Monday, June 25, 2007

#364 - Short Update...


Sunday morning, just as the other Sunday(s), I got up at 6.15 AM to go to the church to have a mass liturgy at 7 AM. The liturgy started at 7 am and ended at 8 AM. After that my family and I went to a "warung" soto at Kridosono to have breakfast there. Then we went back home and the whole Sunday was passed as another ordinary Sunday, of course, by sleeping. lol. Btw, the evening before I bought another fried noodle just like this time.

This afternoon I accompanied my father to go to a plastic store to buy 60 pails. Then, we went to a plants exhibition at McDonald Soedirnam Parking Lot. Well, it was just like the other plants exhibitions, nothing was so special.

Btw, lately I like to play one game that I used to play before I moved to Bandung, Sim City 4, he3... :)

::: Fried Noodle

::: soto (with extra Soy-Sauce I added myself) I ate as breakfast yesterday morning

::: One spot at the plants exhibition

::: One other spot at plants exhibition


Minggu pagi, seperti hari-hari Minggu lainnya, aku bangun jam 6.15 pagi untuk pergi ke gereja untuk ikut perayaan ekaristi jam 7 pagi. Ekaristi-nya mulai jam 7 pagi dan selesai jam 8. Habis itu aku sama keluargaku pergi ke sebuah warung soto di Kridosono untuk makan pagi disana. Trus, kita balik ke rumah dan keseluruhan hari Minggu berjalan seperti hari Minggu lainnya, tentu saja, dengan tidur. lol. Btw, malem sebelumnya aku beli mie goreng kaya waktu ini loh.

Siang tadi aku nemenin papaku pergi ke toko plastik untuk beli 60 ember. Trus, kita pergi ke pameran tanaman di tempat parkir McDonald Soedirman. Hmm, cuma kaya pameran tanaman yang lain sih, nggak ada yang spesial.

Btw, akhir-akhir ini aku seneng main game yang dulu aku suka mainin sebelum pindah ke Bandung nih, Sim City 4, he3... :)

1 comment:

  1. waks.. beli ember sebanyak itu untuk apaan? :P mau alih profesi jadi dagang ember mengisi liburan pasca uas ya? hehehehe.. :p *kabuurr
