My day started at 8.13 AM when I got up since at 9 AM I'm gonna have a discrete mathematics lecture. At 10.50 AM, the lecture ended. Then, my friends and I went to a warung nearby and they had lunch there (I didn't eat since 2 hrs earlier in the morning, I had breakfast and at that time I was still pretty full). Then, we still had about 3.5 hrs before the next lecture started (at 3 PM). Well, so we then finally decided to go to Ciwalk and watched a movie there. We still didn't know what movie to watch by the time we departed.
Once we arrived, there were 7 choices of movies and none of them (apparently for me) was really inviting me to watch. But my choice went to "THE CAVE" since I thought it was probably gonnabe the most interesting to watch rather than the other six (well, 2 Indonesian movies were the first two to be eliminated from my list, he3... :D). But my friend asked us to watch "GHOST RIDER". Well, I had already watched the trailer before, and I thought it was not really interesting and kinda juvenile. But time and vote spoke, so we watched it. I had no problem actually... :)
For me, twas pretty disappointing. It was not exciting, especially when it was down to the climax. At first it was okay, but as film rolled, for me, it was getting more boring and more boring. If I have to score, hmmm, I'm gonna give 4.83 out of 10.
Then, we went back to our campus and had our last lecture of the day, second calculus. Unfortunately, our lecturer gave us homework!! Arrrggghhhh.... :( Btw, talking about homework, my discrete mathematics homework got the score 95, he3... :)
Btw, this evening I went to this hotspot cafe and before that, I had dinner first at a Sundanese restaurant.... :D
That's all my story about today... :) (well, actually I have prepared one serious entry, but I'll post it later... :D)
Hariku dimulai pada jam 8.13 pagi ketika aku bangun tidur soale kan aku bakalan kuliah matematika diskret jam 9 pagi. Jam 10.50, kuliahnya selesai. Trus, temen-temenku dan saya pergi ke sebuah warung di deket kampus dan makan siang disana (aku nggak makan sih, soale 2 jam sebelumnya aku kan baru aja sarapan dan waktu itu perutku masih lumayan penuh). Trus, kita masih ada waktu sekitar 3,5 jam sebelum kuliah selanjutnya dimulai (jam 3 sore). Makanya, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk pergi ke Ciwalk dan nonton film deh disana. Kita masih nggak tau loh mau nonton apa waktu berangkat.
Begitu kita sampai, ternyata ada 7 pilihan film dan tak satupun yang (ternyata untuk aku) bener-bener mengundang untuk ditonton. Tapi pilihanku jatuh kepada "THE CAVE" soale kan aku kira bakalan menjadi yang paling menarik daripada 6 lainnya (sejujurnya, 2 film Indonesia adalah 2 film pertama yang tereliminasi dari daftarku untuk ditonton, he3... :D). Tapi temenku ngajak untuk nonton "GHOST RIDER". Duh, aku dah ngelihat trailer-nya sebelumnya, dan menurutku nggak terlalu menarik dan agak kekanakan sih. Tapi waktu dan voting berbicara, jadi kita nonton tuh film deh. Aku nggak masalah sih sebenernya... :)
Untuk saya, itu benar-benar mengecewakan. Nggak menarik sama sekali, terutama waktu mendekati klimaksnya. Pertamanya oke sih, tapi semakin film diputar, koq malah semakin tambah membosankan ya. Kalo harus aku nilai, hmmm, aku kasi nilai 4,83 deh dari skor maksimum 10.
Trus, kita balik ke kampus dan mengikuti kuliah terakhir hari ini, kalkulus dua. Sayangnya, dosenku memberi kita PR!! Arrrggghhhh.... :( Btw, ngomong2 tentang PR, PR matematika diskretku dapet 95 loh, he3... :)
Btw, sore ini aku pergi ke kafe hotspot dan sebelumnya, makan di restoran Sunda dulu deh.... :D
Itulah cerita saya hari ini... :) (sebenernya aku sudah mempersiapkan sebuah postingan serius nih, tapi aku post ntar-ntar aja ah... :D)
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