Monday, October 05, 2009

#768 - Updates


So, now I have been back in Bandung.

Actually last Monday I went back to Bandung catching Turangga Express. Well, it was probably the weirdest train trip I have taken ever. My brother and I got seats number 1C-1D printed on our tickets. However, when we boarded the train, there were NO such seats 1C-1D!! WTF!! Well, I bought the ticket at the official ticket booth so there was no way it was a fake ticket. Luckily, I could remain calm and asked the officer on board about it. Apparently, because it was a new couch, true there was no seat 1C-1D and as their procedures, seats number 13C-13D should belong to us. And apparently, yes, it was the solution, haha, and I felt relieved. However, I still think it was a silly incident. I mean, if there was no seats 1C-1D, they shouldn't give those seats to passengers, and if their procedures was to reseat those passengers to seats 13C-13D, they should also have put that in their computer so misunderstanding can be avoided, right?

Anyway, this week has been kinda busy, haha, but nothing was really special tho, and so is the upcoming week. Next week is gonnabe my midterm week. This midterm is gonnabe the least stressful midterm weeks of all. Why? Because this semester I only take 2 classes (3 with thesis class tho). Therefore, out of 12 days of the two weeks of midterm, I will only have 2 of them filled with examination, and luckily, those 2 days will be within the first 4 days!! That means I will have at least one week OFF!! hahaha... . Hmm, at second thought, it's not gonnabe literally OFF tho since I have set a target to finish my thesis by the middle of November. Hopefully I can make it!! Wish Me Luck!! :)

::: soto kadipiro

::: bakso Narto

::: beef sate (sate karang)

::: the crowd at Tugu Railway Station Yogyakarta, so full of people.

::: aproaching Turangga Express

::: roast duck I had last Tuesday


Jadi, sekarang aku sudah balik di Bandung.

Sebenarnya Senin kemarin sih aku baliknya ke Bandung naik Kereta Turangga. Hmm, mungkin perjalanan dengan kereta kemarin adalah perjalanan paling aneh dengan kereta yang pernah aku lalui. Jadi, adikku dan aku mendapat kursi nomor 1C-1D di tiket kami. Namun, ketika kami menaiki keretanya, ternyata TIDAK ADA kursi nomor 1C-1D!! WTF!! Yah, aku kan membeli tiket di loket resmi tuh, jadi tidak mungkin tiket itu adalah tiket palsu. Untungnya aku bisa tetap tenang dan bertanya ke petugas akan masalah ini. Ternyata, karena mereka menggunakan gerbong baru, benar bahwa memang tidak ada kursi nomor 1C-1D, dan sesuai prosedur mereka, kursi 13C-13D sepatutnya menjadi milik kami. Dan ternyata memang sih itu penyelesaiannya, dan akhirnya aku merasa lega. Kalau dipikir2, aneh juga yah kejadiannya. Maksudku, kalau memang tidak ada kursi 1C-1D, seharusnya mereka tidak memberikan kursi nomor itu ke penumpang dong, dan kalau prosedurnya adalah dengan memberikan kursi 13C-13D, ya seharusnya nomor itulah yang dimasukkan ke komputer dan kesalahpahaman bisa dihindari, ya kan?

Ngomong2, minggu ini lumayan sibuk nih saya, tak ada yang spesial sih, dan juga minggu selanjutnya. Minggu depannya lagi adalah minggu UTS. Oya, minggu UTS kali ini mungkin adalah minggu UTS paling tidak bikin stress dari semua UTS yang pernah aku jalani. Mengapa? Karena semester ini aku cuma mengambil 2 mata kuliah (3 sih sama skripsi). Makanya, dari 12 hari dalam minggu UTS, hanya 2 hari aku akan melewatkannya untuk ujian, dan untungnya lagi, 2 hari itu ada di 4 hari pertama!! Artinya, aku akan mendapat setidaknya 1 minggu LIBUR nih!! hahaha... . Eh, kalau dipikir-pikir lagi nggak juga benar2 LIBUR sih yah, karea aku sendiri sudah menetapkan target untuk menyelesaikan skripsiku pertengahan November. Mudah2an aku bisa menyelesaikannya!! Doakan aku yah!! :)

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