Today is Sunday, and of course I didn't go to school today. What did I do this weekend? Nothing special.
Yesterday actually my friends and I planned to hang out in the evening, but unfortunately (why always 'unfortunately'?), we postponed it to next Friday (after the examinations are over). It sucks.....
This morning I went to the church at 7 AM. The liturgy ended at 8 AM and then we had breakfast. After that we got back home, and I just played computer until noon... . Then I took a nap.
OK, now (after having a break for 2 days) I should turn off my lazy mode (just for a while :D). Tomorrow I will have an Indonesian exam (there won't be any multiple choices questions like it used to. My teacher said that all the questions will be essay... . There are advantages and disadvantages because of this.... . But I prefer not to think about it because if I do, I will be lazy to study). Especially starting tomorrow, I should study hard everyday until Wednesday because on Tuesday I'm having physic, on Wednesday Biology and on Thursday Chemistry....
Hari ini adalah hari Minggu dan tentu saja aku nggak ke sekolah hari ini. Apa yang aku kerjakan akhir minggu ini? Nggak ada yg istimewa.
Kemarin sebenere aku sama temen2ku rencana mo pergi pas sorenya, tapi sayangnya (kenapa sih mesti 'sayangnya'), kita mbatalin rencana itu ke hari Jumat (habis ulangan umumnya selesai). Menyebalkan.....
Pagi ini aku pergi ke gereja jam 7 pagi. Misanya selesai jam 8 pagi trus aku makan pagi. Habis selesai sarapan trus pulang ke rumah dan aku main komputer sampe siang... . Habis itu istirahat siang deh...
OK, sekarang (habis istirahat selama 2 hari) aku perlu mematikan mode malasku (cuma untuk sementara sih :D). Besok aku ulangan Bahasa Indonesia (ntar bakalan nggak ada soal pilihan ganda kayak biasanya. Guruku bilang kalo soalnya semua dalam essay... . Sebenernya ada keuntungan dan kerugian dari tipe ini sih... . Cuma aku milih nggak mikirin, kalo mikirin ntar jadi nggak nita belajarnya.). Terutama mulai besok, aku mesti belajar keras tiap ari soale mulai Selasa aku ulangan Fisika, Rabu Biologi, dan Kamis Kimia....
good luck ya zilko utk ujiannya! ayo semangat! ^^ :)
ReplyDeletemet berhari senen yaaaaaa!!!! God bless!
good job Zilko!good luck for the exam :D
ReplyDeletenice layout and a interesting blog.
just wanna send you the best regards from gemany.
have a look at my site if you like :-)
hi! your english gettig better and better! soon it will be perfect.
ReplyDeleteTry to do some stories, and essays if you like... it would be interesting to know what your thoughs are...
Nie >> Tengkyu, tengkyu... . Masih 3 hari lagi... :(
ReplyDeletePunk >> THX... :D
Beastlover >> Sure, I'm visiting urs... :D
Dops >> It has been a long time since the last time I saw u here... . He3... :D
Go Zilko..go Zilko..:D
ReplyDeleteGw doain biar kamu lulus dengan hasil yang memuaskan.
Yulia >> THX. Tp klo yg sekarang ni ujian semester biasa, bukan kelulusannya :D
ReplyDeleteHello there - great blog you have here. Thanks for stopping by my site and hope to see you there again soon!
ReplyDeletehi zilko,thank's for the visit :)
ReplyDeletecheers :)
Met belajar Ko, jangan kebanyakn maen internet kayak aku :D
ReplyDeletemoxie & Iws >> u'r welcome... :D
ReplyDeletekarisma >> Iya2, tinggal 2 hari lagi nih...
hi neo you have a cool tagboard.
ReplyDeletejust visiting u again.Merry Christmas :D
Thanks for the tag.
ReplyDeleteGood luck in your exams!
Ladywhitespirit & jen >> THX, and Merry Christmas too... :D