Friday, September 19, 2008

#592 - TARA 3 Leg 2


Well, yesterday I watched the second episode of TARA 3. All teams left Chiang Mai, Thailand to Saigon, Vietnam. Before proceeding to Saigon, they gotta do a Roadblock first.

Well, only Ida & Tania got the best flight to Saigon. The others were headed with 2 options, the safe one and the risky one. For the SAFE one, they gotta take flight to Siem Reep first before heading to Saigon. It's safe because they were guaranteed they would have seats if they applied. On the RISKY one, they gotta take flight to Bangkok first hoping they would get seats on the later evening flight. If the RISKY one worked, they would arrive at Saigon before the SAFE flight. If it failed, they had to stay over on Bangkok and departed the next day. Well, William & Isaac, Natalie & Pailin, and Mai & Oliver took this RISKY option while the other picked the SAFE one.

Hmmm, if I were in the race, I would have chosen the safe one. Why, because I think it's not worthed. I mean, on that leg, one Detour was still ahead, it had already been evening (they would arrive at night on both flights). It was really likely there would be an HOUR OF OPERATION equalizer. So, even if the RISKY option worked, it would likely to yield the same result, but if it failed, they would be so left behind, hmmm... . And it happened rite, those 3 teams were SOO left behind, haha...

Well, this episode also highlighted some interesting facts about the racers, especially Natalie, Geoff, Tisha, and Mai. Haha, apparently Natalie is not that strong, lucky she had Pailin at that time. I dunno, I just have a feeling she didn't really understand and know about The Amazing Race, hmmm... .

Anyway, this leg was another Elimination Leg. Now my most fave team, William & Isaac got eliminated, dang!! Well, I'm sad but I'm not shocked, haha... . I saw it was coming sooner or later. This episode was also a special 90 mins episode. The tasks were tough but the editing still wasn't perfect. The watchers also get exhausted just watching it, hahaha... .

::: "William & Isaac, I'm sorry to tell you that you have both been eliminated from the race"

(photo courtesy of AXN)


Hmmm, kemarin aku nonton episode kedua dari TARA 3. Semua tim meninggalkan Chiang Mai, Thailand menuju Saigon, Vietnam. Sebelum pergi ke Saigon, mereka harus melakukan tugas Roadblock dulu.

Hmm, cuma Ida & Tania yang mendapat penerbangan terbaik ke Saigon. Yang lainnya dihadapkan pada 2 pilihan, yang aman atau yang beresiko. Untuk yang AMAN, mereka harus naik pesawat ke Siem Reep dulu sebelum pergi ke Saigon. Aman soalnya mereka terjamin akan dapat kursi di penerbangan malam itu juga jika mereka ikutan. Di penerbangan BERESIKO, mereka harus pergi ke Bangkok dulu berharap akan mendapat kursi pada penerbangan malam harinya menuju Saigon. Jika yang BERESIKO berhasil, mereka akan tiba di Saigon SEBELUM penerbangan AMAN. Jika gagal, mereka harus menginap di Bangkok dan pergi ke Saigon keesokan harinya. Hmm, William & Isaac, Natalie & Pailin, dan Mai & Oliver mengambil penerbangan BERESIKO ini sementara lainnya memilih yang AMAN.

Hmmm, kalo aku yang ikutan race nya nih, aku jelas akan memilih yang aman. Kenapa, soalnya yang beresiko itu nggak worthed lah. Maksudku, di leg itu, masih ada Detour di depan, dan sudah terlanjur malam (mereka akan tiba di Saigon pada malam hari pada semua penerbangan). SANGAT MUNGKIN sekali akan ada equalizer HOUR OF OPERATION (Waktu Operasi). Jadi, walau penerbangan BERESIKO itu berhasil, sangat mungkin akan menghasilkan hasil yang sama, tapi jika gagal, mereka akan tertinggal terlalu jauh, hmmm... . Dan beneran terjadi kan, 3 tim itu jadi ketinggalkan jauh bgt di belakang, haha...

Hmmm, episode ini juga menggarisbawahi beberapa fakta menarik loh tentang racersnya, terutama Natalie, Geoff, Tisha, dn Mai. Haha, ternyata Natalie tidak setangguh itu, untuk dia memiliki Pailin deh waktu itu. Gatau kenapa, aku merasa dia koq nggak ngerti apa-apa tentang The Amazing Race yah, hmmm... .

Ngomong2, leg ini adalah leg eliminasi lagi. Sekarang tim paling favorit saya, Willaim & Isaac yang tereliminasi, sial!! Hmmm, tentu aku sedih tapi nggak kaget tuh, haha... . Aku tahu ini akan terjadi cepat atau lambat. Episode ini juga adalah episode spesial 90 menit. Tugas2nya sulit2 namun editingnya masih belum sempurna deh. Penonton masih akan lelah ketika menontonnya, hahaha... .

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