This evening, formally, our journey and struggle in high-school finally end. 203 third-year students and their parents came to school to attend the graduation ceremony which started at 6 PM in the hall (actually it started a lil' late since some friends didn't come on time). First, the students walked from their classes to the hall bringing candles in their hands (the choir group sang: "Lilin-lilin Kecil" (Little Candles) while we were walking into the hall). After we were all ready there, the graduation ceremony started by singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, then continued by praying. After that we listened to some speeches from the head of my school's foundation, headmaster, head of JB's alumna society, student representative, parents representative, and Romo Pamong. Then, school also gave rewards to some students (including me, he3... :D). After that, the graduation procession started. Each student walked to their class' homeroom teacher and got a trophy and graduation medal (I don't know the exact word, but you can see the pic below). Then, the ceremony ended, and we left the hall and shook hands to our teachers. After that I got the Memorial Book and went back home (after planning our class' farewell party next week... :D).
Talking about the show Indonesian Idol 3 last night, I think one more time, Indonesia got it right (even IMO Ilham and Sisi didn't deserve to be in the bottom three, but Brinet, who was voted off last night was also one of the weakest contestants last night... :D). IMO, the best last night was Maria (she sang: "When You Tell Me That You Love Me") and for me, Nobo was overated last night, he was good, but not that great to get that very high praises.
Sore tadi, perjalanan dan perjuangan kami di SMA akhirnya selesai sudah secara formal. 203 siswa kelas tiga bersama orangtuanya datang ke sekolah untuk menghadiri acara Pelepasan dan Penyerahan Kembali siswa kelas 3 yang dimulai jam 6 sore di aula sekolah (sebenernya mulainya agak sedikit terlambat sih, gara-gara beberapa murid datangnya telat). Pertama, murid-murid berjalan dari kelas masing-masing menuju aula sambil membawa lilin di tangannya (koor menyanyikan lagi: "Lilin-lilin Kecil" sementara murid-murid memasuki aula). Setelah semuanya siap, acara pelepasan dimulai dengan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan, Indonesia Raya, trus dilanjutkan dengan berdoa. Setelah itu kita mendengarkan beberapa pidato dari kepala yayasan sekolahku, kepala sekolah, kepala ikatan alumni JB, wakil murid, wakil orangtua, dan Romo Pamong. Trus, sekolah juga memberika penghargaan kepada beberapa murid (termasuk aku, he3... :D). Habis itu, prosesi wisudanya dimulai. Setiap muris berjalan maju menuju wali kelas masing-masing dan mendapatkan piala dan medali kelulusan (aku nggak tau nih istilahnya apa, tapi ada di atas koq gambarnya). Trus, acara pelepasannya selesai, dan kita meninggalkan aula dan berjabat-tangan sama guru-guru kami. Setelah itu aku mendapatkan Buku Kenangan trus balik ke rumah (setelah merencanakan acara perpisahan kelasku minggu depan... :D).
Ngomong-ngomong tentang show Indonesian Idol 3 semalam, menurutku sekali lagi, Indonesia memutuskan dengan benar (walaupun menurutku sih Ilham sama Sisi nggak berhak berada di tiga terbawah, tapi Brinet, yang tersisih semalam juga merupakan salah satu kandidat terlemah semalam... :D). Menurutku, yang paling bagus tadi malam adalah Maria (dia nyanyi lagu:"When You Tell Me That You Love Me") dan untuk aku, Nobo dinilai terlalu tinggi semalam, dia bagus sih, tapi nggak sehebat itu untuk mendapatkan pujian setinggi semalam.
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