I hope you are not bored with this topic, but I just want to write my opinion about TPHBS....
Until right now, I have already done 6 (of 9) subjects, they are: biology, Indonesian, Mathematics, PPKn, English, and Chemistry. And in every subject, there always appears some mistakes on the questions. The mistakes are usually there are more than one answers on the options, there is NO correct answer on the option, there is NO question but we have to choose one best answer for it (don't you think it's weird??), there is a question about a picture but there is NO picture to see, etc.
These are the examples.
1. In English section this morning there was a listening section. First, the quality of the tape was very very low. I thought there was a sound effect (of rain) on the recording, LOL >> they buzzed all the time. Then, the last part of it was listening to short passage. And in the last passage, the only sentence which talked about people just like this: "People in this area are unbelievable friendly". And we only had: busy, lazy, friendly, and beautiful as the options. Yea, probably I misheard, but it was because the low quality......
2. For question number 15 on math subject, we only had a black rectangle and we had to choose the answer... . Don't you think that's silly? (you can see the pic below).
3. In math exam last Tuesday, there were 7 wrong questions (there were 30 questions total and 7 of them are wrong!!)
4. etc.....
Fortunately, because this is still TPHBS, so my school decides to make all wrong questions as bonus (we had to fill 2 answer sheet, one for school and one for the government >> the government will check it). So, our school can check our answer and give us mark, and this mark is counted as our real score.... . But, if it's the real Final Examination (UAN), we can do nothing. We have to send our answer to Jakarta, and even if there are some wrong questions, the correct answer is the answer on their answer key and we can't protest anything about it. There is no bonus score.... .
Moga-moga nggak pada bosen deh sama topik ini, tapi aku cuma mau nulis pendapatku tentang TPBHS ini....
Sampe sekarang, aku udah ngerjain 6 (dari 9) mata pelajaran, yaitu Biologi, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, PPKn, Bahasa Inggris, sama Kimia. Dan di setiap mata pelajaran, selalu aja deh ada kesalahan di soalnya. Kesalahannya biasanya ada lebih dari 1 jawaban di pilihannya, nggak ada jawaban yang bener di pilihannya, nggak ada soalnya tapi kita suru milih jawabannya (nah, bingung nggak tuh...), trus ada soaln tentang gambar tapi nggak ada gambarnya, dll.
Ini dia contoh-contohnya.
1. di ulangan Bahasa Inggris tadi pagi ada bagian listengnya. Pertama, kualitas kasetnya jeleeeeekkk banget, kayak ada sound effect hujannya di rekamannya, LOL >> soalnya brrrzzzz trus sih. Trus, di bagian terakhir listening kan mendengarkan ke bacaan pendek. Di bacaan terakhirnya satu-satunya kalimat yang ngebicarain orang tuh gini:"People in this area are unbelievable friendly". Dan kita cuma punya: busy, lazy, friendly, and beautiful sebagai pilihan jawabannya. Mungkin sih aku salah denger, tapi kan itu juga gara-gara kualitas tapenya yang jelek....
2. Untuk soal nomer 15 di matapelajaran matematika kemarin, kita cuma ada kotak hitam trus kita suruh milih jawabannya... . Aneh banget kan? (bisa diliat tuh fotonya di atas)
3. Di ulangan matematika kemarin ada 7 soal yang salah. (Kemarin matematikanya ada 30 soaln dan 7 diantaranya salah!!)
4. dll
Untungnya, karena ini cuma TPHBS, jadi sekolahku masih bisa memutuskan untuk membonuskan semua soal yang salah (kita kan harus ngisi 2 lembar jawaban, satu untuk sekolah dan satu untuk dinas >> dinas bakalan ngecek jawabannya). Jadi, sekolahku bakalan ngecek jawaban dan ngasih nilai, nah nilai ini yang bakalan diitung sebagai nilai kita.... . Tapi kalo misalnya ini terjadi di Ujian Akhior Nasional (UAN) nanti, kita dah nggak bisa apa-apa lagi. Kita mesti ngirim jawaban ke Jakarta dan walaupun ada beberapa soal yang salah, jawaban yang bener adalah jawaban di kunci mereka dan kita nggak bisa protes. Juga nggak ada nilai bonus.... .
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