This is message number 161, actually 161 is a "sacred" number for my schoolmates because my school building's number is also 161 and also is located at Laksda Adisutjipto Street, so sometimes we call it LA 161... :P
Okay, today is the day of truth, where we, the third grade students, would know our UAN, UAS, and practical examinations result and the decision whether we pass or fail from high-school. Well, actually this year the government decides the standarts that we have to complete are: there is NO score under 4.26 in all subjects, and our average score for all subjects is not less than 4.51 (the score ranges from 0 to 10).
At 6 AM this morning before I went to school, I read an article in Kompas and it said that around 9% of high-school students in DIY (my region) FAIL in the examinations, which means they have to study again in the third year of high-school 1 more year because there is no remedial test for them who fail. Then, I went to school and met my friends. We didn't know what to do, so we just waited for further announcement. And at 7 AM, the vice-headmaster announced that the third grade students should assemble in the hall at 9.30 AM. What!?!?!?!?!? 9.30 AM!?!? I was so sleepy this morning (because I slept at 2.30 AM) and had to wait by doing nothing?? Arrrggghhhh.... . Because of that I went to the internet cafe just across my school this morning while I was waiting. At 9.15 AM I went back to school and at 9.30 AM, we had to go to the school hall.
At that time, my friend told me that one of our friends also fails in the exams, they said usually, if somebody fails in this exam, the night before the announcement (so it means last Sunday night), school will call him and tell him that he fails, so he won't come at the day, and yes, that guy didn't come this morning. Some friends felt relieved after hearing that info, because we can conclude (from that info), if we come to school this day, it means we PASS. BUT, our meeting in the hall really ruined some of my friends hope and joy. Our vice-headmaster said that last night, he and some other teachers tried to deliver some letters for them who fail the exam, however, because the adresses of those students were wrong (especially them who live at boarding house), and because of limited time, so some letters couldn't be delivered last night (and at that time he showed some envelopes in his hand). Most of my friends started dreading again and felt nervous again. During all the speech in the hall, my friends were all very quiet and really did listen to the speech (usually they don't and keep talking with others). Then, the moment of truth finally came, our headmaster would read the result (school average score, the highest and the lowest score for each UAN subject; and the percentage of failure). He started with social stream. "Bahasa Indonesia, school average: 8.99" >> whoooo, 8.99 is DAMN HIGH. "highest score: 9.8, lowest 8". "English, school average: 8.5" >> wow, it's also great!! "highest score: 9.7, lowest 6.xx". Then, the last and the hardest one: "Economy, school average: 7.xx; highest score: 9.8, lowest score: 5". And all social students cheer, they all 100% pass the exam (but many students from science stream are still quiet)!!! Then, he moved to science stream. "Bahasa Indonesia, school average: 8.90" >> whooo, some were surprised because social's average is higher than science's average, usually, science's score is higher... . "highest score: 10, lowest score: 7.xx" >> still quiet, Bahasa Indonesia is relatively easier.... . "English, school average: 8.67; highest score: 10, lowest score: 6.xx" >> still quiet,because math is the evil of death for many students, so being safe at Bahasa Indonesia and English don't really make them feel safe... . "Math" >> the situation became more quiet. "school average: 6.8x, highest score: 10, lowest score:" >> some were pale "3" >> noooo... , three is under the minimum standart, so it means somebody has/have to fail. And the percentage of failure is 0.74% (so, 99.26% of science students pass). At that time, I count how many students who fail, and I knew there are 136 science students, if we take 1%, so we get 1.36 students, 0.74% is under 1%, so it means only 1 student fails. So, how about the letters?? Then, we got the answers, my vice-headmaster then said that he actually ONLY BROUGHT ENVELOPES!! There was NOTHING inside them!! Arrrgggghhhh, so all students who came to to school this morning all PASS the exam!!! And we were permitted to read our score on the boards.
