Last Sunday I was so busy to work on The First OSPEK (department introduction) week, ha3... :) I got up at 5.55 AM. After having breakfast and taking a shower I went to my campus to prepare the OSPEK. We asked the "ospekee" to meet us at 8 AM on a bus stop. At 7.40 AM we (the mentors (mentor = good guy who assist the ospekee)) walked to the bus stop.
There, one ospekee was so outspoken and made one of my friend pissed. She (the ospekee) said they had been there since 7 AM and the mentors still hadn't showed up yet. My friend was pissed and said: "What time we asked you to meet us here?". She answered: "8 AM". My friend added: "And you came at?". She answered: "7 AM". My friend added: "Then who asked you to come at 7??". Wakakakaka.... lol. Then we walked to the campus.
There we had a quick inspection of all stuffs they gotta bring and attributes they gotta wear, and none of them brought every single stuff correctly, ha3... :) Then we had some games, interview sessions, etc. Btw, on one games, other officials also got us, the mentors!! Arrrgggghhhh!!! Well, I will do a revenge on them, I won't lend them any of my homework again!! Wakakakaka... lol.
I was sooo tired....
::: quick update ::: (Mon, 20th Aug 2007; 6:46 PM)
Answering Yulia's question, well, some fellas got us by asking us to accompany our teams to present their jingle!! Arrrgggghhhhhhhh..... .Yea, few hours earlier we asked each team to create a jingle and present to the others. Then, after lunch some alumna and seniors came and they asked them to present the jingles. Guess what?? Our fellas asked each teams' mentors to also present the jingle!! Arrrggghhhh... . Yea, we (mentors) assisted them creating it but we didn't memorize it. Huh!! So embarassing... lol. They also got that opportunity (mentors didn't know the jingle) get us. Each teams gotta present twice and mentors gotta stand in front of the team (so we couldn't cheat). Arrrrgggghhhhh... .Shit...
Hari Minggu kemarin aku sibuk bgt neh ngrusuin OSPEK (pengenalan jurusan) minggu pertama, ha3... :) Aku bangun jam 5.55 pagi. Trus habis makan pagi dan mandi, aku pergi deh ke kampus untuk nyiapin acara OSPEK-nya. Kita nyuruh yg diospek untuk ketemu kita jam 8 pagi di sebuah halte bus. Jam 7.40 pagi, kami (mentornya (mentor = orang baik yang mendampingi yang diospek)) jalan deh ke halte.
Disana, salah satu yg diospek nyolot banget tuh dan bikin salah satu temen saya marah. Dia (yang diospek) ngomong mereka udah sampe jam 7 pagi dan mentornya pada blom dateng. Heh, temenku marah dan ngomong: "Emang kita nyuruh kalian kumpul disini jam brapa?". Dijawab: "Jam 8".Trus temenku nambahin: "Trus kalian dateng jam brapa?". Dijawab: "Jam 7". Nah, temenku trus ngomong: "Trus sapa suruh kalian dateng jam 7?" Wakakakaka.... lol. Trus jalan deh kita ke kampus.
Disana ada inspeksi cepet tentang barang2 dan atribut yang harus mereka bawa dan pakai. Dan tak ada seorang pun yang bawa setiap barang dengan benar, ha3... :) Trus ada beberapa game, sesi wawancara, dll. Btw, di satu games, panitia lain ngerjain kita juga nih, para mentor!! Arrrgggghhhh!!! Hmm liat deh, akan saya balas dendamin neh, aku ga akan minjemin PR saya lagi ah!! Wakakakaka... lol.
Capek bgt ternyataaa....
::: apdet cepet ::: (Senin, 20 Agst 2007; 6:46 malam)
Menjawab pertanyaannya Yulia, hmm, beberapa temen ngerjain kami dengan cara menyuruh kami ikutan menemani kelompok untuk nampilin yel kelompok!! Arrrgggghhhhhhhh..... .Iya, beberapa jam sebelumnya memang kita suruh mereka bikin yel kelompok dan nunjukin ke tim yang lain. Trus habis makan siang kan dateng tuh alumni dan senior, nah anak2 baru disuru nunjukin yel mereka. Nah gimana?? Temen kita juga nyuruh mentor dari tiap2 kelompok untuk ikutan menunjukkan yel kelompok!! Arrrggghhhh... . Iya, kami (mentor) memang mendampingi mereka bikin tapi kan gak ngafalin!! Huh!! Memalukan sekali.... lol. Mereka juga make kesempatan itu (mentor gak inget yel-nya) untuk ngerjain lagi. Tiap tim harus nunjukin 2 kali dan mentornya harus berdiri di depan anggota kelompoknya (jadi kita kan gabisa nyontek). Arrrrgggghhhhh... .Sialan...
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