Thursday, July 17, 2008

#560 - Two Recent Days


These two days I have been in Yogyakarta. Yesterday I picked my bro up at his school to get us photoed for our ID Cards (our ID Cards need to be extended this year (next month)). Before that we had lunch first at Ayam Lombok Idjo (Green Chili Chicken) near his school. It was pretty tasty, hehehe... ;) Then we went to my stationary shop first to manage some things in order to Math Competition at my campus next November, hehehe... ;) Then we went to make the photos. That's pretty much what I did yesterday. Later that evening I just surfed the net and watched tv.

Today I hung out with my friends. We played bowling (I scored okay today, 101 and 105, hahaha...). Then we went to Ambarrukmo Plaza. After that we had dinner at Waroeng Steak at Colombo. Later this evening I went to Malioboro Mall, just as usual, hahaha...

O yea, as I promised this time, I have written my Review about Hancock I watched almost 2 weeks ago. I score it 3 out of 5. My Review can be read here.

Tomorrow (Friday) I'm going to Solo, hehehe.... ;)

::: my meal at 'Ayam Lombok Idjo' yesterday afternoon

::: my meal at 'Waroeng Steak' today

::: Bakso Ito I ate this evening

::: J.Co Donuts I just bought

::: Hancock


Dua hari ini aku udah di Yogyakarta. Kemarin siang aku menjemput adikku di sekolahnya soalnya habis itu kan kita mau foto buat KTP (KTP kami harus diperpanjang ni tahun ini (bulan depan)). Nah, sebelumnya kami makan siang dulu deh di Ayam Lombok Idjo di deket sekolahnya. Enak juga loh rasanya, hehehe... ;) Trus kita pergi ke toko alat tulis ku dulu buat ngurus beberapa hal sehubungan dengan Kompetisi Matematika di kampusku November nanti, hehehe... ;) Trus kita pergi foto deh. Nah, kurang lebih itu sih kegiatanku kemarin. Malamnya aku juga cuma internetan dan nonton tv.

Hari ini aku jalan2 sama temen2ku. Kita main bowling (skorku biasa aja sih tadi, cuma 101 dan 105, hahaha... ). Trus kita pergi ke Ambarrukmo Plaza. Habis itu kita pergi makan malam di Waroeng Steak yang di Jalan Colombo. Sorenya aku pergi ke Malioboro Mall, kayak biasanya sih, hahaha...

O iya, seperti yang udah aku janjikan waktu ini, aku udah nulis Review-ku tentang film Hancock loh yang aku tonton hampir 2 minggu yang lalu. Aku kasi nilai 3 deh dari 5. Review ku bisa dibaca disini.

Besok (Jumat) aku mau ke Solo neh, hehehe.... ;)

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