One of my most favorite TV show these weeks is American Idol 2006 (season 5). Well, you know I don't live in The US, but many TV Channel here show this program as one of theirs. (probably this is one kind of The US' imperialism). However, that's not what I want to write right now.
Well, this week, the Idols were down to the top 10 and they sang the 21st century songs. Some of them were good and the other were terrible. The judges (Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell) were pretty hard to be pleased. For me, some of them did great (Katharine, Elliott, and Paris). Some were good (Mandisa, Lisa, Chris, and Taylor). And the rest were horrible. But, in the result show the bottom three (of votes) was shocking and unpredictable. Katharine, Ace, and Lisa were in the Bottom Three. I was pretty surprised to see Lisa and Katharine (especially Katharine) in the bottom three. Katharine is always great in her performances (well, this week wasn't her best, I admit). Lisa sang good, but she had been in the bottom three for 2 weeks in row. Ace, he is terrible for me, and I guess he won't stand long on that stage.... . And, the one who was voted off is XXX (well, I don't want to write his/her name because I don't want to ruin the excitement for those who haven't watched this episode yet).
Well, this morning I got an offering from my biology teacher to join a biology olympiad next April. I accept it and it means that my first and last competitions during my high-school time are both biology, lol.
To download those bottom three mp3s (American Idol), click on their name and songs here and just follow the guide):
Ace Young - Drops of Jupiter
Lisa Tucker - Because of You
Katharine McPhee - The Voice Within
Salah satu acara TV favoritku sekarang adalah American Idol 2006 (season 5). Yah, kamu tahu aku nggak tinggal di Amerika, tapi banyak stasiun TV disini yang nayangin acra ini sebagai salah satu program mereka. (mungkin ini salah satu contoh dari imperialisme Amerika). Tapi, bukan itu yang mau aku tulis sekarang.
Minggu ini, acara ini sampai ke babak 10 besar dan mereka menyanyikan lagi-lagi dari abad 21. Beberapa dari mereka tuh bagus, beberapa jelek. Jurinya (Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, dan Simon Cowell) ternyata agak susah untuk dibuat seneng. Untuk aku, beberapa tuh bagus (Katharine, Elliott, dan Paris). Beberapa lumayan bagus (Mandisa, Lisa, Chris, danTaylor). Sementara sisanya jelek. Tapi, di result show kemarin, 3 terbawah (dari votingnya) mengagetkan, bikin shock, dan nggak terduga. Katharine, Ace, sama Lisa ada di 3 terbawah. Aku kaget ngeliat Lisa sama Katharine di 3 terbawah (terutama Katharine). Katharine tuh selalu bagus di tiap penampilannya (tapi yang kemarin bukan yang terbaik sih). Lisa nyanyinya lumayan, tapi dia dah di 3 terbawah selama 2 minggu berturut-turut. Ace, dia sih jelek banget, dan aku duga dia ga bakalan lama berdiri di panggung itu.... . Dan yang tereliminasi adalah XXX (aku nggak mau nulis namanya dulu soalnya aku nggak mau menghancurkan keasyikan mereka yang belom nonton episode ini).
Pagi ini aku dapet tawaran dari guru biologiku untuk ikut lomba biologi. Aku menerimanya dan artinya lomba pertama dan terakhirku di masa-masa SMA adalah kesemuanya Biologi, he3....
Untuk men-download mp3nya 3 terbawah American Idol, ada tuh di atas. Klik aja nama / judul lagunya trus ikuti petunjuknya.