Saturday, September 13, 2008

#589 - Friday (12/09)


Well, last Friday was quite busy for me, and a bit fun, LOL. There was no lecture because yesterday the professor had another thing to take care of. However, I still gotta go to my campus to attend 2 meetings. Anyway, there's one thing that made me nervous, hmmm... .

Anyway, after that at about 2.30 PM my friends and I went around Bandung, LOLz, to take care of something regarding to the Math Competition. We went to a place (I forgot the area's name) to pick the trophies and medals. At first we had plan to visit our lecturer who had just given birth to a baby, but because the post-operation thingy hadn't got well yet so we canceled it. Still, we looked for a gift to give her. Because we couldn't find any shop (which is weird) so we went to Paris Van Java, LOLz. There we looked for gifts but it's expensive, dang!! So, we had dinner at Ta Wan Restaurant, LOL. After that we left PVJ and found a baby shop.

Weirdly, after buying the gifts, we found baby shops everywhere, dang!! LOLz. Why does it have to be that ironical? LOL. Then, we had snack at a warung which sold grilled toast and those kind of meals at Dago. Then, we went back home (I arrived at my boarding house at about 10 PM), hahahahaa....

Anyway, watching the first leg of TARA 3, well, I was so surprised to see PAULA TAYLOR (one racer of season 2, representing Thailand with her childhood friend, Natasha Monks and she's my favorite during season 2, LOL) as the greeter of the first pitstop!! hahaha... . I knew it's her the second she appeared on TV, haha... .

::: our meal at Ta Wan

::: Allan Wu and Paula Taylor

::: "Neena & Amit, I'm sorry to tell you that you have both been eliminated from the race"

note: TARA 3 photos are courtesy of AXN


Hmm, Jumat kemarin lumayan menyibukkan buat saya, dan agak menyenangkan juga, LOL. Nggak ada kuliah deh soalnya kemarin dosen besar nya tu lagi ada acara gitu yang harus dihadiri. Namun, aku masih harus ke kampus soalnya harus menghadiri 2 rapat. Ngomong2, satu hal membuat aku deg2an neh, hmmm... .

Ngomong2, habis itu jam 2.30an siang gitu aku sama temen2ku jalan2 deh keliling Bandung, LOLz, untuk ngurus beberapa hal yg berhubungan sama Kompetisi Matematika. Kita pergi ke sebuah tempat (aku lupa nama daerahnya) untuk ngambil piala dan medali. Pertamanya kita juga ada rencana mau menjenguk dosen yg baru aja melahirkan tapi batal soalnya katanya luka pascaoperasinya masih belum sembuh benar. Tentu aja kita tetap mencarikan kado dong. Karena gabisa menemukan tokonya (yang mana aneh) kita pergi ke Paris Van Java, LOLz. Disana kita car kado dan harganya mahal uyz, sial!! Jadi, makan malam deh kita di Restoran Ta Wan disana, LOL. Habis itu kita meninggalkan PVJ dan menemukan toko bayi deh.

Anehnya ya, habis dapet kadonya, kita menemukan toko bayi dimana-mana, kurang ajar!! LOLz. Kenapa ya koq harus menjadi cukup ironis seperti itu? LOL. Trus kita makan snack di warung pinggir jalan gitu di Dago yg jualan kaya roti bakar dkk. Trus balik deh (aku sampe kos sekitar jam 10an malam)hahahahaa....

Ngomong2, nonton episode pertama dari TARA 3, hmm, aku bener2 terkejut lho tau2 melihat PAULA TAYLOR (seorang racer dari season 2, mewakili Thailand bersama teman masa kecilnya, Natasha Monks dan dia adalah favorit saya waktu season 2, LOL) menjadi greeter / penyambut di pitstop pertama!! hahaha... . Aku tau itu adalah dia di detik pertama dia muncul di TV, haha.... .

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