajar itu sekali lagi dari nol).

Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Blog First Anniversary

Finally, today my blog reaches its first birthday....

132 messages have already been posted during its first year

Many many comments have already been submitted

Many many people have come and visitted

Thanks to everyone for your supports.... . I will keep on writing in this blog... :)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Exhausting Day


First of all, I wanna say: HAPPY KARTINI'S DAY for all women in the world (especially in Indonesia).

Today was a tiring day for me. Well, actually our class was treated pretty unfair today. Today we had a full-hour lessons, and actually, today should have been a holiday for us (I mean we just had our third day of our final sport practical examination, but because there was no matery left, we just had to play basketball or soccer or any other kind of sport). It was also peculiar since school announced this news yesterday after school via sms (I thought somebody was just joking when I read that sms) >> what if some students don't get that sms or how about them who don''t own cellphones??

After school this afternoon, some friends (who also will compete at the biology competition next Sunday) and I studied together preparing for the competition. Well, it took 2 hours and trust me, it was exhausting. It was heavily cloudy this afternoon and there were some thunders. At 2.30 PM I went back home and took a nap.

Well, talking about the result show of American Idol 2006. The bottom three was not very shocking (except seeing Chris Daughtry in the bottom two and Paris Bennet in the bottom three). Paris, Chris, and Ace were in the bottom three this week. I think it's obvious from this three who should go. Kellie was the worst this week and she was not even in the bottom three, wow it means that she has a big and strong fan base. Talking about Idols show, starting this night, the Indonesian Idol season 3 starts. Today we watched the audition in some cities (Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta, Medan and Surabaya) and next week we will watch the elimination round in Jakarta. 178 people made it to Jakarta.

::: Bottom three this week


Pertama-tama aku mau ngucapin SELAMAT HARI KARTINI bagi semua wanita di dunia (khususnya yang di Indonesia).

Hari ini adalah hari yang melelahkan untuk aku. Sebenernya sih kelasku diperlakukan agak nggak adil hari ini. Hari ini tadi tuh pelajarannya penuh, dan sebenernya, harusnya tadi tuh libut untuk kelasku (maksudnya, harusnya kan hari ini tuh hari ketiga untuk ujian praktek olahraganya, tapi karena bahannya dah habis, jadi harusnya tadi tuh main asket apa sepak bola atau apa gitu...). Ini juga aneh soalnya sekolah mengumumkan berita ini kemarin habis sekolah lewat sms (pertamanya aku kira seseorang lagi main-main waktu aku baca smsnya) >> gimana coba kalo ada anak yang ga dapet sms atau gimana untuk mereka yang nggak punya hape??

Habis sekolah siang tadi, beberapa temen (yang juga bakalan ikut lomba biologi besok Minggu) sama aku belajar untuk persiapan lomba besok. Tadi ternyata membutuhkan waktu 2 jam untuk belajar dan percayalah, bener2 bikin capek. Tadi juga mendung tebel banget dan terjadi beberapa halilintar tuh... . Jam 2.30 siang aku pulang ke rumah trus langsung tidur deh...

Ngomongin tentang American Idol 2006. Tiga terbawahnya minggu ini nggak terlalu bikin shock (kecuali melihat Chris Daughtry di 2 terbawah dan Paris Bennet di 3 terbawah). Paris, Chris, dan Ace adalah tiga terbawah minggu ini. Menurutku sih dari tiga ini dah jelas sapa yang seharusnya pulang. Kellie tuh menurutku yang terjelek minggu ini dan dia bahkan nggak di tiga terbawah minggu ini, ini menunjukkan kalo dia punya fans yang banyak dan kuat. Ngomongin tentang acara Idol, mulai malem ini Indonesian Idol season 3 dah mulai. Hari ini nayangin audisi di beberapa kota (Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta, Medan dan Surabaya) trus minggu depan bakalan nayangin babak eliminasi di Jakarta. 178 orang berhasil lolos ke Jakarta tuh.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday The Nineteenth


This morning, I had the second day of my final practical examination for sport. If last Monday we had to do running and playing underring for basketball, this morning we had to do rolling (forward and backward). I think I could do that pretty well, but I still don't know my score yet (because my teacher used code as our scores, and unfortunately I couldn't read that code). Well, after the exam finished, my friends and I went to the physics lab to exercise and study to prepare our physics final practiacl examination next week. I thought some of them were difficult, but after studied them, they are not that hard... :)

Unexpectedly, this morning our TPHBS results were given to us!! Well, my score was not very good, but it also surprised me. I got the highest score!! Well, I didn't suppose this to happen, because I thought when I did the TPHBS exams several weeks ago, I was not in my maximum condition and I made many silly mistakes, I also didn't study well and was lack of spirit. Thanks God this happens... :)

Well, tonight I watched the top 7 show of American Idol 2006 (Rod Stewart week). I think they did great (the best two for me were Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee). However, IMO, the two weakest performers were Kellie Pickler and Ace Young. Kellie was the worst last night, but I'm still not sure if whe will get the lowest number of votes this week because she has a big fan base.

