Officially, I now have passed 6 of 8 exams on these 2 weeks of final examination. Only 2 are left, and both are gonnabe open-book exams, he3... :) They are Linear Programming and Computer Programming (Theory). Hmm, Linear Programming Test is probably one of my weakness in math. Well, not that I don't understand the subject, no. I do really understand it. The problem is that mostly problems we have to solve require carefulness in counting. Well, that's a big problem for me, he3... :) We have to count hell number of things with so many rules and we can't make even a small mistake throughout all hundreds of numbers we have to work at. That sucks!! When I did my homework I made several mistakes and it took hours just to find them!! Arrrggghhhh.... . I gottabe careful and steady in doing my work tomorrow... :(
Btw, as you can read here last week, I was pretty confident that I could get a score of 100 in my discrete math final exam. Last Monday, I asked my lecturer whether he had already finished checking all of our works or. Surprisingly because he IS a very dilligent and responsible, the answer was a bit shocking: "YES". What!? Wow, in only about 4 days he had already done all his works!! Guess what?? I got 100!! Yaaayyy!!
Well, I think I did really well on the first six subjects. I could expect a minimum score of 100 (yep, 100 = minimum) on Computer Programming (lab work) since I did all 4 questions where actually we only needed to do 3 of them, he3... :) So, the maximum score is gonnabe 120. I did Macro Economy really well on the essay part. Well, I think the multiple-choice part was also good but I still don't know since it's a multiple choice!! :(
I am serious on this Final Exam since on the last midterm, my works weren't maximal... :(
Btw, for American Idol this year, I dunno why, I just prefer Blake to win the competition this year than Jordin. Jordin is great and talented, but I dunno why I just don't really like her. So, let's vote for Blake, he3... :) That's fine VFTW wins again this year (after the victory of Taylor Hicks last year (well, they also stated they supported Carrie Underwood 2 years ago, but I find that weird since Carrie is probably the best contestant of AI throughout all 6 seasons, and no way to call her as "the worst"... :D)).
Btw, this is possibly the second-to-last message before my homecoming next Saturday, he3... :)
Btw (again), I just found 2 videos of LaKisha Jones 2 years ago (2005) at Youtube when she was competing in "Gimme Mike Houston". Well, not so much different except her hair, he3... :) And her singing now in American Idol is a lot better than at that time. At that time she was good, but couldn't control her voice and definitely looked as a good amateur. Here they are.
::: quick update ::: (Wed, 23rd May 2007; 8.21 PM)
I just watched the finale of AI, and I honestly think Jordin Sparks WILL win the show this season. My quick review:
(You Give Love A Bad Name) : score 9.25
(She Will Be Loved) : score 8.5
(This is My now): score 8.5 (the song didn't suit him... :( He will be the runner-up just like Kath and Bo last year and 2 years ago)
Average : 8.75
(Fighter) : score 8.5
(A Broken Wing) : score 9
(This is My Now): score 9 (that song was her element, she slaughtered Blake)
Average : 8.83
::: LaKisha Jones performing "Think"
::: LaKisha Jones performing "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going"
Secara resmi, sekarang saya sudah melewati 6 dari 8 ujian dalam 2 minggu Ujian Akhir ini. Cuma 2 yang tersisa, dan keduanya akan merupakan ujian open-book, he3... :) Mereka adalah Pemrograman Linear dan Pemrograman Komputer (Teori). Hmm, Pemrograman Linear adalah mungkin salah satu kelemahan saya di mat. Hmm, bukan berarti aku nggak ngerti mata kuliahnya, enggak. Aku sih ngerti banget. Masalahnya, kebanyakan soal yang harus dipecahkan tu membutuhkan ketelitian dalam menghitung. Nah, disanalah masalah besarnya untuk saya, he3... :) Kita harus menghitung buanyak buanget bilangan dengan banyak aturan dan kita nggak boleh membuat satu kesalahan kecilpun dari ratusan bilangan yang harus kita kerjakan. Nyebelin banget!! Waktu aku ngerjain PR aku membuat beberapa kesalahan dan memakan waktu lama banget untuk menemukannya!! Arrrggghhhh.... . Aku besok mesti hati-hati dan pelan-pelan nih ngerjainnya... :(
Btw, seperti yang bisa dibaca disini minggu kemarin, aku lumayan yakin kalo aku bisa dapet nilai 100 di ujian akhir mat diskret-ku. Nah, Senin kemarin aku nanya dosenku apa dia sudah selesai mengecek semua pekerjaan. Nah, secara mengejutkan karena dia adalah dosen yang rajin dan bertanggung-jawab, jawabannya agak bikin kaget: "SUDAH". Apa!? Wow, cuma dalam waktu 4 hari semua pekerjaannya dah selesai!! Dan gimana?? Aku dapet 100 loh!! Yaaayyy!!
Hmm, aku rasa aku ngerjain dengan baik deh di 6 ujian yang pertama. AKu bisa berharap dapet nilai minimal 100 (yup, 100 = minimal) dalam ujian pemrograman komputer (praktikum) soale aku ngerjain semua 4 soalnya padahal kan sebenernya cuma perlu ngerjain 3 soal, he3... :) Jadi, nilai maksimumnya bisa 120 deh. Aku ngerjain Ekonomi Makro lumayan di bagian essay. Hmm, bagian pilihan ganda-nya lumayan bisa sih, tapi ya tetep gatau kan, tau lah, pilihan ganda!! :(
Aku serius ni di UAS kali ini, soalnya waktu UTS kemarin di beberapa mata kuliah ga maksimal sih... :(
Btw, untuk American Idol tahun ini, gatau kenapa, aku koq lebih milih Blake ya yang menang kompetisi ini daripada Jordin. Jordin bagus dan berbakat, cuma gatau kenapa aku ga gitu seneng aja sama dia. Jadi, mari kita vote Blake, he3... :) Gpp sih VFTW menang lagi tahun ini (habis kemenangan Taylor Hicks tahun lalu (eh, mereka juga menyatakan kalo mereka mendukung Carrie Underwood 2 tahun yang lalu loh, tapi aku kira itu aneh soalnya Carrie mungkin adalah kontestan terbaik dari semua 6 musim AI dan gabisa dong dibilang sebagai "the worst" (paling buruk)... :D)).
Btw, ini mungkin posting dua terakhir sebelum mudik besok Sabtu, he3... :)
Btw (lagi), aku baru aja nemuin 2 videonya LaKisha Jones 2 tahun yang lalu (2005) pas dia lagi ikutan kompetisi "Gimme Mike Houston". Hmm, ga gitu beda sih kecuali rambutnya, he3... :) Dan nyanyiannya sekarang di American Idol jauh lebih bagus daripada pada waktu itu. Waktu itu dia bagus sih, tp gabisa ngontrol suaranya dan jelas keliatan banget sebagai amatir yg bagus. Tuh videonya di atas.
::: apdet cepet ::: (Rbu, 23 Mei 2007; 8.21 malem)
Aku baru aja nonton finalnya AI, dan jujur nih, kayake Jordin Sparks AKAN memenangkan show ini. Review saya: :
(You Give Love A Bad Name) : score 9.25
(She Will Be Loved) : score 8.5
(This is My now): score 8.5 (lagunya ga cocok buat dia... :( Dia akan jadi runner-up kaya Kath dan Bo setahun dan dua tahun yang lalu)
rata2 : 8.75
(Fighter) : score 8.5
(A Broken Wing) : score 9
(This is My Now): score 9 (lagunya bener-bener elemennya, dia membunuh Blake)
rata2 : 8.83
hahhh??? nilai minimal 100 buat Math? *pingsan*...