My score is pretty good. For UAN, I got 9.6 for Bahasa Indonesia; 9.4 for English; and 10 for math (so the total is 29.00; that's the second highest in my school, the highest one is 29.07). Then, for UAS and practical examination, I got the highest score at school, I don't remember my score, because there are so many subjects (I just remember some of them, BUT I will write it all here after I get my STK >> my score is written there). And because in the end we acumulate all score (UAN, UAS, and practical examination), I get the highest mark, he3... :D After that, all students (from the first to third grade) assembled in the hall and we all close our disaster centre, and after that we had lunch together....
Ini adalah message nomer 161, sebenernya 161 adalah angka "sakral" bagi temen-temen sekolahku soalnya gedung sekolahku juga bernomer 161 dan terletak di Jalan Laksda Adisutjipto, makanya kadang-kadang kita memanggilnya LA 161... :P
Okay, hari ini adalah hari kebenaran, dimana kami, murid-murid kelas tiga, akan mengetahui hasil UAN, UAS, dan ujian prakter dan keputusan apakah kita lulus atau gagal dari SMA. Sebenernya, tahun ini pemerintah menetapkan standar kelulusan adalah: TIDAK boleh ada nilai di bawah 4,26 di semua mata pelajaran, dan rerata dari semua mata pelajaran haris tidak boleh kurang dari 4,51 (nilainya berkisar antara 0 sampai 10).
Jam 6 pagi sebelum aku berangkat ke sekolah pagi ini, aku membaca sebuah artikel di Kompas dan dikatakan kalo sekitar 9% dari seluruh murid SMA di DIY (daerahku) GAGAL dalam ujian, yang artinya mereka harus belajar lagi di kelas tiga SMA selama setahun soalnya nggak ada tes perbaikan bagi mereka yang gagal. Trus, aku berangkat ke sekolah dan bertemu temen-temenku. Kita nggak tahu mesti ngapain, jadi ya nunggu pengumuman lebih lanjut.Dan pada saat jam 7 pagi, wakil kepala sekolahku bilang kalo murid-murid kelas tiga harus berkumpul di aula jam 9.30 pagi. Apa!?!?!?!?!?!? 9.30 pagi!?!? Aku tadi ngantuk banget di sekolah (soalnya aku mulai bobok jam 2.30 pagi) dan harus menunggu dengan nggak melakukan apa-apa?? Arrggghhhhh.... . Karena itu aku trus pergi ke warnet di seberang sekolahku pagi ini sambil nunggu. Trus jam 9.15 pagi aku balik ke sekolah dan jam 9.30 pagi kita pergi ke aula sekolah.
Pada waktu itu, temenku bilang kalo salah satu temen kita juga gagal dalam ujian. Biasanya, katanya kalo misalnya seseorang itu gagal dalam ujian, semalam sebelum hari pengumuman (jadi ya berarti hari Minggu malam kemarin), sekolah akan menghubungi dia dan bilang kalo dia gagal, jadi dia nggak akan datang hari itu, dan bener aja, temenku itu nggak datang. Beberapa temen merasa lega setelah mendengar info ini, soalnya kita bisa menyimpulkan (dari info tersebut), kalo kita datang ke sekolah hari ini, itu berarti kita LULUS. TETAPI, pertemuan di aula bener-bener menghancurkan harapan dan kesenangan temen-temenku itu.
