These some last weekends were not as enjoyable as they should have been. Yesterday, I had my quarter-final (not semi-final) biology competition at UGM. My team was in the 8th group which competed at 14.30 PM that afternoon (last match that day), and we still had to come at 7.00 AM to have the opening ceremony. Luckily, after that we could go home if we wanted to, and for sure, I went back home (before that I went to my school first to ask for permission for being absent yesterday). At 13.30 PM I went to UGM, and my friend called me that my team's match would soon start!! (I was shocked because according to the schedule, it should have been at 14.30 PM). Luckily I arrived on time and we still have about 25 minutes to our turn. Well, I (or we) were very nervous yesterday on stage, and weren't maximal, besides the bell didn't work well >> we wanted to answer and pressed the button but it didn't sound as it's supposed to... :(, therefore we lost... . But that's okay, one good thing was that we were not burdened anymore, because if we had sailed through to the next round, we still would have to study last night.... . :)
Today, my brother and I went to Plaza Ambarrukmo to go to my parents' (and also their friends') new restaurant there (my parents and their friends join to open this restaurant) called Qua-Li >> 3rd floor number 3A. It's a Chinese food restaurant and the food are delicious (>> my fave so far are mayonaisse lumpia and black pepper beef >> I still haven't tried all menus, but I think most of them are tasty).... :) Starting tomorrow, it will be open for public (today was for only the owners and invited guests, he3...).
Note: Sorry, forgot to take the foods' photos, I remembered after we had eaten all of them... :D
Beberapa akhir minggu belakangan ini nggak sesantai yang seharusnya. Kemarin aku menghadapi babak perempat final (bukan semi final) lomba biologi di UGM. Teamku berada di grup 8 yang bertanding jam 14.30 siang (pertandingan terakhir hari itu), dan kita masih tetap harus dateng jam 7 pagi untuk ikut upacara pembukaannya. Untungnya, habis itu kita boleh pulang kalo mau, dan tentu aja donk, aku pulang ke rumah (sebelum itu aku pergi ke sekolahku dulu untuk minta ijin soalnya nggak masuk kemarin). Jam 13.30 siang aku pergi balik ke UGM dan temenku nelpon aku kalo teamku bakalan segera bertanding!! (aku shock soalnya berdasarkan jadwal kan masih jam 14.30 tuh pertandingannya). Untungnya aku sampe temapt waktu dan masih punya 25 menit sampe giliran kita. Aku (atau kami) deg-degan banget pas lomba kemarin, dan nggak maksimal, disamping faktor bel yang nggak bekerja dengan baik >> kita mau ngejawab dan dah mencet tombolnya, tapi nggak bunyi seperti yang seharusnya... :(, makanya teamku kemarin kalah. Tapi nggak papa koq, soalnya satu hal bagus yang didapat adalah kami dah nggak terbebani lagi untuk belajar, soalnya kalo misalnya kemarin kita lolos, kita kan masih harus belajar lagi kemarin malam... . :)
Hari ini, adikku sama aku pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo untuk pergi ke restoran baru orang tuaku (dan juga temen-temennya) di sana (orangtuaku sama temen-temennya kerja sama buka nih restoran) yang bernama Qua-Li >> lantai 3 nomer 3A. Ini adalah restoran chinese-food dan makanannya enak (>> favoritku sejauh ini adalah lumpia mayonaise dan sapi lada hitam >> aku masih belum nyoba semua menunya sih, cuma kayaknya kebanyakan enak)... :) Mulai besok nih restoran bakalan dibuka untuk umum (hari ini hanya untuk yang punya sama tamu-tamu undangan, he3...).