Well, yesterday finally I had a chance to bring my laptop to the service center to get it fixed. Hopefully it will be back really soon as they promised it should be finished in three days max, hmmm...
Anyway, this Thursday has kinda been a bit tiring but fun. Today there was a "Dies Natalis" (anniversary) of my faculty on campus. Of course, for the third time in a row, haha, my friends and I came and joined the celebration. But this year is kinda a special occasion since I was invited, personally (well, that made me invited as TWO people, as a regular student and as the head of student committee of my department), to attend the celebration. This was because I was chosen to receive an award as the best student this year, haha... . Well, that's kinda fun and exciting for me. In the other hand, it's a challenge to prove myself even more!! Hmmm...
Anyway, after the ceremonial celebration was over, we had a buffet lunch, haha. Then, in the afternoon my friends and I watched a movie on a cinema. Well, it has kinda been a whole for me to watch a movie. The last time I watched movie on cinema was FIVE months ago when I watched BOLT, haha. Anyway, we watched Monster vs Alien this time, in 3-D, so we got a 3-D glasses to watch it. Anyway, since there is no minus 3-D glasses, so I gotta wore it double with my glasses, LOL. I think I looked kinda funny when I did that (if there's enough light to see me but lucky there wasn't). Well, about the movie, I think it was interesting and quite exciting, except that I found the end was kinda okay, plain, and predictable. I rated it 3.5 out of 5, hehe... . Then, we had dinner at Warung Pasta.
Well, watching American Idol, my prediction here was correct. Last week, Matt Giraud was voted off, and this week, it's Allison Iraheta's time, leaving Kris Allen, Danny Gokey, and Adam Lambert as this year's top three. I think this is a good and probably the best top three combination ever!! haha... . This season of American Idol is really exciting to watch!! :)
hmm, kemarin akhirnya aku memiliki kesempatan untuk membawa laptopku ke pusat servis dan menyervisnya. Mudah2an akan segera beres deh soalnya mereka janji maksimal tiga hari tuh servisnya, hmmm...
Ngomong2, Kamis ini menajdi hari yang agak melelahkan tp menyenangkan juga. Hari ini ada "Dies Natalis" fakultasku di kampus. Tentu saja, untuk ketigakalinya berturutan, aku dan teman2 datang dong ikutan. Tapi tahun ini agak spesial neh karena aku diundang, secara personal (makanya ini membuat aku diundang sebagai dua pihak neh, sebagai mahasiswa biasa dan sebagai ketua himpunan mahasiswa jurusanku), untuk menghadiri acaranya. Yah, ini karena ternyata aku terpilih menjadi mahasiswa terbaik jurusan tahun ini, haha... . Hmm, bener2 asik dan menyenangkan neh. Namun, di sisi lain, ini adalah tantangan bagi diriku loh!! Hmmm...
Ngomong2, setelah perayaan seremonialnya selesai, kita makan siang buffet, haha. Kemudian, sorenya aku dan temen2 nonton film deh di bioskop. Hmm, sudah lama banget neh sejak aku terakhir nonton film di bioskop, yaitu terakhir ya LIMA bulan yang lalu. Waktu itu nonton film BOLT, haha. Ngomong2, kita tadi nonton Monster vs Alien dalam 3-D loh makanya kita pake kacamata 3-D untuk menontonnya, LOL. Nah, masalahnya kan ga ada tuh kacamata 3-D yang minus, makanya aku pakenya harus dobel sama kacamataku jadinya bisa keliatan, LOL. Rasanya aku keliatan aneh seh ya tadi (kalo ada cahjhaya untuk bisa melihatku dan untungnya tadi tidak ada). Hmm, tentang filmnya, memang menarik sih, cuma sayangnya akhirnya saja yang biasa saja, agak datar, dan mudah ditebak. Aku kasi nilai 3,5 dh dari 5, hehe... . Trus kita makan malam di Warung Pasta.
Tentang American Idol musim kali ini, prediksiku waktu ini benar loh. Minggu lalu, Matt Giraud tereliminasi dan minggu ini giliran Allison iraheta, menyisakan Kris Allen, Danny Dokey, dan Adam Lambert sebagai tiga besar musim ini. Aku rasa ini bener2 keren neh dan mungkin tiga besar terbaik yang pernaha da!! haha... . Musim ini dari American Idol benar2 menarik untuk diikuti!! :)
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