Saturday, September 05, 2009

#759 - Early September


Damn, it has been another while since I last posted. I dunno what happens, but hopefully my desire and spirit to blog will be fully charged soon, haha.

Now we are all in early September. Since my last post, I have been through some things, LOL. Last Thursday my friends and I watched a movie at Blitz Megaplex. Well, apparently it had been quite awhile since I last watched movie. The last time I watched movie was in late May, when I watched Terminator : Salvation (well, Evangelion 1.0 didn't count since now I don't consider it as a "movie" movie, LOL).

Anyway, last Thursday we watched
The Proposal, a comedy-drama movie starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. The movie was about a tough Canadian executive editor-in-chief of a book publishing company, Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock), who forced her assistant, Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds), to marry her to avoid being deported back to Canada. In the end they fell in love. Well, I am not really in to "drama" genre but I like "comedy", so I really enjoyed this movie, especially on MANY comedic scenes it had!! I think this movie is recommended tho for those who want to be mind-refreshed, haha...

Today, for the fourth time, I attended (and helped) National Mathematics Seminar in my campus. Just like last year it took all day long. However, one special thing was different this year, we all got treated for a PAN of pizza EACH, garlic bread, and orange juice! wkwkwkw... .

::: fried duck at BVJ

::: duck uduk rice

::: free pizza and orange juice

::: a scene at The Proposal where Margaret Tate (was forced to) "proposed" Andrew Paxton in the middle of New York street.

::: another scene at The Proposal.


Sial, udah lumayan lama juga ya sejak posting terakhir. Gatau kenapa nih yah, tapi mudah2an aja semangatku buat ngeblog akan kembali terisi penuh segera, haha.

Sekarang kita berada di awal bulan September. Sejak posting terakhir ada banyak hal yang terjadi jelas, LOL. Kamis kemarin aku dan teman2ku nnton film. Yah, ternyata udah lama juga lho sejak terakhir aku nonton film. Terakhir aku nonton tuh akhir bulan Mei, waktu nonton Terminator: Salvtion (Evangelion 1.0 ga dihitung deh soalnya untuk aku tuh film bukan film "beneran", LOL).

Ngomong2, Kamis kemarin kami nonton
The Proposal, film drama-komedi yang dibintangi oleh Sandra Bullock dan Ryan Reynolds. Filmnya tentang seorang wanita Kanada, seorang eksekutif editor sebuah perusahaan penerbitan buku yang keras hati, Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock), yang memaksa asistennya, Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) untuk menikahinya agar ia terbebas dari ancaman dideportasi ke Kanada. Akhirnya mereka jatuh cinta. Nah, aku sih ga terlalu in sama genre "drama" yah tapi genre "komedi" dari film ini nih yang menarik perhatianku. Aku benar2 menikmati film ini, terutama di BANYAK bagian komedinya!! Aku rasa film ini sih recommended lah ya buat yang mau menyegarkan otak, haha......

Hari ini, untuk keempat kalinya, di kampus aku menghadiri (dan bantu2) acara Seminar Nasional Matematika. Kaya taun2 sebelumnya, acaranya berlangsung seharian. Bedanya, kali ini kami ditraktir pizza loh, seorang satu LOYANG, dapat juga garlic bread dan jus jeruk! wkwkwkw... .

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