Well, it turns out that October has become even a more unproductive month for this blog. As I record, this entry is the fifth entry published this month!! Well, it is now officially that October 2009 is the second to least month in term of number of entries published, haha.
Anyway, last Saturday I took my IELTS test, the international test which cost 180 USD. That's why I must not fail in this test, hehe. Well, based on my performance, I think I am confident enough with my work on the test. The result will be published next week, wish me luck, hehe :)
Nothing much happened this week. It's just that tomorrow I have an extra class. Damn!! My OFF Saturday is now tainted, LOL.
Hmm, beneran deh ternyata Oktober menjadi bukan yang semakin tidak produktif untuk blog ini. Seperti catatanku, posting ini hanyalah posting kelima bulan ini!! Yah, sekarang resmi deh kalau Oktober 2009 adalah bulan paling tak produktif kedua dalam hal banyak posting yang kutulis, haha.
Ngomong2, Sabtu kemarin aku mengambil tes IELTS, yang internasional yang biayanya 180 dollar. Makanya aku tidak boleh gagal di tes ini, hehe. Hmm, berdasarkan performaku, rasanya sih aku yakin dengan pekerjaanku pada tes kemarin. Hasilnya baru keluar minggu depan, doakah saya ya, hehe :) h with my work on the test. The result will be published next week, wish me luck, hehe :)
Nggak banyak sih yang terjadi akhir2 ini. Hanya saja besok akan ada kelas tambahan. Sial!! Sabtu LIBUR-ku jadi ternodai deh, LOL.
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