::: My TPHBS Result (click to enlarge)


Tadi pagi, aku menghadapi hari kedua untuk ujian praktek olahraga-ku. Kalo Senin kemarin aku mesti ngelakuin lari dan underring untuk basket, tadi pagi aku harus melakukan rolling (ke depan maupun ke belakang). Menurutku sih kayaknya aku melakukannya dah lumayan juga, tapi aku masih belum tahu nilaiku (soalnya guruku menilai kita pake kode dan sayangnya aku nggak ngerti gimana cara baca tuh kode). Habis ujiannya selesai, temen-temenku sama aku pergi ke laboratorium fisika untuk latihan sama belajar untuk persiapan ujian praktek fisika minggu depan. Pertamanya aku kira beberapa tuh susah, tapi habis dipelajari ternyata nggak sesuah itu koq... :)

Nggak terduga, pagi ini hasil TPHBSnya dibagikan ke kita!! Nilaiku nggak bagus-bagus amat sih, cuma mengejutkan aku aja. Aku dapet nilai tertinggi!! Hmm, aku nggak menduga ini terjadi soalnya pas aku melakukan tes TPHBS beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku nggak dalam kondisi maksimalku dan membuat banyak kesalahan konyol, aku juga nggak belajar dengan baik dan kekurangan semangat pas itu. Terima Kasih Tuhan... :)

Malam ini aku nonton shownya American Idol 2006 yang 7 besar (minggunya Rod Stewart). Menurutku sih mereka melakukannya dengan baik (yang dua terbaiknya adalah Chris Daughtry dan Katharine McPhee, untuk aku). Tetapi, menurutku, dua terburuknya adalah Kellie Pickler sama Ace Young. Kellie adalah yang terburuk minggu ini, tapi aku masih gak yakin kalo misalnya dia yang mendapat suara terendah soalnya dia punya fans yang banyak.

Monday, April 17, 2006

WeekEnd + Monday


Last weekend, I was pretty 'busy'. At 11.30 AM I had to hand in my final practical examination paper for religion. So, at 11.30 AM I picked up my friends, then went to school (yep, I went to school at Holiday... :P), and handed in my paper. Then, we went to Plaza Ambarrukmo (because PA is pretty close to my school) until 1.15 PM. After that, we wanted to have lunch, but unfortunately because it was weekend plus holiday, Yogyakarta were pretty crowded and every single restaurant was full of cars or buses. Finally we found Kiko Japanese Restaurant and ate there (because it was not that full).

Because I still had one free voucher for karyoke (and I just felt guilty if I didn't use it), I picked up one more friend and went to the karyoke centre. Unfortunately, we weren't careful reading the voucher, we couldn't use that voucher on weekend!! Well, because we had already arrived there, we then still booked a room. Because it was still afternoon, we still got the cheapest fee. At 5.30 PM we finished (and got one more free-ticket) and then we had dinner at KFC (we were rushing). Then, we went back home.

This morning, I had my first final practical examination for sport. We had to run around the football field for 12 minutes. Well, I hadn't had exercise for several weeks, therefore I was not in my best condition... :(. After that, we had to do underring for basketball. What!?!?!? We were still exhausted (especially for us, who were the second group to run >> we were divided into 2 groups, and I was in the second group) and we had to do that!?!? But I think I did pretty good at that... :) Then, at 10 AM, 3 of my friends and I had the final practical examination for religion. We had to do a preach. Well, I did pretty good at this and got 8.35 for my temporary score (we still have one more element which we still don't know our score yet).

::: Two free-voucher which are still in my hand


Akhir minggu yang kemarin, aku lumayan 'sibuk'. Jam 11.30 siang aku harus ngumpulin teks untuk ujian akhir pendidikan religiositas-ku. Jadi, jam 11.30 siang aku jemput temenku trus pergi ke sekolah ( (yup, aku pergi ke sekolah pas liburan... :), dan ngumpulin tugasku. Trus, kita pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo (soalnya PA kan lumayuan deket tuh dari sekolahku) sampe jam 1.15 siang. Habis itu kita mau makan siang, tapi sayangnya gara-gara kemarin tuh akhir minggu dan musim liburan, Yogyakarta lumayan rame dan setiap restoran tuh penuh oleh mobil dan bus. Akhirnya kita menemukan Rumah Makan Jepang Kiko dan makan di sana (soalnya ndak rame-rame amat).

Karena aku masih punya satu voucher gratis untuk karaoke (dan aku merasa bersalah kalo ndak pake tuh voucher), aku jemput satu temenku lagi trus pergi ke tempat karaokenya. Sayangnya, kita ndak teliti baca vouchernya yang ternyata nggak bisa dipake selama weekend!! Yah, karena kita dah terlanjur sampe disana, ya kita tetep pesen satu ruangan. Karena masih siang, jadi kita masih dapat harga yang paling murah. Jam 5.30 kita selesai (dan mendapatkan satu voucher gratis lagi) trus kita makan malem di KFC (kita agak terburu-buru sih). Trus, kita pulang.

Pagi ini, aku menghadapi ujian praktek olahraga yang pertama. Kita mesti lari mengelilingi lapangan bola selama 12 menit. Karena aku dah nggak latihan selama beberapa minggu, makanya aku ndak di kondisi terbaikku... :(. Habis itu, kita mesti ngelakuin underring untuk mata pelajaran basket. Apa!?!?!?! Kita masih capek (khususnya kami, yang merupakan grup kedua untuk lari >> kita dibagi menjadi 2 grup, dan aku di grup kedua yg lari belakangan) dan kita mesti ngelakuin itu!?!? Tapi kayaknya sih aku lumayan koq disitu.. :). Trus jam 10 pagi, 3 dari temenku dan aku ada ujian akhir untuk pendidikan religiositas. Kita mesti ngelakuin khotbah. Kayaknya sih aku lumayan di ujian ini dan mendapat nilai 8.35 untuk nilai sementaraku (masih ada satu elemen lagi yang kita masih belum tahu nilai kita).

