On the newest episode of TAR 11, which was obviously the last elimination round before the final three, all teams left Macau to Guam, USA via Tokyo, Japan. Although Oswald&Danny didn't make the Hong Kong - Tokyo flight and were left behind, they were all equalized in Tokyo and went to Guam on the same flight. There were some tasks in Guam including Detour (choosing between Care Package or Engine Care) and Road Block (using GPS). The tasks were all about military stuffs. And the final placing: Dustin and Kandice (1), Eric&Danielle (2), Charla&Mirna (3), and Oswald&Danny (4 >> ELIMINATED). Well, I'm so happy Charla&Mirna made it to the final three. They were such a lovable, charming, interesting, and attractive team on the race!! I really hope they win this race... :) For me, Charla&Mirna has been the magnet of the show, he3 (even more than the Beauty Queens since I think Charla&Mirna possess more the 'grab-the-attention-and-love-us' factor)... :) Trivia: Phil Keoghan teared when he said Charla&Mirna was eliminated on season 5.
Well, the formation was kinda interesting. Two all-female teams on the final three!! That was the first time in the history of TAR. Dustin&Kandice and Charla&Mirna were the second and third (respectively) all-female teams to ever make it to the final three of TAR USA (in TARA, Zabrina&Joe-Jer made it to the final three and even won the race!!) even though they didn't on their original season. It's so interesting, I believe they are the strongest and most competitive all-female teams on the history of TAR. There were only 2 all-female teams from all 11 teams in this TAR All-Stars and they both made it to the final 3!! Wow!!
Time really flies, it's now down to the final three, and next week TAR 11 is ended... :(
Btw, in few days (or weeks), Star World is gonna air The Apprentice!! Yaaaayyy!!! I don't know which season yet, but I guess that's gonnabe the fifth season. Even though I already know who won (the winner was also 'rewarded' as becoming one jury of the Miss Universe Pageant last year), that's still gonnabe interesting!! Yaaay... . I have so many upcoming TV Shows to watch, 24 (3 (hopefully 4) seasons), The Apprentice, and The Amazing Race Asia 2 (next Sept/Oct) and The Amazing Race 12 (next Sept/Oct).
Di episode terbaru dari TAR 11, yang jelas banget merupakan babak eliminasi terakhir sebelum 3 besar, semua tim meninggalkan Macau dan pergi ke Guam, Amerika via Tokyo, Jepang. Walaupun Oswald&Danny nggak sempet naik penerbangan Hong Kong - Tokyo yang sama dan ketinggalan, mereka jadi seimbang di penerbangan Tokyo - Guam soale naik penerbangan yang sama. Ada beberapa tugas di Guam, termasuk tentu saja Detour (milih antara Care Package atau Engine Care) dan Road-Block (Make GPS). Tugasnya semua berhubungan sama hal-hal militer deh. Dan posisi akhirnya: Dustin and Kandice (1), Eric&Danielle (2), Charla&Mirna (3), dan Oswald&Danny (4 >> TERELIMINASI). Hmm, aku seneng banget Charla&Mirna masuk ke 3 besar. Mereka adalah tim yang bener-bener menarik, disukai, dicintai, dan punya daya tarik lah di race ini!! Aku berharap mereka deh yang menang... :) Untuk aku, Charla&Mirna adalah magnet dari show ini, he3 (lebih daripada Ratu Kecantikan (Beauty Queens) soale aku rasa Charla&Mirna lebih memiliki faktor 'tarik-perhatian-dan-cintai-kami')... :) Trivia: Phil Keoghan bahkan mengeluarkan air mata loh waktu Charla&Mirna tereliminasi di musim kelima.
Hmm, formasinya menarik. Dua tim semua-wanita masuk tiga besar!! Pertama kalinya tu di sejarah TAR. Dustin&Kandice dan Charla&Mirna adalah tim semua wanite kedua dan ketiga (berurutan) yang pernah masuk tiga besar di dalam sejarah TAR USA (di TARA sih Zabrina&Joe-Jer juga masuk 3 besar bahkan menang!!) walaupun mereka nggak masuk di musim mereka sebelumnya. Menarik banget, aku percaya mereka adalah tim terkuat dan paling kompetitif dari semua tim semua-wanita di sejarah TAR. Cuma ada 2 tim semua-perempuan dari keseluruhan 11 tim di TAR All-Stars ini dan keduanya masuk 3 besar!! Wah!!
Waktu bener2 cepet yah!! Ga kerasa skarang udah tiga besar dan minggu depan TAR 11 selesai... :(
Btw, dalam beberapa hari (atau minggu) ke depan, Star World akan nayangin The Apprentice loh!! Yaaayyy!!! Aku gatau si musim yang keberapa, tapi kalo aku tebak sih bakalan musim yang kelima tuh. Walaupun aku dah tau sapa yang menang (pemenangnya tahun lalu juga 'dihadiahi' menjadi juri dari Miss Universe tahun lalu loh), masih akan menarik koq!! Yaaayy... . Aku punya banyak TV Show yang akan datang nih untuk ditonton, 24 (3 (moga2 4) musim), The Apprentice, dan The Amazing Race Asia 2 (besok Sept/Okt) dan The Amazing Race 12 (besok Sept/Oct).
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