Saturday, July 11, 2009

#744 - Mid-Year Holiday : East Java (Part 2: Tanjung Kodok)


Previously on
Mid-Year Holiday : East Java (Part 1: Surabaya): Zilko and his family went to Surabaya to attend his relative's birthday. He then planned to go to Tanjung Kodok on Monday.

Monday, 6th July 2009

Firstly we went to our relatives' house to pick them up, since they also wanted to go to Tanjung Kodok. At about 9.30 AM, we finally departed. On the way, we stopped by at a gas station since my car needed to be refueled. There, my relatives' car got an accident where it hit a trailer truck when getting off the gas station. It's frontal bumper was heavily damaged but luckily no other essential part of the car was hit. They still could go on the trip even though with pretty damaged bumper.

At about 11 PM we arrived at Tanjung Kodok Resort. Apparently, we could be checked in after 3 PM and the receptionist suggested that we went to "Wisata Bahari Lamongan"/Lamongan Marine Park (WBL) first. WBL is a theme park. Of course it's not as fancy as Dunia Fantasi, but it also offers a more affordable price. Okay, so we went there after taking some pictures at Tanjung Kodok Resort.

Well, it was so hot and we didn't bring any sunblock, damnit!! Well, luckily I didn't get any severe sunburnt. The park was pretty good. All the rides and ornaments (statues, gates, etc) were not as great nor exciting as other in Dufan, but with the price, it's ok. The jetcoaster was kinda lame, it was SO short, even Kunang-Kunang in Dufan could boost a lot more adrenaline, LOL. The theme park was located on the beach, so it's kinda unique.

Anyway, finally four hours had passed and we were exhausted. So we went back to the resort anc checked in. Well, we already picked sea-view room in the highest story when we made the reservation. The view was beautiful!! hehe... :) I think one reason this resort was built pretty far from big city (1.5 hours from Surabaya) was the beach. I don't think there are many beaches out there which are still really beautiful but yet, located so close to big or developing cities.

In the evening, there weren't many options of restaurant we could pick. We then chose to eat at a small restaurant, serving seafood. It was pretty tasty :) The price was also reasonably inexpensive, even though I believe for that area, probably it could be categorized as expensive. Then, we went back to our hotel. Nothing much we could do.

Tuesday, 7th July 2009

After having breakfast at the hotel, we went to Mazoogo (Maharani Zoo and Goa (Cave)). It was a local tourist destination with another reasonable price. The zoo was not really big, but it was pretty good. It was in the same location with Maharani Cave and there was a Gem Stone Gallery.

Then, at about 10.30 AM we left the area and went back to our resort to check out. After checking out, we headed west to go back to Yogyakarta. Well, it was the first time I drove (and passed) on that route, so I really had to keep my eye on the road and signs. At about 12 PM we arrived at Tuban. Once there we had lunch at a chinese food restaurant which served pretty big portion of meals, LOL. Then, we went to Kwan Sing Bio Temple to take some pictures. At 1.30 PM, we continued our trip back to Yogyakarta.

Well, the street from Tuban to Ngawi (via Bojonegoro and Padangan, 5 km before Cepu from the east) was in a pretty bad shape. I heard so many efforts to fix them had already been done but in some times it went back to that bad shape again, probably it was the land contour, haha. Anyway, at 8.30 PM we arrived at Yogyakarta, and that was my first mid-year trip, hehe.

::: Soto Sulung I had Monday morning

::: Tanjung Kodok Resort

::: Soto Lamongan

::: Pier at WBL

::: One Spot at WBL

::: Sunset at Tanjung Kodok Resort

::: Sunset

::: Tanjung Kodok Beach

::: Rajungan (crab family) curry and fried squids.

::: fried bandeng and fried dorang

::: Tanjung Kodok Beach Resort's Gate

::: Tanjung Kodok Beach (2)

::: Tanjung Kodok Beach (3)

::: Tanjung Kodok Beach (4)

::: an ancient ship model

::: "Amethyst and Quartz Plates of Flower"

::: some of our meal at Tuban

::: Kwan Sing Bio Temple

::: Kwan Sing Bio Temple (plaza)

note : more narcistic photos are available on Facebook, hehe.... :D


Sebelumnya dalam
Mid-Year Holiday : East Java (Part 1: Surabaya): Zilko dan keluarga pergi ke Surabaya untuk menghadiri pesta ulang tahun kerabat. Di hari Senin mereka akan pergi ke Tanjung Kodok.