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday


Today is Good Friday, the day when Jesus Christ sacrifised Himself for us, the sinners, almost 2 thousand years ago. Well, just like the other Christian people, this evening I went to the church with my friends. I left my house at 4.12 PM (the eucharist would start at 5 PM), and picked my friends up. We then arrived at the church at about 4.25 PM. Guess what?? The church had already been (almost) full!! We desperately looked for some chairs, and finally we got them on the far side of the church. (well, it was still 30 minutes to the start, and imagine how people would feel if they came a lil' closer to 5 PM). At 5 PM (it was raining pretty hard at that time) the eucharist started, and just like the previous Good Friday Eucharist, it took a long time. The story of the suffers of Christ was sung by some people (yea, the text of it was 8 pages of the guide book, and they sang it slowly) and it took almost one hour. But that's okay, that was not comparable with the suffers of Christ... :P Well, then the eucharist finished at 7 PM and we had dinner at PKL (again). At 8 PM we went back home.

Talking about the Result Show of The Top 8 of American Idol 2006 this week, I think it was not disappointing. The bottom three was Ace Young, Elliott Yamin, and Bucky Covington (yep, Ace and Bucky, for me, were the two worst and they deserved to be in the bottom three. But Elliott didn't, he was great!!). IMO, from this three, the one who deserved most to be voted off is Ace Young... :) But who is voted off? I know who, but I won't write here because I don't want to ruin the pleasure of some people who haven't watched it... :)

::: Bottom three this week


Hari ini adalah Jumat Agung, hari dimana Yesus Kristus mengorbankan diri-Nya demi kita, para pendosa, hampir 2000 tahun yang lalu. Ya kayak orang-orang Kristen / Katolik lainnya, aku tadi sore pergi ke misa ekaristi di gereja sama temen-temenku. Aku berangkat dari rumah jam 4.12 sore (ekaristi bakalan mulai jam 5 sore), trus menjemput temenku. Trus kita sampe di gereja sekitar jam 4.25 sore. Tebak apa?? Gerejanya dah (hampir) penuh!!! Kita dengan susah payah mencari kursi kosong dan akhirnya kita menemukan di bagian terpencil dari gereja. (itu tadi kan masih sekitar setengah jam sebelum misa dimulai, dan bayangkan gimana kalo misalnya mereka datengnya lebih mendekati jam 5 sore). Akhirnya jam 5 sore (tadi hujan lumayan deres tuh) misanya dimulai, dan kayak misa-misa untuk Jumat Agung sebelumnya, misanya lama. Cerita tentang penderitaan Yesus dinyanyikan oleh beberapa orang (yup, teksnya aja udah 8 halaman sendiri di buku panduannya, dan mereka menyanyikannya pelan-pelan). Ini dah ngambil waktu satu jam sendiri. Tapi nggak papa, itu masih belum sebanding sama penderitaannya Yesus... :P Trus misanya selesai jam 7 malem, trus kita makan di PKL (lagi). Jam 8 kita pulang.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang Result Show American Idol 8 besar minggu ini, menurutku sih nggak terlalu mengecewakan. Tiga terbawahnya Ace Young, Elliott Yamin, dan Bucky Covington (yup, Ace dan Bucky, menurutku, adalah 2 terburuk dan mereka berhak koq ada di 3 terbawah. Tapi Elliott enggak, dia bagus loh!!). Menurutku, dari tiga ini, yang paling berhak untuk dieliminasi dadlah Ace Young... :) Tapi apakah dia pulang?? Aku tahu siapa yang pulang tapi aku nggak mau nulis dulu soalnya nggak mau ngerusak kesenangan mereka yang belum nonton acara ini... :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Well, probably this is a lil' too early but that's okay... :)

I just wanna say


to all of you

May the sacrifice of Jesus Christ will make us become a better person in the world... :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday (The Fourth Day of My Holiday)


This morning, I got up at 8.45 AM, and then I continued doing my final practical examination paper for religion. Unfortunately, at about 10.40 AM, one of my brother's friend came and of course, my brother seized this computer from me. Well, my paper hasn’t finished yet. I hope tomorrow it will have already done because next Saturday I will have to hand it in to my teacher, and on Monday, I will have my final practical examination for it.

At 3 PM, my friends asked me to go the karyoke again for 2 hours. We started at 3.40 PM and ended at 5.40 PM. We then went to PKL to have dinner. It was damn cheap!! (it's located near two universities and one high-school, and of course many boarding houses and dormitories around there, so it's very obvious that it's cheap... :D). Then we went to my house to watch the top 8 show of American Idol 2006. Wow, they performed great (except Ace Young and Bucky Covington. Well, I think (and also hope) Ace will be eliminated on Thursday). We then played computer and copied some mp3s until 10 PM, and then they went back home.

Yesterday, I bought a new stuff again for my computer. It's a microphone... . You can see the pic below.

