Well, yesterday I had my 6th of 7 subjects to be examed. The subject was Math Method and it was held at 2 PM but I gottabe already at campus at 8 AM since there was gonnabe a meeting about the competition next November. Guess what?? The meeting was postponed for 1 hour!! Arrrrggggghhhhh.... . So, at 9 the meeting was finally started. I honestly thought it was not gonna consume a lot of time, probably just 1 hr maximum. But my thought was WRONG!! It took 2 hrs 10 mins!! I was STARVING!!! Booo.... . Okay, at 11.30 AM I finally could have my brunch, ha3... .
Then, my friends and I studied. At 2 PM, the examination started. There were 4 questions, and on the first three questions which were supposed to be the difficult ones, I did pretty well I think, he3... ;) But the last question which was supposed to be the simplest one turned 180 degrees as the most irritating one since the numbers sucked!! We weren't allowed to use calculator but on the same time we also gotta count big numbers!! Huh!!! Well, I hope I got at least 90, he3... :D
Btw, later that evening, my friends from department and I had dinner (Collective "Buka" (when Moslem could finally eat on fasting month) even though actually most of us are not Moslems) at Punclut, Bandung. Haha, I still think I made a really wise, smart, and correct decision by refusing to drive my car, ho3... :D The road was horrible and it inclined a lot!! Hmm... . But in the end, we had fun there. Anyway, just like I predicted, the seller wasn't honest in counting our meals. My group was supposed to pay Rp 70,000.oo but on the bill she wrote Rp 80,000.oo!! Huh!! Lucky I did a re-check (because of my suspicious thought, haha).
Yea, yesterday was so tiring... . Btw, this might be the last entry before homecoming (mudik) next Thursday, haha...
Hmm, kemarin aku ada ujian keenam dari 7 mata kuliah yang diujikan. Mata kuliahnya adalah Metoda Mat dan diadakan jam 2 siang tuh tapi aku mesti udah ada di kampus dari jam 8 soale akan ada rapat tentang kompetisi besok November. Dan gimana?? Rapatnya ternyata ditunda selama 1 jam!! Arrrrggggghhhhh.... . Jadi, jam 9 rapatnya baru dimulai tuh. Aku jujur neh ngira paling rapatnya paling lama jg sejam. Ternyata saya SALAH!! Kemarin rapatnya tuh 2 jam 10 menit!! Kan kemarin saya KELAPARAN!! Huuu... . Oke deh, jam 11.30 baru deh sempet makan pagi (dan siang), ha3... .
Trus, temen2ku dan aku belajar. Jam 2 ujiannya mulai. Ada 4 pertanyaan tuh, dan tiga yang pertama yang harusnya jadi soal yang susah, koq aku malah lumayan bisa tuh, he3... ;) Tapi soal terakhir yang harusnya jadi soal gampang koq malah jadi yang paling bikin emosi soale angkanya nyebelin!! Kita ga boleh pake kalkulator padahal pada saat yang sama kita mesti ngitung angka yg besar2!! Huh!!! Hmm, aku harap bisa dapet paling ga 90 deh, he3... :D
Btw, sorenya, temen2 dari jurusan dan aku makan bareng deh (Buka Puasa Bersama gitu, walo kebanyakan dari kita bukan Muslim sebenernya) di Punclut, Bandung. Haha, aku masih berpikir kemarin aku membuat keputusan yang bijak, pandai, dan tepat dengan menolak bawa mobil, ho3... :D Jalannya parah banget tuh dan nanjak gitu. Hmm... . Tapi paling gak ya seneng2 lah disana. Oya, seperti prediksi saya, penjualnya nggak jujur tuh ngitung makanan kita. Grupku harusnya bayar Rp 70.000,oo tapi diitungnya di nota Rp 80.000,oo!! HuH!! Untung deh aku ngecek ulang (karena pikiran curiga saya, haha).
Ya, kemarin bener2 melelahkan... . Btw, ini mungkin posting terakhir sebelum mudik Kamis besok neh, haha...
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