Previously on My Trip to Jakarta, Zilko went to Jakarta to attend his cousin's wedding.
Monday, 19th February 2007 (continued)
We left Taman Anggrek and went to the house where the ceremony (tradition) was held. After everything was done, we went back to our hotel to take a rest. Well, we only had about 1 hr time, so I couldn't just take a nap. At 3.30 PM, we went to the hotel since the wedding ceremony at the church would start at 4 PM. At 4 PM, the liturgy was started, and at about 5 PM, it finished. Well, honestly, at the church, it was the first time for me to see the bride, he3... :) Well, the night before I saw her picture, but I didn't count that as "seeing" her... :) I then left the church and went to Mulia Hotel to prepare the laptop thingy.
At about 5.40 PM, I arrived at Mulia Hotel. I then checked the restaurant where the wedding party would be held, and there was a problem. I didn't see any single screen to play the slideshow. I then asked the restaurant manager, and he supposed we would have prepared for it. OMG, what the hell was happening?? Okay, once the groom&bride arrived, I asked the groom (KM) first about this problem. Well, apparently, the original plan was to shoot the pictures just on the wall. BUT, the main problem was that on the wall, there was NO enough and fit space to shoot the pictures. Okay, so finally, we canceled all the pictures and laptop thingy, and my job was about to keep the laptop safe... :) Not so long later, my another cousin took and saved the laptop, so my job was "done" so easily... :D
Well, during the party, we met my grandma's brother and his wife. Apparently, one week earlier, their home was robbed so early in the morning!! And guess what, one of the robber was their maid's boyfriend. Just about a day before the robbery, this maid left the house without telling them, yea, she ran away. The robbers tied them and took some jewels, money, and car... :(
Then, at about 9 PM, the party finished and at 10 PM, we went back to our hotel. I was so exhausted and I just went to bed right after that, he3... :) Btw, earlier that evening, I booked a seat to go back to Bandung the next day at 4.45 PM.
Tuesday, 20th February 2007
I got up very early in the morning, at 5.45 AM since my dad had an appointment with a doctor at Medistra Hospital at 7 AM. At 6.30 AM, we checked out and caught a taxi to go to Medistra. Well, last February was also the schedule for my dad to have a medical check-up. Otw to the hospital, I saw so many young people queuing for something. At first I thought they were high-school students who were about to have an entrance test to a college or what, but then I realized something. There were so many Indonesian Idol flags and banners around the place. Well, I then got it. They were queuing for the audition of the forth season of Indonesian Idol!! Wow, what an effort!! It was still 6.40 AM!!
At 6.50 AM we arrived at Medistra. At about 8.30 AM, everything was finished for the morning session (later in the evening my dad had to go there for another session of the medical check-up). So, we went to North Jakarta, to Dusit Mangga Dua (now it has been renamed as "Le Grandier"), and checked in there. At 9.15 AM, my dad and I left the hotel and went to Senayan City (I wanted to go there since I had never been there before). Guess how we got there?? We caught Transjakarta Bus (busway) >> because we just wanted to try it... :) We first caught a bajaj to go to the nearest busway station, at Jakarta Kota. It was so economical and affordable!! We just needed to pay Rp. 3.500,oo to go anywhere we want... :) Btw, by the time I stepped into the bus, I was surprised. The bus was equipped with air-conditioner and the driver and the officer were WOMEN!! Well, a funny thing happened otw, but I prefer to keep it for later... :)
At around 10.05 AM we got out the bus at Senayan Roundabout Station and walked to Senayan City. The mall was pretty cool and classy. All tenants on the Ground floor were all branded tenants. However, I guess there was a major problem by the time I went there. There was no traffic!! Well, I dunno that was the real thing that happens or just I came there at the wrong time. At about 11.40 AM, we left the mall and caught another busway to Harmoni Station, then caught a taxi to go to our relatives' house. We planned to have lunch together at a seafood restaurant.
At 1 PM, we departed and arrived at the restaurant at about 1.45 PM. We then ordered some meals and had lunch. My dad was a bit disappointed since there was no "Ronggeng Prawns" which he was looking for. At 2.45 PM, we finished having lunch. Since the time had been so close to 4.45 PM (yea, it was still 2 hrs but you know Jakarta, traffic congestion everywhere, plus our location was pretty far away from my travel departing point), so we left the restaurant and my cousin took us to the nearest busway station at Citraland.