::: My new microphone


Pagi ini aku bangun jam 8.45 pagi, trus aku ngelanjutin ngerjain tugas akhir untuk ujian praktek pendidikan religiositas. Sayangnya, sekitar jam 10.40an, salah satu dari temennya adikku dateng, jadi ya jelas aja adikku ngerebut nih komputer dari aku. Akhirnya tugasku itu belum selesai. Aku harap sih besok moga2 semuanya dah selesai soalnya besok Sabtu nih tugas mesti dikumpulin ke guruku dan besok Senennya aku bakalan ujian praktek untuk mata pelajaran ini.

Jam 3 sore, temenku ngajak aku pergi ke karaoke lagi selama 2 jam. Kita mulai jam 3.40 sore dan selesainya jam 5.40 sore. Kita trus pergi ke PKL untuk makan malam. Gila, murah bener!! (ya kan itu terletak di deket 2 buah universitas dan satu SMA, otomatis ada banyak rumah kos juga disitu dan ada jg beberapa asrama, jadi ya kelas aja lah kalo murah... :D)./ Trus habis itu kita pergi ke rumahku nonton show 8 besar-nya American Idol 2006. Wow, ternyata bagus-bagus (kecuali Ace Young dan Bucky Covington. Aku kira (dan harap) Ace bakalan tereliminasi Kamis besok). Kita trus main komputer dan ngopi beberapa mp3 sampe jam 10 malem. Habis itu mereka pulang.

Kemarin, aku beli barang baru untuk kompterku lagi, yaitu sebuah mikrofon... . Ada tuh gambarnya di atas...

Monday, April 10, 2006



Starting this morning, I have a one-week holiday (because this week is The Easter week)!! Actually I'm not that happy because I have many things to do on this holiday. After this holiday, school is not relaxing anymore, we start our "special" schedule which means that the final-practical examination will be held.

Ok, keep that story for some days later. I'll turn back a little to the past 2 days. As usual, before having easter holiday, last Saturday we received our mid-semester report paper. At first I thought it would be quick (so we just arrived at school, waited for 7 AM, then our teacher came into out class and gave us our report papers). But it wasn't. We had to wait until 7.45 AM, and then we went to the hall, and had a mass liturgy for an hour. After the liturgy, we had to listen to some announcements. Well, there were some interesting facts (which I knew from that announcement). Based on this mid-semester result, there are 72 students from the first grade students don't pass (their scores are lower than the minimum passing grade to the second grade). For the second year students, there are 50 students from science stream, 10 from the social stream, and 12 (of 17 >> imagine that!!!) from the language stream whose scores are lower than the minimum grade. There are 400something applicants from Junior High-School applied to enter my high-school, and 193 of them made it (including my brother), and only 185 confirmed. Well, after listening to the announcement, we went back to our classroom and waited for our teacher gave us our report papers. Then, our teacher came and she gave those papers. I was shocked and suspicious, because I thought I got my score higher than my estimation and also my score's combination (including my class average) was exactly the same with my first mid-semester score last October. One of my friends then asked to the headmaster and after checked the files, yes, we got the wrong papers. Arrrggghhh... . Then I will get the right paper next Monday.... :(

Last Sunday, I slept almost all of the day... lol (I wanted to enjoy my holiday... :D). Well, some guests came here, and last night I accompanied them having dinner (my parents had a meeting about the new restaurant, therefore I had to accompany them). We first wanted to eat at Tojoyo restaurant, but unfortunately, their foods were sold out!!! I then realized that yesterday was holiday and many tourists came to Yogyakarta. We then went to Soeharti Restaurant and ate there, and when we came there were some buses and many cars parked there. We had to wait for 1 hour until the meal came to our table... :( After that, we went back home...

::: My right wrong mid-semester result page


Mulai pagi ini, aku akhirnya libur selama seminggu (soalnya kan ini adalah minggu Paskah)!! Sebenernya sih aku nggak seneng-seneng banget juga, soalnya ada banyak hal yang harus dilakuin sih di liburan ini. Habis liburan ini, sekolah dah nggak santai-santai lagi, kita memulai jadwal "khusus" kami yang artinya juga bahwa ujian akhir praktikum akan segera dimulai.

Ok, kita simpan tuh cerita untuk besok-besok. Aku mau berbalik sedikit ke 2 hari terakhir ini. Seperti biasanya, sebelum memulai liburan Paskah, Sabtu kemarin kira menerima nilai mid-semester kami. Pertamanya aku kira bakalan cepet tuh (jadi kita cuma ke sekolah, menunggu sampai jam 7 pagi, trus guruku dateng ke kelas dan membagikan nilai kami). Tapi ternyata enggak. Kita mesti menunggu sampai jam 7.45 pagi trus pergi ke aula, dan ada misa kudus selama satu jam. Setelah misa, kita mesti mendengarkan beberapa pengumuman. Ada beberapa fakta menarik (yang aku dapat dari pengumuman itu). Berdasarkan hasil mid-semester kali ini, ada 72 murid kelas 1 yang nggak naik (nilainya dibawah nilai batas bawah minimum untuk naik kelas). Untuk yang kelas dua, ada 50 anak dari jurusan IPA, 10 anak dari jurusan IPS, dan 12 anak (dari 17 anak >> bayangin tuh!!) dari jurusan Bahasa yang terancam gak naik alias nilainya di bawah nilai minimal. Trus ada 400an anak SMP yang mendaftar untuk masuk ke sekolahku, dan 193 anak keterima (termasuk adikku), dan hanya 185 yang daftar ulang. Habis mendengarkan ke pengumuman itu, akhirnya kita balik lagi ke kelas dan menunggu guruku membagi nilai kita. Trus guruku dateng dan membagi kamu kertasnya. Aku shock dan curiga, soalnya kayaknya nilaiku lebih tinggi dari perkiraan deh, dan kombinasi nilainya bisa sama persis (termasuk rata-rata kelasnya) sama nilai mid-semester pertamaku Oktober kemarin. Trus salah satu temenku tanya ke kepala sekolah dan habis ngecek filenya, beneran, kita mendapatkan kertas yang salah. Arrrggghhh... . Trus aku bakal dapet kertas yang bener Senen besok... :(