Senin, 6 Juli 2009

Pertamanya kita pergi ke rumah saudara dulu untuk menjemput mereka karena mereka juga ingin ikut ke Tanjung Kodok. Sekitar jam 9.30 pagi kita berangkat. Di perjalanan, kita mengisi bensin sebentar ketika mobil saudara kena kecelakaan menabrak truk trailer ketika akan keluar dari pom bensin. Bumper depannya rusak parah tapi untungnya bagian penting lainnya tidak apa-apa. Mereka masih bisa melanjutkan perjalanan walau dengan bumper yang rusak lumayan parah.

Sekitar jam 11 siang kita tiba di Resort Tanjung Kodok. Ternyata, kita baru bisa check in setelah jam 3 sore dan resepsionisnya menyarankan kita untuk pergi ke Wisata Bahari Lamongan (WBL) dulu. WBL itu kaya taman bermain. Tentu saja WBL tidak sebagus Dunia Fantasi, tapi juga harganya memang lebih terjangkau sih. Oke, kita pergi kesana setelah foto2 bentar di Resort Tanjung Kodok.

Yah, waktu itu benar2 panas dan kita tidak membawa sunblock, sial!! Untungnya sih kulitku tidak terbakar. Tamannya lumayan juga. Semua mainan dan hiasan2 (seperti patung, gerbang, dll) tidak sebagus atau semenarik Dufan sih, tapi mengingat harganya kembali, ok deh. Jetcoasternya payah tapinya, pendek banget, bahkan Kunang-Kunang di Dufan bisa membuat adrenalin jauh lebih terpacu, LOL. Theme parknya terletak di pantai, makanya cukup unik juga.

Ngomong2, akhirnya empat jam berlalu dan kita sudah capek. Kita kembali ke resort untuk kemudian check in. Yah, kita memang dari awal sudah memesan kamar paling atas dengan pemandangan laut. Pemandangannya indah lho!! hehe... :) Aku rasa satu alasan mengapa resort-nya dibangun cukup jauh dari kota besar (1,5 jam dari Surabaya) adalah karena pantainya. Rasanya sih sulit yah menemukan pantai yang masih bagus tetapi terletak dekat dengan kota besar atau kota berkembang.

Malamnya, tidak ada banyak pilihan restoran untuk makan malam. Kita kemudian memilih untuk makan di sebuah restoran kecil yang menyediakan seafood. Lumayan enak koq :) Harganya juga tidak terlalu mahal, walau menurutku sih untuk penduduk di sekitar sana harganya sudah lumayan mahal juga. Trus kita balik ke hotel, tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan.

Selasa, 7 Juli 2009

Setelah makan pagi di hotel, kita pergi ke Mazoogo (Maharani Zoo (Kebun Binatang) dan Goa). Itu adalah tempat wisata lokal dengan harga terjangkau. Kebun binatangnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi bagus juga. Terletak di satu lokasi dengan Goa Maharani, di dalamnya juga ada Galeri Batu-Batuan.

Kemudian, sekitar jam 10.30 pagi kita meninggalkan areanya dan balik ke resort untuk check out. Setelah check out, kita pergi menuju barat ke Yogyakarta. Yah, itu adalah pertama kalinya aku menyetir (juga melewati) rute itu, makanya aku harus benar2 memasang mata akan jalan dan tanda2. Sekitar jam 12 siang kita tiba di kota Tuban. Disana kita langsung makan siang di sebuah restoran chinese food yang porsinya besar-besar, LOL. Trus kita pergi ke Kelenteng Kwan Sing Bio untuk foto2. Jam 1.30 siang, kita melanjutkan perjalanan ke Yogyakarta.

Jalanan dari Tuban ke Ngawi (lewat Bojonegoro dan Padangan, 5 km sebelum Cepu dari arah timur) bener2 rusak tuh. Aku dengar sih banyak usaha untuk memperbaikinya sudah dilakukan tapi tidak lama jalannya kembali rusak. Mungkin kontur tanahnya yah, haha. Akhirnya jam 8.30 malam kita tiba di Yogyakarta, itulah perjalanan liburan tengah tahun pertamaku, hehe.

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