Well, today I had 2 mid-terms to be tested, which were Physics and Linear Algebra. I dun know why but yesterday I already felt ready and didn't worry about these 2 subjects, ha3... :) Well, it doesn't mean I didn't study for them, of course I did study, but I could study pretty much in a relax and pleasant way, ha3... :) Well then, after having an insomnia, finally at about 1.30 AM I could sleep, ha3...
This morning I got up at 6.55 AM (physics was about to start at 8 AM, and Linear Algebra at 11 AM). At 7.50 AM I arrived at campus and had physics test at 8 AM. The test wasn't really difficult but it required carefulness, I think I did pretty well (even though I almost used all 2 hrs time to finish it). Then, my friends and I had breakfast. At 11 AM we went upstairs to level 4 and had our second test of the day, Linear Algebra. Well, apparently it was not really hard, ha3... :) Actually I like Linear Algebra because it's about logical thinking, not really about counting, ha3... :D. In about 45 minutes I already finished but then I decided to recheck my work. At 12.30 PM I left the room
Then, my friends and I went to Paris van Java Mall to watch a movie. It had been really long for me to finally get a chance to watch The Simpsons Movie, he3... :) It was soo funny, I really like it and I think it's the best movie I have watched this year so far. Btw, my full review can be read here. You gotta watch it, ha3... :) Many scenes were really funny... :D Then, we went to Gramedia and went back home right after that...
Hmm, hari ini aku ada dua UTS yang diujikan, yaitu Fisika dan Aljabar Linear. Gatau kenapa tapi kemarin koq aku merasa siap dan nggak khawatir yah sama 2 ujian ini. Bukan berarti aku nggak belajar, aku belajar sih, tapi belajarnya itu bisa nyantai dan asik-asik aja gitu, ha3... :) Trus kemudian, akhirnya setelah mengalami insomnia, jam 1.30an pagi bisa tidur juga, ha3...
Pagi tadi jam 6.55 aku bangun pagi (fisika ujiannya mulai jam 8 trus Aljabar Linear jam 11). Jam 7.50 pagi aku nyampe di kampus dan ujian fisika mulai deh jam 8 pagi. Eh, ternyata tesnya nggak susah-susah amat sih tapi bener2 butuh ketelitian, kayanya aku bisa sih (walau aku make hampir keseluruhan 2 jam tuh buat nyelesein). Trus, aku sama temen2ku makan pagi deh. Jam 11 pagi kita naik ke lantai 4 trus ujian yang kedua deh, Aljabar Linear. Hmm, ternyata nggak susah2 amat tuh, ha3... :) Sebenere aku suka nih Aljabar Linear soalnya lebih tentang logika berpikir, bukan ngitung, ha3... :D Nah, dalam waktu 45 menit aku dah selesai tapi mendingan aku ngecek ulang deh. Jam 12.30 siang kita keluar
Trus, temen2ku sama aku pergi ke Mall Paris van Java buat nonton film. Udah lama banget neh, akhirnya aku mendapatkan kesempatan untuk nonton The Simpsons Movie, he3... :) Filmnya lucuuuu banget tuh, aku bener2 suka dan menurutku ini adalah film terbagus yg aku tonton tahun ini (sejauh ini). Btw, review komplit saya bisa dibaca disini. Bener2 musti ditonton tuh, ha3... :) Banyak banget adegan yang lucu bgt... :D Trus, kita ke Gramedia trus balik habis itu...
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