Today is the last day before the UAS (final examination from school for biology, PPKn, Chemistry, History, Religion, and Physics) starts. Actually my school is a lil' bit late if compared with other schools because in other schools, UAS started last Monday (and usually any kinds of exams start on Monday). But that's not a big issue.... . Tomorrow I'll have PPKn and Biology exams, wish me luck.... :)
Problems keep coming up in our Bali Vacation. Yesterday two of my friends called me that they probably won't go to Bali because at that day (29th May, the last day we're in Bali) they probably have to register for the SPMB (National University Entrance Examination) >> but I think they don't have to register by themselves right?? It's only the registration and NOT the Entrance Examination.... . That's peculiar. Then, because of that, of course the ammount of money that we have to spend raises, and one of my friend complains about it and asks to reduce our time in Bali (so that 2 friends will go to Bali too), but I said that if he wants to reduce, that's okay because when we get back from Bali, we will get the more expensive tickets since the promotion tickets for that day have already been sold out. Plus, if so, we also have to reschedule our plan, call many places, manage many things, and we still have to face Final Examinations, and our trip to Bali is only 3 weeks ahead. Then is about the hotels, it's not that easy to find hotels in Bali, but I think we can handle it. All the problems are now almost solved and it really releives me.
Talking about the top 5 show of American Idol 2006 this week, I think it was not the best night ever. For me, the best two are Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee (her second performance was great, you can watch the video below), and the worst two are Elliott Yamin and Paris Bennett. They are not bad actually, they are both good, but if I have to rank them, they are in the bottom two. And the result show?? I think America agreed with me, Elliott Yamin and Paris Bennett were in the bottom two. Who is out?? Just watch the show... :)
Hari ini adalah hari terakhir sebelum UAS (Ujian Akhir Sekolah untuk mata pelajaran biologi, PPKn, Kimia, Sejarah, Pendidikan Religiositas, Sejarah, dan Fisika) dimulai. Sebenernya sih sekolahku bisa dikatakan agak sedikit terlambat kalo dibandingkan dengan sekolah lain soalnya di sekolah lain, UAS dimulai Senin kemarin (dan biasanya ujian-ujian dalam bentuk apapun kan dimulainya hari Senin). Tapi itu bukan masalah yang besar... . Besok aku bakalan ujian PPKn sama Biologi, doakan aku yaa.... :)
Masalah demi masalah muncul dalam Liburan ke Bali nanti. Kemarin dua temenku telpon aku dan bilang kalo mereka mungkin nggak ikut pergi ke Bali soalnya hari itu (tanggal 29, hari terakhir) mereka mungkin mau mendaftar SPMB (Sistem Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru) >> tapi menurutku kan mereka nggak harus mendaftar sendiri kan?? Ini kan cuma pendaftaran dan BUKAN ujian masuknya... . Aneh banget. Trus, gara-gara itu kan otomatis biaya yang haris ditanggung per-orang jadi naik, nah trus salah satu temenku yang lain komplain dan meminta mengurangi waktu di Bali (jadi 2 anak itu pasti ikutan ke Bali juga), tapi aku bilang aja, kalo dikurangi oke-oke aja, tapi tiket pulangnya bakalan dapet yang mahal soalnya tiket promosi untuk tanggal itu dah habis. Lagian, kalo gitu kan harus menyusun ulang jadwal, telpon sana-sini, ngurus macem-macem, padahal kita masih harus ujian dan 3 minggu lagi mau berangkat ke Bali. Trus tentang hotelnya, nggak gampang juga untuk menemukan hotel di Bali, tapi kayaknya sih bisa dirusu koq. Hampir semua masalah sekarang diselesaikan dan itu bener-bener melegakan aku.
Ngomong-ngomong tentang show 5 besar dari American Idol 2006 minggu ini, menurutku bukanlah malam yang terbaik. Untuk aku, dua terbaik adalah Chris Daughtry dan Katharine McPhee (lagu keduanya keren banget, bisa dilihat tuh videonya di bawah), dan dua terburuk adalah Elliott Yamin dan Paris Bennett. Mereka nggak jelek sih sebenernya, semuanya bagus, cuma kalo harus diranking, mereka berada di 2 terbawah. Dan hasilnya?? Kayaknya America setuju sama aku, Elliott Yamin dan Paris Bennett berada di dua terendah. Siapakah yang tereliminasi?? Nonton aja deh shownya.... :)
::: McPhee top 5 vid (Black Horse and The Cherry Tree)
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