Minggu kemarin, aku tidur hampir sepanjang hari... lol (aku kan mau menikmati hari Minggu-ku... :D). Trus beberapa tamu dateng, dan kemarin malem aku menemani mereka cari makan (orang tuaku ada meeting tentang restoran baru, makanya aku yang harus menemani mereka). Pertamanya kita mau ke Restoran Tojoyo, tetapi sayangnya, makanannya habis!!! Aku trus menyadari kalo kemarin tuh liburan dan banyak turis dateng ke Yogyakarta. Kita trus ke Restoran Suharti dan makan disana, dan waktu sampe disana ada banyak bis dan mobil yang parkir disana. Kita mesti nunggu 1 jam sampe makanannya sampe di meja kita... :( Habis itu aku pulang deh ke rumah...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Friday and A Shock


Inspirated by Hide a.k.a Owen, this afternoon my friends and I played bowling again (after being absent for about 2 months). We went there at 3 PM and arrived at about 3.30 PM. We then played 2 games each. Because we (especially I) hadn't been playing bowling for more than 2 months, so we were stiff again and for sure, we didn't make high score. Well, there were some people played bowling this afternoon. It was beyond my expectation, I thought there would not be many people (since I thought people had been bored with this kind of game) playing bowling.

After that, at 4.50 PM we left the bowling centre and then we had dinner at Waroeng Steak until 6.00 PM. Then, I accompanied one of my friend went to an accesories shop near Waroeng Steak. At 6.30 PM, we then decided to go to the karyoke. We didn't go to the place which I went to last week (actually we wanted to go there because they gave us a free pass for 1 hour, and that's pretty interesting, wasn't it??). Unfortunately, that voucher was valid only until 6th April 2006. And today is 7th April 2006. Arrrgggghhhhhh..... . OK, because we were disappointed last week, so we went to another place. It was more expensive, but they served a lot better service and more comfortable (and cool) place. We then finished at 7.45 PM.

And then we went to one of my friend's house (his house is in Ramai Mall), and actually I planned to look for an mp3s CD (I was looking for an old song: Bad Day by Daniel Powter). But when we arrived there, the stall had already closed. Arrrggghhhh... . Ok, then we went to a small sidewalk stall. The good news is that I finally got the CD I was looking for, and the bad news is that it was raining pretty hard at that time. But that's okay. Then, I went back home...

Watching the top 9 show of American Idol 2006 really shocked me. The result was unbelievable. Mandisa, Elliot, and Paris were in the bottom three. All of them are great singers and also potential (well, for me, some other contestants who were safe actually deserved to be in the bottom three more than them). And you know what? Mandisa was voted off!!! What??? What the hell happened? She is one of the most talented and best singer in this competition and now she got voted off in the top 9 show?? She does deserve to stay on that stage longer (at least until the top 5 or top 3). Yea, Mandisa didn't show her best this week, but it doesn't mean that she was the worst. Arrrggghhhh.... . My favorite contestant now is only Katharine McPhee so far (probably some othe contestants will be my favorite too, but until today she is my only favourite (after Mandisa left the competition)).

::: Bottom three this week


Terinspirasi oleh Hide a.k.a Owen, siang ini aku dan beberapa temenku main bowling lagi (setelah nggak main selama sekitar 2 bulan). Kita pergi kesana jam 3 sore trus sampenya ya sekitar jam 3.30an.Kita trus main masing-masing 2 game. Karena kita (terutama aku) dah lama banget ga main bowling tuh (sekitar 2 bulan lebih deh), jadi kita mainnya kaku lagi dan tentu aja donk, nilainya ga tinggi-tinggi amat. Ternyata ada beberapa orang yang main bowling tadi siang. Itu di atas perkiraanku, soalnya aku kira nggak bakalan banyak orang yang main (soalnya aku kira orang-orang dah pada bosen sama game ini)..

Habis itu, sekitar jam 4.50 sore kita meninggalkan tempat bowlingnya trus makan di Waroeng Steak sampe jam 6 sore. Trus aku nemenin temenku pergi ke toko aksesoris di deketnya Waroeng Steak. Jam 6.30 trus kita pergi ke tempat karaoke. Kita nggak pergi ke tempat yang minggu lalu kita datengin (sebenernya sih kita mau loh pergi ke sana soalnya kan dulu kita dapet voucher gratis 1 jam, lumayan kan??). Sayangnya, ternyata vouchernya cuma berlaku sampe tanggal 6 April 2006, padahal hari ini kan tanggal 7 April 2006. Arrrgggghhhhhh..... . OK, bkarena kita dah ekcewa minggu lalu, jadi kita pergi ke tempat karaoke yang lain. Lebih mahal sih, tapi mereka kan ngasi pelayanan yang lebih bagus, dan tempatnya lebih nyaman (dan keren). Kita selesai jam 7.45 malem.

