The Apprentice season 5
As I promised before and as Sheilla's request (wakakakaka... lol) I'm gonna write something about The Apprentice Season 5 , here we go.... :)
Last week I watched the fourth episode of it, the episode where Brent got fired. I'm not gonna write anything about how the episode goes (I put a link above and it can be read clearly through that link). Well, as a viewer, I also think that Brent was such a liability for his team and he was annoying. He rated himself so high and looked down at his teammates. Well, that might be fine just if he could prove something by showing something great, outside of the box, and also attitude. But he didn't!! He gave some not so bright ideas, he spoke rudely during his (personal) interview session (saying many curses and not-so-good words while his teammates could express their dislike of him in a more polite and rudeless way, at least on their choice of words and intonation), and yea, he did something on the second task, but that was embarassing!! Then, on one task, he was caught eating during the task. Well, eating is fine, but he did that while his other team-mates were working on their job. He even walked off the room (during a brainstorming session or something) and took some more food!! He was also late for 20 minutes while his other teammates had been ready to go on task (he still hadn't taken a shower, suited up, etc). What!?!?
Well, he might play a good tactic however. His teammates didn't like him and thought him as a liability, so they didn't give him any important job during the task. But, when the team lost, they couldn't blame him for anything since what he did was something outside of the inner-circle of their work. And as appear, it didn't work for long. He got it. Even though he wasn't in the inner-circle and didn't really cause the loss of his team, he finally got fired, ha3... :)
Anyway, since this season is an 'old' season of The Apprentice and many reviews and episode recaps are out there, I still find it interesting to watch. I tried not to read any spoiler even though I still remember the final placing from #1 (the winner) till #8, the rest of it I forget, he3... :)
24 season 2
One thing in my agenda during this very-very-long-holiday is to watch all seasons of 24 (I have got the complete season 6, he3... :D). So now I watch the second season of it and currently I have watched 10 episodes. Wow, this season for me is a lot greater and more thrilling than the first one!! More complex situation and characters, hmm... . It's true we shouldn't skip watching any of the season, he3... :) Btw, Dian Bauer (wakakakaka... lol) is right, Nina is a slut... lol. I didn't think at all Marie was involved (but I started to be suspicous on her during the middle of the tenth episode, after she came by on her father's office to apologize to Reza).
Hoho, 24 rocks... :D
The Apprentice musim 5
Seperti yang aku janjiin sebelumnya dan menuruti request-nya Sheilla (wakakakaka... lol) aku akan menulis sesuatu tentang The Apprentice Musim 5 , ini dia.... :)
Minggu lalu aku nonton episode keempat darinya, episode dimana Brent dipecat. Aku gak akan menulis bagaimana episode ini berjalan (kan udah aku kasi link di atas dan bisa dibaca dengan jelas koq melalui link tsb). Hmm, sebagai penonton, aku juga berpikir kalo Brent adalah pasiva untuk team dan dia menjengkelkan. Dia menilai dirinya tinggi sekali dan merendahkan anggota tim yang lain. Hmm, mungkin nggak papa sih kalo dia bisa membuktikan sesuatu yang hebat, diluar kotak, dan juga bersikap. Tapi dia enggak!! Dia memberikan beberapa ide yang nggak begitu bagus, dia berbicara dengan kasar selama wawancara (personal) nya (misuh beberapa kali dan kata-kata yang nggak-begitu-baik sementara anggota tim lainnya bisa mengekspresikan ketidaksukaan mereka akan dia dalam cara yang lebih sopan dan halus, paling nggak dalam pemilihan kata dan intonasi), dan ya, dia melakukan sesuati memang di tugas kedua, tapi itu juga memalukan!! Trus, di satu tugas, dia makan selama tugas. Makan nggak papa sih, tapi dia melakukannya ketika anggota tim lain lagi kerja dalam pekerjaan mereka. Dia bahkan jalan keluar ruangan (waktu sesi berpikir ato apa gitu) untuk nambah makanan!! Dia juga telat 20 menit padahal semua temennya udah siap untuk pergi ke tempat tugas (dia blom mandi, siap2, dll). Apa!?!?
Hmm, dia mungkin memainkan taktik yang bagus sih. Temen-temen sekelompoknya ga suka sama dia dan berpikir dia adalah pasiva, jadi mereka ga ngasi dia kerjaan yg penting selama tugas. Tapi, waktu tim kalah, mereka gabisa nyalahin dia atas sesuatu soale yang dia lakukan kan memang di luar inti utama dari tugas mereka. Dan ternyata, taktiknya ga jalan lama. Dia kena sendiri. Walau dia di luar inti utama dan nggak bener2 menyebabkan kekahalan tim, dia akhirnya dipecat, ha3... :)
Walau musim ini adalah musim 'lama' dari The Apprentice dan banyak review dan rekap episode di luar sana, aku tetep tertarik nonton tuh. Aku mencoba nggak baca bocoran walau aku masih inget urutan akhir dari #1 (juaranya) sampe #8, sisanya aku lupa, he3... :)
24 musim 2
Satu hal dalam agendaku selama liburan yang sangat-sangat-panjang ini adalah nonton semua seson dari 24 (aku dah dapet season 6 yang komplit loh, he3... :D). Jadi sekarang aku nonton season 2 deh dan skarang udah nonton 10 episode. Wow, season ini menurutku malah lebih keren dan menegangkan dari season 1 deh!! Situasinya lebih kompleks dan karakternya, hmm... . Bener juga tuh mendingan jangan ngelompatin satu season waktu nonton, he3... :) Btw, Dian Bauer (wakakakaka... lol) bener juga, Nina is a slut... lol. Aku nggak mikir loh kalo Marie ternyata terlibat (tapi aku memang mulai curiga sih sama dia di tengah episode 10, habis dia mampir di kantor papanya untuk minta maaf sama Reza).
Hoho, 24 keren... :D
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