Hhhh *sigh*... . Finally this week is over. Well, this week has just been another ordinary week for me. Nothing really special happened. Btw, I'm now kinda pissed with one of my lecturer, not with his teaching style, but more about his personality. Just like when I had his lecture this week. He was kinda angry with one other student who used cellphone during the class. Okay, he was right (at that time) since there was a rule cellphone has to be turned off during the class (but I always break the rule, lol, I just turn mine to the silent mode but never turn it off, he3... :D) and he once again stated the rule: "All cellphones have to be turned off during the class, bla bla bla....".
**one hour later**
There was a ringing cellphone, and apparently it was the lecturer's cellphone!! It was a misscall apparently, and okay, probably he forgot to turn his phone OFF. Some seconds later, his cellphone rang again!! Another misscall. Several seconds later, the same thing happened!! And in the end, it happened about 4 or 5 times. And guess what?? In the end, he didn't say anything about the rule, but he just said: "There exist this kind of people who don't want to lose any pulse, so he/she misscalls me and hopes I will call him/her back". What!?!?!? That's all what he then said?? Arrrggghhhh... . That's one thing that makes me don't like that lecturer (personally). Okay, case closed... :)
Btw, finally tomorrow is weekend!! Yaaayyy.... :)
::: quick update ::: (Fri, 9 Feb 07, 8.57 PM)
Well, because of her commentary, I feel that I need to add this one extra paragraph... . THX for helping me explaining my thought
What made me pissed was why he didn't apologize to us and his inconsistency with what he already said just one hour before. Okay, he had the privilege, but he still could turned his cellphone to the silent mode and turned on the vibrating mode, rite?? If so, even if he answered a phone call, I wouldn't have been so pissed since he was consequent with what he said by turning it to silent-mode and still reached the purpose why that rule is established even by not turning the phone off... :)
Hhhh *hhhhh*... . Akhirnya minggu ini selesai juga. Hmm, minggu ini adalah minggu yang biasa-biasa saja untuk saya. Nggak ada hal spesial yang terjadi. Btw, aku skarang agak gak seneng nih sama salah seorang dosen saya, nggak dengan cara mengajarnya sih, tapi lebih ke karakternya. Seperti yang baru terjadi minggu ini. Dia marah sama seorang mahasiswa yang kedapatan lagi pake hape di kelas. Oke, dia benar (waktu itu) soalnya kan memang ada aturan ga boleh nyalain hape selama di kelas (tapi saya selalu melanggar aturan itu, lol, aku cuma mengubah settingan hapeku jadi mode silent dan nggak pernah mematikannya, he3... :D) dan sekali lagi dia menyatakan aturannya: "Semua handphone harus dimatikan selama ada di kelas, bla bla bla...".
**satu jam kemudian**
Ada hape yang berbunyi, dan ternyata itu adalah hapenya si dosen!! Itu adalah misscall ternyata dan okelah, mungkin dia lupa meMATIkan hapenya. Beberapa detik kemudian, hapenya bunyi lagi!! Misscall lagi. Beberapa detik kemudian, hal yang sama terjadi!! Dan akhirnya, ini terjadi sekitar 4 atau 5 kali loh. Dan tebak bagaimana?? Akhirnya dia nggak ngomong apa-apa tentang peraturan lah, tapi cuma ngomong: "Memang ada loh orang jenis seperti ini yang nggak mau keluar pulsa, jadi dia me-misscall saya dan berharap saya yang menelepon balik dia". Apa!?!?!? Cuma itu yang dia lalu katakan?? Arrrggghhhh... . Itu adalah satu hal yang bikin saya gak seneng sama dosennya (secara personal). Oke, kasus ditutup... :)
Btw, akhirnya besok adalah weekend!! Yaaayyy.... :)
::: apdet cepet ::: (Jmt, 9 Feb 07, 8.57 malem)
Hmm, karena sebuah komentar darinya, aku jadi merasa perlu untuk menambahkan paragraf ekstra ini... . THX ya udah membantu aku memperjelas uneg-uneg saya
Yang membuat saya agak sebal tuh karena kenapa dia nggak minta maaf sama kita dan ke tidak konsistenannya dengan apa yang dia sudah katakan hanya satu jam sebelumnya. Okelah dia punya privilege, tetapi kan dia masih aja bisa mengubah setting hapenya jadi mode silent dan menyalakan mode getar kan?? Kalo begitu, kalaupun dia menjawab telpon, aku nggak akan sebal soale dia konsekwen dengan ucapannya dan masih bisa mencapai tujuan kenapa aturan tersebut diberlakukan walaupun dengan tanpa mematikan hapenya... :)
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