Trus kita pergi ke rumah salah satu temenku dan sebenernya aku pingin nyari sebuah CD mp3 (aku lagi nyari lagu lama: Bad Day oleh Daniel Powter). Tapi waktu kita nyampek, ternyata tokonya dah tutup. Arrrggghhhh... . Ok, trus kita pergi ke toko kecil di pinggiran jalan. Berita bagusnya, aku dapet CD yang aku cari, dan berita buruknya adalah tadi tuh hujan lumayan deres tuh. Tapi nggak papa. Trus aku pulang...

Nonton show 9 besar American Idol 2006 bener-bener bikin shock. Hasilnya nggak bisa dipercaya. Masak Mandisa, Elliot, dan Paris masuk 3 terendah. Padahal mereka kan bagus-bagus dan potensial (sebenernya sih untuk aku ada beberapa kontestan lain yang aman tapi sebenernya lebih berhak untuk berada di 3 terbawah minggu ini lebih daripada mereka bertiga). Dan tahu nggak?? Mandisa tersisih!!! Apa??? Apa yang terjadi? Dia adalah salah satu kontestang yang paling berbakat dan paling bagus di season ini dan sekarang dia tersisih di peringkat 9?? Dia bener-bener berhak loh untuk bertahan lebih lama (paling nggak sampe 5 besar atau 3 besar lah). Iya sih, Mandisa nggak menunjukkan yang terbaiknya minggu ini, tapi itu kan bukan berarti dia yang terburuk. Arrrggghhhh.... . Kontestan favoritku sekarang tinggal Katharine McPhee deh sejauh ini (mungkin aja kan ntar aku jadi suka sama kontestan yang lain juga, tapi sampe saat ini sih dia lah satu-satunya favoritku (setelah Mandisa tersisih dari kompetisi ini)).

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Boring Week


This week, for me, is a very very boring week. At school, we don't have any lessons (I know in your mind probably you think: "But that's not supposed to be a boring week then, right?"). But it's different. We, the third grade students, have some "universities informations" presentations at school starting last Saturday, til' next Friday. So, we just have to sit in the hall, listen to the speakers, and ask questions if we have. I know this might be useful for some students, but I think this doesn't work well to most of us. I think it also takes too much time (6 days). Why do we have this? One reason is that because these days the first year students have a 'studi ekskursi' assignment to finish (which as far as I hear, apparently this year task is harder than my task 2 years ago, he3... :D) and the second year students go on a live-in program for about 4 days in a secluded village (which we also had it last year). The only one good thing is that we can go home pretty earlier and school starts at 8 AM. He3...

This week is also a boring week because this week, the other private schools (where some of my friends study at) do still have their TPHBS test. My school had this test pretty earlier than the other school because my school is located in another regency. Well, my school is located in Yogyakarta City, but administratively, it's included in Sleman Regency (just about 50 meters from the border) >> you know, city always grows and so does Yogyakarta... :) So, if you ask where Plaza Ambarrukmo is, it is in Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency. Therefore, some of my friends still study for their tests this week.

What do I do then in such this boring week?? Well, I just read Harry Potter 4: The Goblet of Fire again. Actually I have already read this book 4 years ago, but yesterday when I watched the film, I forgot some parts of it. I still remembered the main line of the story, but I didn't remember the details, and because of that, I read this novel one more time, he3... :)

::: Harry Potter 4 (I bought this book 4,5 years ago)


Minggu ini, untuk aku, adalah minggu yang sangat sangat membosankan. Di sekolah, kita nggak ada pelajaran (Aku tahu koq mungkin di pikiran kalian muncul pertanyaan: "Lho, seharusnya itu malah nggak menjadi minggu yang membosankan kan?"). Tapi ini lain. Kami, murid-murid kelas tiga, ada beberapa presentasi "informasi perguruan tinggi" di sekolah mulai Sabtu kemarin sampei Jumat besok. Jadi, kita cuma harus duduk di aula, mendengarkan ke pembicaranya, dan bertanya kalo misalnya punya pertanyaan. Aku tahu sih kalo ini mungkin berguna untuk beberapa murid, tapi menurutku sih ini nggak begitu berhasil deh untuk kebanyakan. Aku rasa ini juga ngambil waktu terlalu lama (6 hari). Kenapa kita harus ngadain nih acara? Salah satu alasannya adalah karena minggu ini, anak kelas satu ada tugas 'studi ekskursi' untuk diselesaikan (yang sejauh yang aku denger, ternyata lebih berat daripada tugasku dua tahun yang lalu, he3... :D) dan anak-anak kelas dua mesti pergi live-in selama sekitar 4 hari di desa terpencil (yang juga aku alami tahun lalu). Satu-satunya hal bagus adalah kita boleh pulang pagi dan masuk sekolahnya jam 8, he3...

