Finally last week I finished reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, ha3... :) This novel is the last sequel of all 7 series of Harry Potter.
As the last novel, we expected it to be the most exciting, thrilling, interesting, and of course, best, amongst all series. And how was it?? Yea, J.K Rowling is a great author, and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows was, for me, really the best!! It was superb!! I scored it 10/10, hahaha... :) For fans, this novel also could be a "true-fans test" since so many minor characters from the previous novels appeared with pretty much influence(s) on the story. Named them Griphook, Grindelwald, Gregorovitch, etc.
Well, in general, this novel told us about Harry Potter's, Hermione Granger's and Ron Weasley's "quest" for Horcruxes and destroyed them. During their quest, they also found a fact (from a tale) about the existence of the "Deathly Hallows". Harry was a bit unsure whether they should keep going on Horcruxes or also looking for the Deathly Hallows. In the end, of course their quest met them with the main villain of the story, Lord Voldemort.
There were some surprises (and one of the biggest surprise apparently wasn't a surprise for her, ha3... :D) and because I also want to be an evil
== spoiler starts ==
1. Hedwig died in the beginning of the story because of a miss curse. Poor her... lol
2. Dobby died because of saving Harry cs's lives.
3. Severus Snape became the headmaster of Hogwarts. (this wasn't the biggest surprise about Severus Snape though, hahaha... lol)
== spoiler ends ==
If on most of the previous sequels the thrilling parts of the novel were placed in about the end of each of them, this time the thrilling parts were almost everywhere, and the climax of the whole-seven-sequels was put in the last 3 chapters. However, I still expect that the final battle between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter could have been a lot more intense and exciting, not just done in one attack (Avada Kedavra vs Expelliarmus). But the complexity of the story and characters were really what made this sequel best of the others.
This novel fulfills all requirements to be a great ending. We gotta admit that JK Rowling is a great story-teller... :) She was a genius in creating the characters, haha... . None was too perfect, including Albus Dumbledore.
Akhirnya minggu lalu aku selesai juga deh baca Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, ha3... :) Novel ini adalah sekuel terakhir dari 7 seri Harry Potter.
Sebagai novel terakhir, tentu kita mengharapkan novel ini menjadi yang paling seru, paling tegang, paling menarik, dan tentu saja dong, terbaik, dari kesemua serinya. Dan bagaimanakah novel ini?? Yea, J.K Rowling adalah penulis yang hebat, dan Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows was, untuk aku, bener2 yang terbaik deh!! Keren banget!! Aku nilai 10 deh dari 10, hahaha... :) Untuk fans, novel ini juga bisa menjadi "tes fans" loh soale banyak karakter minor dari novel-novel sebelumnya muncul dengan lumayan banyak pengaruh dalam cerita kali ini. Misalnya aja Griphook, Grindelwald, Gregorovitch, dll.
Hmm, secara umum, novel ini menceritakan tentang "pengejarannya" Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, dan Ron Weasley akan Horcrux dan menghancurkannya. Sepanjang pengejaran ini, mereka menemukan fakta (dari dongeng) tentang keberadaan dari "Deathly Hallows". Harry jadi agak gak yakin mereka sebaiknya tetap mencari Horcrux atau mencari Deathly Hallows. Pada akhirnya, pengejaran mereka membawa juga pada tokoh penjahat utama dari cerita ini, Lord Voldemort.
Ada beberapa kejutan loh (dan salah satu kejutan terbesar kelihatannya bukan merupakan kejutan bagi dia, ha3... :D) dan karena saya ingin menjadi orang jahat
== bocoran dimulai ==
1. Hedwig mati di awal cerita gara2 kena kutukan nyasar. Kasian yah... lol
2. Dobby mati karena menyelamatkan nyawa Harry dkk
3. Severus Snape menjadi kepala sekolah Hogwarts (bukan kejutan terbesar sih tentang Severus Snape, hahaha... lol)
== bocoran selesai ==
Kalo dari kebanyakan edisi2 sebelumnya bagian menegangkannya diletakkan di akhir novel, kali ini bagian yang bikin tegang hampir ada dimana2, dan klimaks dari keseluruhan-tujuh-seri terletak pada 3 bab terakhir. Namun, aku sih mengharapkan kalo pertarungan terakhir antara Lord Voldemort sama Harry Potter bisa lebih tegang dan seru yah, nggak cuma selesai dalam satu serangan saja (Avada Kedavra vs Expelliarmus). Tapi kompleksitas dari ceritanya dan karakternya sih yang membuat cerita ini bagus banget.
Novel ini memenuhi segala persyaratan untuk jadi ending yang bagus. Harus diakui memang kalo JK Rowling adalah pencerita yang hebat... :) Jenius deh dia dalam menciptakan karakter, haha... . Nggak ada yang sempurna banget, termasuk Albus Dumbledore.... :)
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