Huhu, even though on last entry I complained about the 29-credits-week, at least that week is not this week, ha3... :) For Physics, all classes are canceled this week. On Wednesday, because the lecturer misread the schedule, a Finance Mathematics Class was also canceled. Today, another class was canceled because the computer lab was under maintenance. And tomorrow, one class will be canceled, wakakaka... lol. Unfortunately, the extra class will be on Saturday, 7.30 AM!! Boooooooo.......
Btw, yesterday I watched the finale episode of The Apprentice 5. Well, I am still confused with Lee's Selection of team. He chose Lenny, Roxanne, and Pepi. Roxanne was a good choice but Lenny and Pepi were, for me, not really great and didn't bring anything to the table. Plus, Lenny didn't get along with many people. Okay, Lee was very close with Lenny and that's why he chose Lenny. In other hands, he gotta compromize with Lenny's difficulty in getting along with others.
Some good choices were (excluding Andrea, Tarek, and Tammy who had been picked first by Sean) Leslie (she was a yes-woman and did a good job as a follower), Dan (he was pretty strong I think), Theresa (she still had a lot more to prove), or Charmaine (she was great, but the little problem was that she had a little clash with Lee). Guess What?? Lenny convinced Lee not to pick any of them. C'Mon, it's Lee's team and not Lenny's. Why should Lee listen to him??
Lenny also suggested Lee to pick Pepi and Lee followed that suggestion. Lenny also said that Allie was fake and Roxanne wasn't strong enough. Well, I think Roxanne was stronger than Lenny. C'Mon. Lee's leadership was so poor just based on his selection of team. In other side, Sean was smart. Andrea and Tarek worked well together and even Andrea was, I think, one of the strongest in the original Synergy. Tammy was close to Sean and she didn't really hate Andrea just as Allie and Roxanne did. Sean picked a great team IMO. I think from the beginning Lee shouldn't have picked Lenny. If I were him my choice would be Dan, Roxanne, and Theresa/Leslie.
Huhu, walaupun pada posting sebelumnya aku komplain tentang minggu-29-sks, setidaknya minggu itu bukan minggu ini, ha3... :) Untuk Fisika, semua kelas minggu ini ditiadakan. Di hari Rabu, karena dosennya salah baca jadwal, Matematika Keuangan juga ditiadakan. Tadi, kelas lain jg ditiadakan gara2 lab komputernya masih dalam masa perawatan. Dan besok, satu kelas akan ditiadakan, wakakaka... lol. Sayangnya, kelas tambahannya jadi hari Sabtu jam 7.30 pagi nih!! Huuuuuuuu.......
Btw, kemarin aku nonton episode final dari The Apprentice 5. Hmm, aku masih bingung nih sama pilihan timnya Lee. Dia memilih Lenny, Roxanne, dan Pepi. Roxanne adalah pilihan yang oke tapi Lenny dan Pepi, menurutku, nggak bagus2 amat dan mereka nggak menunjukkan kemampuan apa2. Plus, Lenny nggak cocok sama banyak orang. Oke deh, Lee sangat deket sama Lenny dan itulah kenapa dia memilih Lenny. Di sisi lain, dia jadi harus berkompromi sama kesulitan Lenny dalam berhubungan dengan yang lain.
Beberapa pilihan bagus menurutku sebenernya (nggak termasuk Andrea, Tarek, dan Tammy yang udah dipilih duluan sama Sean) Leslie (dia itu penurut dan bagus kalo jadi pengikut), Dan (menurutku dia sih lumayan kuat), Theresa (dia masih punya banyak hal untuk dibuktikan), atau Charmaine (hebat sih, cuma masalahnya ada masalah kecil antara dia dengan Lee). Dan gimana?? Lenny meyakinkan Lee untuk nggak memilih satu pun dari mereka. Ayolah, ini kan timnya Lee, bukan Lenny. Kenapa jg Lee musti nurut sama Lenny??
Lenny juga menyarankan Lee untuk memilih Pepi dan Lee ikut sarannya. Lenny jg bilang kalo Allie itu bermuka dua dan Roxanne nggak cukup kuat. Hmm, menurutku Roxanne malah lebih kuat daripada Lenny. Ayolah. Kepemimpinannya Lee payah neh keliatan dari pemilihan timnya. Di sisi lain, Sean pinter bgt. Andrea dan Tarek bekerja sama dengan baik sekali bahkan menurutku Andrea adalah salah satu yg terkuat dari tim awal Synergy. Tammy deket sama Sean dan dia nggak benci Andrea kaya Allie dan Roxanne. Sean milih tim yang bagus menurut saya. Aku rasa dari awal haruse Lee udah nggak usah milih Lenny. Kalo aku jadi dia aku akan milih Dan, Roxanne, dan Theresa/Leslie.
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