Well, one thing really has been real funny today. After "complaining" about what happened yesterday here, one thing the real opposite happened today!! Perhaps God listened to my prayer yesterday, haha. Hmmm...
Here is the story. This afternoon when I was in the internet cafe, the service center called me that my laptop is FIXED!! Whaattt??? Just about 24 hours earlier they told me they needed more time, Wednesday would be the earliest (which then I set in my mind that it would be as early as Thursday), and anything else which of course I complaint to them. But then, today they told me it's done!! Hmmm!! Perfect!!
I was so excited (I think it was clear from my voice tho, LOL) and asked them to make the price offering. Well, the price was also "not bad" (I'm not saying it was not expensive), at least a lot cheaper than when I had to pay this time last year. Plus, it was slightly cheaper than their initial guessed-price offering. Well, opening the link above, I really need to put one lesson I wrote there in my head: NEVER use your laptop, especially with internet cable plugged, during hard, big, stormy rain, haha...
So, here I am now, surfing the net with my fixed and perfectly working laptop, huahaha... . Of course this is the first entry I post with it.
Hmm, satu hal yang sangat lucu terjadi hari ini. Setelah "komplain" tentang apa yang terjadi kemarin disini, satu hal yang benar-benar berlawanan terjadi loh hari ini!! Rasanya Tuhan mendengar doaku kemarin, haha. Hmmm...
Begini ceritanya. Sore tadi ketika aku di warnet, pusat servisnya menelepon aku mengatakan bahwa laptopku sudah BENER!! Apaaaa?? Sekitar 24 jam sebelumnya padahal mereka bilang ke aku kalo mereka butuh waktu lebih lah, Rabu paling awal (yang kemudian aku tanamkan di otakku kalo hari Kamis deh baru bisa dapat), dan lain lain yang tentu saja aku keluhkan ke mereka juga. Namun kemudian, hari ini mereka bilang sudah selesai!! Hmmm!! Sempurna!!
Aku bersemangat sekali (rasanya sih terdengar dari suaraku mungkin yah, LOL) dan meminta mereka membuat penawaran harga. Hmm, harganya juga "tidak buruk" (aku tidak mengatakan biayanya tidak mahal lho ya), setidaknya jauh lebih murah daripada yang harus aku bayar pada waktu ini tahun lalu. Ditambah lagi, harganya sedikit lebih murah dari penawaran awal tebakan mereka. Hmm, membuka link di atas, aku rasa aku bener-bener harus menanamkan satu hal di kepalaku: JANGAN PERNAH pake laptop, terutama ketika kabel internet terpasang, ketika hujan deras dan berbadai, haha...
Jadi, disinilah aku sekarang, internetan dengan laptopku yang sudah diperbaiki dan bekerja dengan sempurna, huahaha... . Tentu saja ini adalah posting pertama dengannya.
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