Minggu ini juga adalah minggu yang membosankan soalnya sekolah swasta yang lain (dimana beberapa temenku sekolah disana) masih menghadapi tes TPHBS mereka. Sekolahku mendapat jatah tes ini lebih awal soalnya kan sekolahku ada di kabupaten lain. Sekolahku terletak di Kota Yogyakarta, tapi secara administratif, termasuk ke Kabupaten Sleman (cuma sekitar 50 meter sih dari batasnya) >> tau lah, kota kan selalu berkembang, dan begitu pula Yogyakarta... :) Jadi, kalo misalnya ditanya dimanakah Plaza Ambarrukmo, jawabannya ya di Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman. Makanya, beberapa temenku juga masih belajar untuk tes mereka minggu ini.

Trus apa donk yang aku lakuin di minggu yang sangat membosankan ini?? Aku membaca ulang Harry Potter 4: Piala Api. Sebenernya sih aku dah baca buku ini 4 tahun yang lali, tapi kemarin waktu aku nonton filmnya, aku lupa beberapa bagian-bagiannya. Aku masih inget sih jalan utama ceritanya gimana, cuma aku nggak inget detailnya. Makanya aku membaca nih novel sekali lagi, he3... :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Finally and What!?!?!?


Finally, yesterday, I finished reading the novel Harry Potter 6: The Half Blood Prince. Well, that novel is exceed expectation (E). It is great, I mean, better than the previous editions. The story is not juvenile anymore, and it has been close to the climax of the story. Before this edition was published, we had a spoiler that somebody is dead in this volume. Well, because this novel was published about half a year ago, I had known who is gonnabe die in this story even before I read the first page of it. So when I read Albus Dumbledore was murdered by Severus Snape, I was not surprised anymore.... . One thing that I couldn't guess was who was the Half Blood Prince. I guessed he/she was Lord Voldemort (actually I had a feeling that probably he was not the Half-Blood Prince, because it was too easy, but I coudn't think another alternative who he was). And yes, I was wrong. The Half-Blood Prince was, unexpectedly, Severus Snape.... . Well, I don't want to write it more than this, he3.... . But, The Chronicles of Narnia is precisely very juvenile. Well, I know it's a children story, but I didn't know that when I bought this book... :( After reading Harry Potter and then continued by Reading The Chronicles of Narnia, I just felt like falling down from the top of the mountain to the deepest ravine... . He3... . Very hiperbolic... :P

Well, this afternoon when I put a new feature to my blog (Music Player >> can anyone guess what song it is and who sings this song? He3... :D), a nightmare happened to me. Blogspot was error!!!! So, most of my code and also my messages were vanished!! Well, I don't know why but I think Blogspot often gets this problem, I hope Blogspot will fix it so the same thing won't happen anymore.... . Luckily, I have my back-up blog, so I didn't meet many big obstacles and difficulties in rebuilding back my code. Well, because of this, I also deleted some old features that I think were not really important, but they burdened us when we openned my blog....

::: Harry Potter 6


Akhirnya, kemarin, aku selesai membaca novel Harry Potter 6: Pangeran Berdarah Campuran. Ternyata nih novel di luar perkiraanku (nilainya E). Ceritanya bagus, maksudku lebih bagus daripada edisi-edisi yang sebelumnya. Ceritanya nggak kekanak-kanakan lagi, dan kayaknya sih udah deket ke klimaksnya ya?? Sebelum diterbitin, kita dapet bocoran kalo seseorang akan meninggal di novel ini. Karena nih novel diterbitinnya setengah tahun yang lalu, jadinya ya aku dah tau sapa yang bakalan meninggal bahkan sebelum aku mulai membaca halaman pertamanya. Jadi, waktu aku baca Albus Dumbledore meninggal dibunuh sama Severus Snape, aku nggak kaget lagi.... . Satu hal yang nggak bisa aku tebak adalah siapakah si Pangeran Berdarah-Campuran itu. Aku nebak dia tuh mungkin Lord Voldemort (sebenernya sih aku ada feeling kalo bukan dia Pangeran Berdarah Campurannya, soalnya kegampangen, tapi aku nggak bisa mikir alternatif lain selain dia). Dan betul, tebakanku salah. Pangeran Berdarah Campuran ternyata, tanpa terduga, adalah Severus Snpe... . Dah ah, nggak mau bulis tentang ini lebih jauh lagi, he3.... . Tetapi, The Chronicles of Narnia ternyata justru cerita yang sangat kekanak-kanakan. Aku tau sih ini cerita untuk anak-anak, tapi aku masih nggak tau itu waktu beli tuh buku... :( Habis baca Harry Potter trus melanjutkan dengan membaca The Chronicles of Narnia, rasanya kayak jatuh dari puncak gunung ka jurang yang paling dalam. He3... .Melebih2kan banget.. :)

Siang ini, ketika aku lagi naruh sebuah fitur baru tambahan ke blog ini (Music Player >> hayo, sapa yang bisa nebak lagunya judulnya apa dan siapa penyanyinya? He3... :D), mimpi buruk terjadi ke aku. Blogspot lagi error!!! Jadi, kebanyakan kodeku dan messagesku hilang!! Aku nggak tau kenapa tapi kayaknya sih Blogspot lumayan sering juga menghadapi masalah ini.. Moga-moga pihak Vlogspot bakalan mberesin masalah ini dan hal yang sama nggak bakalan terjadi lagi... . Untungnya, aku punya back-up blog, jadi aku nggak gitu nemuin banyak halangan dan kesulitan waktu menyusul ulang kodernya. Karena itu juga, aku sekalian aja menghapus beberapa fitu lama blogku yang sebenernya menurutku ga seberapa penting tapi membebani kita waktu lagi buka blogku....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Two Years Ago


Well, today I want to write something a lil' nostalgic for me.... . It's not a lie (even today is 1st April or what we usually call April Fool, he3....).

