Sunday, December 21, 2008

#639 - This Weekend


So, now I'm back in Yogyakarta, hahaha... . Yesterday I caught Argo Wilis Express which departed at 7 AM and arrived at 2.25 PM. That was pretty much my Saturday. This Sunday morning, as usual, my family and I went to the church. After that we had breakfast at Soto Kadipiro. Well then, because I was so exhausted yesterday, after getting back from church, I directly went to my bed, continuing my sleep, wahahaha... .

Later this afternoon, I had my haircut. Well, since it was so full so I had a bakso first, while waiting for the line, LOL. Then, later this evening my brother and I went to a nasi goreng (fried rice) warung and had dinner there. It was okay, but I had tasted another yummier nasi goreng, hmmm...

Well, that's pretty much my weekend now, haha...

::: a Rp 20,000.- beef bistik I bought on train as breakfast yesterday.

::: scenery (1)

::: scenery (2), after Tasikmalaya (after Manonjaya Station, I guess my train was passing the Manonjaya Bridge at this time, hmmm)

::: complimentary lunch

::: scenery (3)

::: scenery (4) (crossing Progo River)

::: Soto Kadipiro. I felt it was less salty this morning, hmmm

::: bakso rawit and bakso urat

::: fried rice and sayur kangung (water spinach)


Jadi, sekarang aku udah balik di Yogyakarta neh, hahaha... . Kemarin aku naik Argo Wilis Ekspres yang berangkat jam 7 pagi dan tiba jam 2.25 sore. Itusih kurang lebih Sabtuku. Minggu pagi tadi seperti biasa, aku dan keluarga pergi ke gereka. Habis itu kita makan di soto kadipiro. Hmm, kemudian, karena kemarin aku kelelahan, habis balik dari gereja tadi aku langsung ke kasur dah, ngelanjutin tidur, wahahaha... .

Siangnya, aku potong rambut deh. Hmm, karena rame banget, makanya sambil nungguin antri makan bakso dulu deh, LOL. Trus, sorenya aku sama adikku pergi ke sebuah warung nasi goreng dan makan malam disana. Hmmm, lumayan sih, tapi aku sudah pernah makan nasi goreng yang lebih enak deh, hmmm...

Hmm, kurang lebih begitulah wiken saya kali ini, haha...

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