This monday was a long and exhausting day for me. I got up at 5.45 AM and then did my routinity and then went to school. At school today I had a preparation of math. In the next two months, high school students will have a final examination, and to prepare us, our teacher decided to give us several tests. It was not very hard actually but I was careless doing it and because of that I made some silly mistakes... (that's okay, but in the real exam I will not do that!!!). Our school ended at 13.35 PM and then I went back home.
Next Wednesday we will have the last lab work in biology. We will do a fruit fermentation (we can choose which kind fruit we want to fermentize (we won't fermentize the fruit actually but the fruit's liquid, so we have to squeeze the fruit and boil it before starting the work)). This is a group work. Our first problem is: which kind of fruit we will choose. We don't have time anymore, and because of that this afternoon we went to Carrefour at Plaza Ambarrukmo again (this is becoming my favorite place I think, LOL) to look for fruits.
First, my friend suggested to choose grape (so we will make wine). I said okay and we went to the fruits sector. We found the grape and it cost Rp 23.000,oo / half a kilo. We have to make 1 liter and because of that at least we need 2 kg of fruits. So, if we chose wine, we had to pay Rp. 92.000,oo just to buy the fruits. Then, we just threw out grape from our list. Then, finally we chose oranges. It cost Rp 37.250,oo / 2.2 kg.
After getting the fruits, we just walked around the mall. Then I bought some new PC Games' CDs. At 5 PM we had dinner at Pizza Hut until 6.15 PM. After that we went back home. At home I played the game and surfed the net.
Hari Senin ini adalah hari yan panjang dan bikin capek buat aku. Aku bangun jam 5.45 pagi trus melakukan rutinitasku trus berangkat ke sekolah. Di sekolah hari ini ada persiapan matematika. Dalam 2 bulan ke depan, murid-murid SMA bakalan mengikuti ujian akhir nasional, dan untuk mempersiapkan kami, guruku memutuskan untuk ngasih beberapa tes ke kita. Nggak susah-susah banget sih sebenernya, cuma masalahnya aku nggak teliti waktu ngerjain dan ngebuat beberapa kesalahan konyol.... (nggak papa sih, yang penting kan pas ujian yang beneran aku nggak ngelakuin itu). Sekolah selesai jam 13.35 sore trus aku pulang..
Hari Rabu besok kita bakalan ada kerjaan lab untuk biologi yang terakhir. Kita akan ngelakuin fermentasi buah (kita bebas mau milih buah apaan buat difermentasi (kita nggak akan memfermentasi buahnya sebenernya, tapi cairannya, jadi kita harus memeras sama merebus sebelum memulai kerjaannya)). Ini adalah kerjaan kelompok. Masalah pertama kelompokku adalah: buah apa yang bakalan kita pakai. Kita dah nggak ada waktu lagi, jadi karena itu siang tadi kami pergi ke Carrefour di Plaza Ambarrukmo (kayaknya sih tempat ini menjadi tempat favoritku deh, LOL) untuk nyari buah.
Pertamanya temenku nyaranin untuk memilih anggur (jadi kita akan membuat minuman anggur). Aku bilang oke dan kita pergi ke sektor buah-buahan. Kita akhirnya menemukan anggurnya dan harganya Rp. 23.000,oo / setengah kilo. Kita harus buat 1 liter dan karena itu paling nggak kan kita butuh 2 kilo buah. Jadi, kalo kita milih anggur, kita mesti bayar Rp. 92.000,oo hanya untuk beli buahnya. Trus, makanya kita membuah anggur dari daftar. Akhirnya kita milih jeruk. Harganya Rp. 37.250,oo / 2,2 kilo.
Habis mendapatkan buah, kita jalan-jalan di mall. Aku beli beberapa game komputer yang baru. Jam 5 kita makan di Pizza Hut sampe jam 6.15 sore. Habis itu pulang deh. Trus di rumah aku mainin tuh game sama main internet.
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