Two years ago (1st April 2004), our class (first grade) got an assignment what we call 'Studi Ekskursi'. As the first grade students, we had to interview people who worked as drinks (tea) seller, or goods carrier in a market, or food seller in a market, or a clothes seller in Malioboro. We were divided into some groups and my team had to interview the drinks seller in Malioboro. One thing that's pretty difficult was that we had to hide our identity (wel, sounds like an intelligent or something... Lol) because my teacher said that if we told them our identity, then we would meet difficulty in getting information what we were asked to get. Well, we also had to dress not like a high-school student, I mean we couldn't wear high-school uniform >> that's obvious, if we wore uniform, then we just didn't need to tell them our identity and they would easily find out who we were.... :D.

We departed from school at about 7.30 AM and we caught a taxi to get to Malioboro. Then, we arrived at Malioboro, got out from the taxi in front of Malioboro Mall (which obviously was still close at that time). Then we looked for a drinks seller and we found some. Well, then we chose one seller which physically was the most friendsliest seller (we judged that from his face, lol). We bought some tea bottles and taked a lil' with him. After we thought we had already got all things we needed, we left the seller and the time was still about 7.55 AM if I'm not mistaken. (that was a quick interview right??). Then, we walked around Malioboro. I entered Sari Ilmu bookstore and I bought the comic 'The Legend of Dragon's son' volume 1 and 2. So, at that time I started collecting The Legend of Dragon's son which I still collect them right now. Then at 8.30 AM we went back to school by catching a taxi again. And we arrived at school at about 8.45 AM. And guess what? When we arrived at school at 8.45 AM, my tutor (for Malioboro teams) was just leaving the school to depart to Malioboro!!! What!?!?!?!?

Well, then I went back home at 10 AM. I then had breakfast at 'Sego Pecel' (Pecel Rice) at UGM with my parents. Then, we went back home.

::: The Legend of Dragon's Son volume 1 and 2 which I bought 2 years ago at 1st April 2004


Hari ini aku mau menulis sedikit hal yang berbau nostalgia untuk aku.... . Ini bukan cerita bohongan (walaupun hari ini adalah tanggal 1 April yang sering dibilang sebagai April Mop).

Dua tahun yang lalu (1 April 2004), angkatanku (kelas satu) dapet tugas yang kita sebut 'Studi Ekskursi'. Sebagai murid kelas satu kita harus mewawancarai penjual minuman, buruh gendong di pasar, penjual makanan di pasar, atau penjual pakaian di Malioboro. Kita waktu itu dibagi ke dalam beberapa regu, dan reguku dapet tugas mewawancarai penjual minuman di Malioboro. Satu hal yang lumayan susah juga adalah kita harus menyembunyikan indentitas kita (kayak intelijen aja atau apa ya???? Lol) soalnya guruku pas itu bilang kalo misalnya kita ngasi tau identitas kita ke mereka, kita bakalan dapet kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi yang kita butuhkan. Trus kita juga nggak boleh make baju sekolah, maksudnya kita nggak boleh pakai seragam. >> jelas lah, kalo pakai seragam ya kita nggak perlu ngasih tau identitas kita ke mereka dan mereka akan dengan gampangnya mengetahui identitas kita yang sebenarnya.

Kita berangkat dari sekolah jam 7.30 pagi dan kita naik taksi untuk pergi ke Malioboro. Trus kita sampai di Malioboro dan turun di depannya Mall Malioboro (yang jelas banget kalo jam segitu ya masih tutup). Trus kita nyari penjual minuman dan menemukan beberapa. Kita trus memilih seorang penjual minuman yang secara fisik paling ramah (kita kan menilai dari wajahnya, lol). Kita beli beberapa teh botol dan bicara sedikit dengannya. Setelah kita kira kita telah mendapatkan semua hal yang kita butuhkan, kita meninggalkan tuh penjual dan waktu itu masih jam 7.55 pagi, kalo nggak salah sih (wawancara kilat kan??? He3...). Trus kita jalan-jalan bentar di Malioboro. Aku masuk ke toko buku Sari Ilmu dan aku beli komik Legenda Naga volume 1 dan 2. Jadi, mulai hari itulah aku mengoleksi komik Legenda Naga yang masih aku koleksi sampai sekarang. Trus sekitar jam 8.30 kita balik ke sekolah naik taksi lagi. Kita sampainya jam 8.45 tuh di sekolah. Nah, di depan sekolah kita ketemu sama tutorku (yang bertugas di Malioboro) baru aja berangkan menuju Malioboro!!! Apa!?!?!?!?!?!

Trus aku pulang jam 10 pagi. Aku terus makan pagi di Warung 'Sego Pecel' di sekitar UGM sama ortuku. Habis itu aku pulang deh...