Huh!! One week ago before I went back to Jogja, on Friday my friend said that our MKUs' score had been published. So, after the last exam (Computer Programming (Theory)), we walked to PKH and used the computer to find our final score. I had 2 MKU subjects this semester which are Logic and "Kewarganegaraan". And the result:
On "Kewarganegaraan", I was damn so lucky. Before the exam, I had already count that to get a score of "B" (I was being realistic, there was no freaking way to get a score of "A". Well, mathematically it was still possible, but the chance was so small since usually the questions were difficult), my final exam should be at least 66. Because there would be 50 questions, so I needed to answer at least 33 questions correctly. Guess what?? In my final exam, I answered correctly 34 questions which means my score was 68. Wakakakakakaka... lol. That was SO close!!! And I got "B", he3... :)
On "Logic", my target was "A". I was pretty confident on my final exam work and I got 85 on it. BUT, since I was not so serious on the mid-term, my final score was 79.9!! Well, to get an "A", the score should be at least 80!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! The difference was just 0.1!! Lucky that day I met my lecturer and begged for his "sympathy". Well, he said that was the regulation, BUT, he would ask the head of the lecturers about this case since there had been another person who 'complaint' about the same thing (he/she got the final score of 79.98, hahahaha... :D). Well, I still could expect an "A" actually since usually there is a tolerance margin of 0.5 which means if we get a final score of 79.5, it still can be rounded as 80. The processor of the score that day (last week) was still computer and the program wasn't designed for the tolerance margin, therefore I still got a "B" --> but if I had answered one more question correctly on Final Exam or Mid-Term, I wouldn't have to be uncertain just like right now...
Should I be sad or happy?? Was I lucky or unlucky?? Ha3... :)
Huh!! Seminggu lalu sebelum aku balik ke Jogja, di hari Jumat temenku bilang kalo nilai MKU udah keluar. Jadi, habis ujian yang terakhhir (Pemrograman Komputer (Teori)) kita jalan ke PKH dan make komputernya buat nyari nilai akhir kita. Aku ngambil 2 MKU semester ini dan mereka adalah Logika dan Kewarganegaraan. Dan hasilnya:
Di "Kewarganegaraan", aku beruntung buanget. Sebelum ujian, aku udah ngitung supaya dapet nilai "B" (aku cuma realistis aja, nggak ada jalan untuk dapet nilai "A". Hmm, secara matematis masih bisa sih, tapi kemungkinannya kan kecil banget soale soal ujian biasanya susah banget), nilai ujian akhirku minimal harus 66. Nah, karena akan ada 50 soal, jadi aku harus menjawab 33 soal dengan benar. Dan gimana?? Di ujian akhirku, aku menjawab 34 soal dengan benar yang berarti aku dapet nilai 68. Wakakakakakaka... lol. Itu NYARIS banget!!! Dan aku dapet "B" deh, he3... :)
Di "Logika", targetku dapet nilai "A". Aku lumayan yakin dengan ujian akhir saya dan aku dapet nilai 85. TAPI, karena aku gak serius di ujian tengah semester, nilai akhirku jadi 79,9!! Hmm, untuk dapet nilai "A", skor minimal harus 80!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! Perbedaannya cuma 0.1!! Untung aku ketemu dosenku dan bisa memohon "belas kasihan"nya. Hmm, dia ngomong kalo itu udah regulasinya, TAPI, dia akan nanyain ke dosen kepala mengenai masalah ini soale juga udah ada orang lain yang komplain tentang masalah ini juga (dia dapet nilai akhir 79,98, hahahaha... :D). Hmm, aku masih bisa berharap dapet "A" sih soale sebenernya kan ada batas toleransi 0,5 gitu yang berarti kalo dapet nilai akhir 79,5 masih bisa dibulatkan jadi 80. Prosesor dari penilaian itu (minggu lalu) kan komputer dan programnya nggak didesain untuk rentang toleransi, makanya aku dapet "B". --> tapi seandainya aku bener 1 soal lagi aja di UAS ato UTS, aku dah ga perlu ga yakin kaya skarang ini deh...
harusnya aku sedih atau senang?? Apa aku beruntung ato sial?? Ha3... :)
aku juga suka begitu :( batas minimal 65.. aku suka dapet nilai 64.. akhiirnya kudu ikut remedial lagi.. T_T ... huw...
ReplyDeletesudahlah.. kamu kan sudha sering dapat A.. sekali-sekali dapet B.. :p