Wakil kepala sekolah bilang kalo semalam, dia beserta beberapa guru lain hendak mengantar surat-surat kepada mereka yang gagal dalam ujian, tetapi, karena ternyata alamat dari beberapa siswa itu salah (terutama mereka yang tinggal di kos) dan karena waktu yang terbatas, jadi beberapa surat nggak bisa diantarkan semalam (dan pada saat itu dia menunjukkan beberapa amplop di tangannya). Kebanyakan dari temenku mulai merasa takut dan deg-degan lagi. Sepanjang 'pidato' di aula, temenku semuanya diam dan mendengarkan pidatonya dengan baik-baik dan saksama (biasanya sih enggak dan malah ngobrol sendiri sama yang lain). Trus, saat kebenaran tiba, kepala sekolah kita akan membacakan hasilnya (nilai rata-rata sekolah, nilai tertinggi dan terendah pada setiap mata pelajaran di UAN, dan persentase kegagalan). Dia memulai dengan jurusan sosial. "Bahasa Indonesia, rata-rata sekolah: 8.99" >> whoooo, 8.99 itu TINGGI BANGET. "nilai tertinggi: 9.8, terendah 8". "Bahasa Inggris, rata-rata sekolah: 8.5" >> wow,ini juga bagus!! "nilai tertinggi: 9.7, terendah 6.xx".Trus akhirnya yang terakhir dan yang paling susah: "Ekonomi, nilai tertinggi: 9.8, nilai terendah: 5". Dan semua murid-murid sosial bersorak, mereka semua lulus ujian 100% (tapi beberapa anak dari jurusan IPA masih tetep terdiam)!!! Trus dilanjutkan dengan jurusan IPA. "Bahasa Indonesia, rata-rata sekolah: 8.90" >> whooo, beberapa terkejut juga soalnya rata-rata IPSnya lebih tinggi dari anak-anak IPA, biasanya IPA yang lebih tinggi... . "nilai tertinggi: 10, nilai terendah: 7.xx" >> masih tetap hening, Bahasa Indonesia itu relatif lebih mudah soalnya.... . "Bahasa Inggris, rata-rata sekolah: 8.67; nilai tertinggi: 10, nilai terendah: 6.xx" >> masih tetap hening juga, soalnya matematika adalah malaikat pencabut nyawa bagi kebanyakan murid, jadi aman di Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia nggak membuat mereka merasa aman... . "Matematika" >> situasi menjadi bertambah hening. "rata-rata sekolah: 6.8x, nilai tertinggi: 10, nilai terendah:" >> beberapa menjadi pucat "3" >> tidaaaaaaaaaaakkk... , tiga itu di bawah standart kelulusan, jadi itu berarti kalo ada yang harus gagal. Dan persentase kagagalan adalah 0,74% (jadi 99,26% murid jurusan IPA lulus). Trus waktu itu aku menghitung berapa anak yang gagal, aku tahu kalo ada 136 anak jurusan IPA, kalo kita ambil 1%nya, berarti kan kita dapat 1,36 orang, dan 0,74% tuh di bawah 1%, jadi yang gak lulus satu orang dong... . Jadi, bagaimana dengan surat-suratnya tadi?? Akhirnya jawabannya terungkap, wakil kepala sekolahku akhirnya menjawab kalo dia CUMA MEMBAWA AMPLOP DOANK!! Di dalam amplopnya TIDAK ADA APA-APA!! Arrrgggghhhh, jadi semua murid yang datang ke sekolah hari ini LULUS ujian, dan akhirnya kita diijinkan melihat nilai kita di papan.
Nilaiku lumayan bagus juga. Untuk UAN, aku dapat 9,6 untuk Bahasa Indonesia, 9,4 untuk Bahasa Inggris, dan 10 untuk matematika (jadi totalnya tuh 29,00, itu nilai tertinggi kedua di sekolahku, tertingginya 29,07). Untuk UAS dan ujian praktek, nilaiku yang tertinggi di sekolah, aku nggak inget angka-angkanya berapa soalnya ada banyak banget sih pelajarannya (aku cuma inget beberapa aja, TAPI aku bakalan menulis disini besok kalo aku dah dapet STKnya soalnya nilaiku semua ada di STK). Dan karena pada akhirnya kita tuh mengakumulasi semua nilai (UAN, UAS, dan Ujian Praktek), aku dapet nilai tertinggi, he3... :D Habis itu semua murid (dari kelas satu sampe kelas tiga) berkumpul di aula dan menutup posko bencana kami, habis itu kita makan siang bareng....