Well, today has been pretty good for me overall. Some problems are solved today.
The first solved problem is my internet connection. It is back today, wahahahaha... . I'm so happy about that. Well, hopefully there will be no further problem anymore.
The second solved problem is that suddenly, somehow, the problem I had with my cellphone as I wrote here is solved. I dunno why or how, but somehow I just can view all the datas in the memory card using my phone again! haha... . Well, I suspected that the problem was because of virus(es) tho since I often connect my cellphone to computers and there might be virus(es) copied on the memory card. Then, because I installed anti-virus last week on my laptop, maybe the virus(es) were removed, and that made my cellphone works normally again. Well, it's just my guess tho, no proof yet, just a hypothese, haha... . The most important thing is that the problem is solved! wahahaha....
Well, today I also had my first class on Seminar. Seminar is the compulsory class we have to take before working on our thesis. Well, now I'm one step closer to reach my goal tho. Hmm, it seems that maybe Seminar will be pretty tough, we have to do a presentation each week until the end of semester, hmmm... . Wish Me Luck! :)
Yah, hari ini merupakan hari baik deh secara keseluruhan. Beberapa masalah terpecahkan hari ini.
Permasalahn pertama yang terselesaikan adalah koneksi internetku. Akhirnya koneksinya balik hari ini, wahahahaha... . Seneng banget neh dengannya. Yah, semoga ga akan ada masalah lebih lanjut lagi deh.
Permasalahan kedua adalah secara tiba-tiba, karena suatu hal, permasalahan kecil dengan hape-ku seperti yang aku tulis disini terpecahkan. Wah, beneran nggak tahu kenapa atau bagaimana, tapi tiba2 aku bisa mengakses semua data di memory card dengan hapeku lagi! haha... . Kalau aku duga sih error-nya itu karena virus karena aku lumayan sering menghubungkan hapeku dengan komputer. Nah, kemudian karena minggu lalu aku menginstal anti-virus di laptopku, makanya mungkin tuh virus dihapus, dan ini membuat hapeku bekerja normal lagi. Yah, ini cuma tebakan sih, belum ada bukti, cuma hipotesa saja, haha... . Yang penting kan sekarang masalahnya uda beres! wahahaha....
Hmm, hari ini aku juga mengikuti kelas pertamaku di Seminar. Seminar adalah kelas wajib yang harus diambil sebelum mengerjakan skripsi. Nah, sekarang aku sudah satu langkah lebih dekat ke tujuanku. Hmm, nampaknya Seminar akan menjadi cukup keras neh, soalnya kita harus presentasi setiap minggu sampe akhir semester, hmmm... . Doakan yah! :)
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