This morning, I recieved my report book.... . But before I tell you my score, I want to tell you first about some things that happened before I recieved my report.
Today, school started at 8 AM (which I didn't know so I had to wait for 1,5 hours at school, arrrggghhhh.....). Then, we also had a quick mass liturgy at school (yea, it was quick. Only 40 minutes... >> there was no songs). Then, after that we had to listen to some speeches. First it was the headmaster's one. He said that one new teacher (he started to teach us last July) is leaving us starting next semester (well, I don't know him very much because he doesn't teach the third grade). Then, we had to listen to the announcement about the holiday, our report books, and the procedure if our scores are incorrect.
All of these stuffs end at 9.30 AM. Then, we should go back to our class and waited for out report book....
Then, the time was coming. My teacher gave us our report book one by one. Then, my turn came. Before I tell you my score, I want to tell you that unfortunately, my score was WRONG!! >> well, only at one subject but it affected a lot. My score dropped 3 points because of that. Then I did a crosscheck at the computer room. And yes, it's wrong (my calculation is the correct one). And unfortunately I have to follow the procedure and my report book will be corrected next January. Arrggghhh.... . In one year, I get this problem twice!!!!
OK, now let's just move to my score. Here it is (this is the correct one and the range of the score is between 0 to 10): PPKn (8); Religion (9) >> they wrote 6!!!! ; Indonesian (8), History (8), English (9), Sport (7), Physics (8), Biology (9), Chemistry (9), and math (10). So the total is 85 and the average is 8.5
Pagi ini aku menerima buku rapotku.... . Tapi sebelum aku cerita nilai-nilaiku, aku mau cerita dulu tentang beberapa kejadian yang terjadi sebelum aku terima rapot....
Hari ini sekolahnya baru mulai jam 8 pagi (yang aku nggak tau jadi aku mesti nunggu di sekolah 1,5 jam, arrgggghhhh.....). Trus tadi juga ada ekaristi (misa) cepat dulu di sekolah (ya, tadi cepet banget, cuma 40 menit >> tanpa lagu-lagu). Trus habis itu kita mesti mendengarkan beberapa pidato. Pertamanya adalah kepala sekolah. Dia juga bilang kalo salah satu guru baru (dia mulai ngajar Juli kemaren) akan meninggalkan kita mulai semester depan (sebenernya sih aku nggak tahu ttg guru baru ini banyak soalnya dia nggak ngajar kelas 3). Habis itu mesti juga mendengarkan pengumuman tentang liburan, buku raport, sama prosedur kalo ada nilai yang salah.
Semua hal itu selesai jam 9.30 pagi. Trus kita balik lagi ke kelas dan menunggu buku raport kita...
Trus, waktunya datang. Wali kelasku mbagi buku rapotnya satu per satu. Trus giliranku tiba. Sebelum aku cerita tentang rapotku, aku mo bilang kalo sayangnya, nilaiku ada yang SALAH!! >> cuma di satu pelajaran sih, tapi mempengaruhi banyak. Nilaiku jatuh 3 poin gara-gara itu. Trus aku crosscheck di komputer sekolah dan ternyata memang salah (harusnya memang perhitunganku yang bener). Sayangnya, aku juga harus mengikuti prosedur dan buku rapotku baru dibenerin besok Januari. Arrgghhhh.... . Dalam satu tahun aku mengalami problem ini dua kali!!!!
OK, sekarang aku bakal cerita tentang nilaiku. Ini dia (ini adalah nilai yang benar dan skornya antara 0 sampai 10): PPKn (8); Agama (9) >> ditulisnya 6!!!! ; Bahasa Indonesia (8), Sejarah (8), Bahasa Inggris (9), Olahraga (7), Fisika (8), Biologi (9), Kimia (9), dan matematika (10). Jadi totalnya adalah 85 dan rata-ratanya 8,5
WOWWWWW..Zilkooo..ebaaat deh kamu!!! Top! Top!
ReplyDeleteSudah jgn kuatir kamu pasti di terima di univ yg mana aja kamu mau!!
Di kasih makan apa siy sama ortu kamu??? kekeke..kasih tau gw, biar gw nerusin ke Sade..ihihiih..
Salut gw ma kamu!! Selamat yaa!!
Yulia >> THX THX... :D
ReplyDeleteYa moga2 aja sih... :D (Amin...). Makan? Makannya nasi koq... :))
(btw, masi lumayan dongkol jg koq bisa2nya salah nilai....)
wahh!!! nilainya bagus2 nehhh!!! hehehe... ayo ayo... makan2 :D
ReplyDeletedah aku link tuh! thanks udah ngingetin :D
God bless! eh eh... x'mas is coming :D
1,5 jam kan bisa buat tidur yh Ko, hihihiiiih.
ReplyDeleteWaduuuh hebaat dunk kamu bisa dapet 10 di raport. Nggak sia2 belajar klo gitu. En emang sih, kok nilai agama 6? pelajaran agama itukan gampang banget ( teorinya )
En tuh kamu harus lebih sering bergerak kali Ko ( abis dapet nilai 7 buat olahraga hihiihi ).
Aku bisa minta diajarin kima niy Ko.....;)
Selamat dech Ko.....
Pertahankan tuh prestasi
Btw, kamu lebih pinter bahasa inggris daripada bahasa indonesia??
Koreksi, aku maksud kimia bukan kima.
ReplyDeleteUdah2 jangan dongkol terus. Yang penting kan apa yg tersimpan di otak kamu
ps: rata2 8,5 tuh ranking berapa?
Sherly a.k.a Nie >> Wakaka, namanya ngarang ndiri nih... :D
ReplyDeleteTHX THX
Karisma >> Agamanya 9 koq, cuma salah tulis aja tuh jadi 6 (uda aku protes trus ntar dibenerin koq... :D). OR sih 7 dah bagus... . Paling tinggi 8 sih, tp jaraaaanng bgt.... :D. Maklum, standart ORnya tuh tinggiiii bgt... :D
8.5 tuh rank 1 :) Arrgghh... . Kimianya nyesel pas ulangan umum ga teliti. Gara2 itu jadi 9 deh, padahal ada kemungkinan 10 loh... :P
Wakaka, bahasa inggris yg kemarin emang lbh gampang drpd bhs indonesia. Bahasa indonesianya susah, praktek mlulu. Bikin berita, surat lamaran kerja, dll.
ReplyDeleteErnesto >> Hello... . Merry X'Mas too... :D and also have a great weekend!!
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Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog. You blog is neat!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the mix up with you grade! Hope you get it fixed!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~*~ M ~*~
just be back to say"merry chrismas and also a verry happy 2006"to you and your fammily so than xmas greets FROM BELGIUM
ReplyDeleteMelissa a.k.a ~*~ m ~*~ >> THX... :D
ReplyDeleteYea, I'll get it fixed on January 06... :)
Merry X'Mas & Happy New Year too... :)
Scottie >> THX.... :D
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hebaaaaat. jadi donk sekolah ke LN ?
ReplyDeleteDian >> Gatau nih... . Ya moga2 aja deh... :) Doain yach.... :D