Friday, June 24, 2005

Finally it's Friday


Today is the last day of my school days for the year of academic 2004 / 2005. It also means that today we receive our report books. I went to school and arrived there this morning. We had to do a mass liturgy first until about 9 AM (that was such a long time and most of us were so nervous and depressed). Then we had to listen to the announcement about holiday, all requirements to receive our report book, etc... . It took a long time and most of my friends became more and more nervous. Then after it (finally) ended, we went back to our classroom then we had to wait our teacher came to our class (this also took a long time). Then the teacher came and after gave some speech he gave our reports book. My scores are good (:D). Here is it: PPKN (9); Religion (9); Indonesian (9); History (8); English (9); Sport (7); Math (10); physic (9); biology (9); chemistry (9); economy (9); sociology (8); Geography (10); and computer (9). So the total is 123 and the average is 8,79. That was the highest in my school :D. We also had to choose our major for the 3rd grade and I chose science (IPA). Thanks God.... . Then after that i went back home and did my daily routinites then i did an exercise in the evening and watched tv till 11.30. Then i played internet.


Hari ini adalah hari terakhir dari hari-hari sekolah dari tahun ajaran 2004 / 2005. Artinya hari ini kami juga menerima raport. Aku pergi ke sekolah dan sampai di sana pagi hari. Trus ada misa sampe sekitar jam 9 pagi (lama banget trus kebanyakan dari kita banyak yang khawatir, tegang, dan depresi). Trus kita harus mendengarkan pengumuman tentang liburan, syarat-syarat penerimaan raport, dll.... . Lama banget dan akhirnya kebanyakan temenku menjadi lebih tegang dan deg-degan lagi. Habis itu (akhirnya) berakhir, kita balik ke kelas masing-masing trus kita juga masih harus menunggu wali kelas datang ke kelas (ini juga memakan banyak waktu). Trus gurunya datang dan habis memberikan beberapa ‘ceramah’ akhirnya raport dibagi. Nilaiku bagus juga ):D). Ini dia: PPKN (8); Agama (9); Bahasa Indonesia (9); Sejarah (8); Bahasa Inggris (9); OlahRaga (7); Matematika (10); Fisika (9); Biologi (9); Kimia (9); ekonomi (9); sosiologi (8); geografi (10); dan komputer (9). Jadi totalnya adalah 123 dengan rata-rata 8,79. Itu yang tertinggi di sekolah (:D). Kita juga memilih jurusan di kelas 3 dan aku milih IPA. Makasih Tuhan... . Habis itu aku pulang trus kayak biasanya. Sorenya berolahraga trus nonton tv sampe jam 11.30 malem trus internet....

1 comment:

  1. Wah.. selamat ya deek.. nilainya bagus2.. mo hadiah apa neeh...