At 3.20 PM, we arrived at the station and caught a busway. We then arrived at Jakarta Kota Station at 4.10 PM!! Well, I still had to go to Le Grandier to take my bag. Since it was pretty hard to catch a bajaj, my dad came up with an idea to catch an angkot. But I rejected that idea, since angkot would not depart by the time we got in it, the driver would wait until the car was full of people, and that was kinda a waste of time. So, in the end, we got a bajaj and arrived at Le Grandier at 4.15 PM. I then took my bag and went downstairs and caught a taxi to go to Mangga Dua Square, the departing point. I was relieved when my cab entered Mangga Dua Square at 4.28 PM, so I was not late. Well, I didn't realize another problem would come up. It was VERY HARD to find the counter of the travel!! Mangga Dua Square was a large area!! I had the address, and it was written there about block-B. We asked the security guards and followed exactly what he told us, but we didn't find it. We circled the block B and didn't find it!! Gosh, my watch showed me it was 4.35 PM!! So, I decided to get out the taxi and found it by myself since the taxi driver was not helpful at all!!! I called the counter but nobody answered it
I then asked another security guard, and he said the counter was inside the mall and he pointed that it was on the other side of the mall. Sh*t!!! Okay, so I entered the mall and went directly where he showed me. But I DIDN'T FIND IT!!! I walked around inside the mall. I asked some janitors and they didn't know!! Sh*t!! ST***D janitor!! I then walked and luckily, found the travel car outside one entrance door of the mall near the security guard which I asked, so I actually didn't need to go to the other side of the mall. I just needed to make a turn right and walked until I found the next entrance which is not as far as walking to the other side of the mall (FYI, the security also pointed to the left side of the mall... :( ). Well, I felt a bit relieved but I still had to find the counter to check in!! Then, I just got out through the door, and when I turned around, well, the counter was right behind me. THX GOD!! I made it!! I arrived at the counter at 4.43 PM, 2 minutes before departure!! I then complained, why the counter was so small and secluded... :) Well, I felt like I was being in The Amazing Race... :) If I was late, I had to wait for another 2 hours before the next departure or extended my trip in Jakarta for another night. At 4.45 PM, my travel departed and I went back to Bandung.
Sebelumnya dalam My Trip to Jakarta, Zilko pergi ke Jakarta untuk menghadiri pesta pernikahan sepupunya.
Senin, 19 Februari 2007 (lanjutan)
Kita meninggalkan Mall Taman Anggrek dan pergi ke rumah dimana upacaranya (tradisi) bakal dilaksanakan. Habis semuanya selesai, kita balik ke hotel untuk istirahat. Hmm, kita cuma ada waktu 1 jam tuh buat istirahat, makanya aku nggak bisa tidur deh. Jam 3.30 sore, kita pergi ke hotel soalnya perayaan pernikahan di gerejanya akan dimulai jam 4 sore. Jam 4 sore, misa dimulai dan sekitar jam 5, misanya selesai. Hmm, jujur nih, aku pertama kali liat pengantin perempuannya di gereja loh, he3... :) Hmm, malam sebelumnya aku dah liat fotonya sih, tapi ya nggak aku anggap sebagai "melihat" dong... :) AKu trus meninggalkan gereja dan pergi ke Hotel Mulia untuk mempersiapkan hal-hal tentang laptop.
Sekitar jam 5.40, aku sampe di Hotel Mulia. Trus aku ngecek restoran dimana pesta pernikahannya akan dimulai, dan ada satu masalah. Aku nggak melihat satu pun layar untuk memainkan slideshownya. Aku trus nanya manajer restorannya dan dia mengira kita yang akan mempersiapkannya. Ya Tuhan, apa sih yang terjadi?? Oke, waktu pengantinnya tiba, aku tanya pengantin laki-lakinya (KM) dulu tentang masalah ini. Ternyata, rencana awalnya adalah menayangkan gambar2nya tu di dinding. TETAPI, masalahnya adalah di dinding, nggak ada tempat yang cukup dan pas untuk menayangkan gambar2nya. Oke, akhirnya kita membatalkan rencana nayangin gambarnya, dan tugasku jadi cuma mengamankan laptop deh... :) Nggak lama kemudian, kokoku yang lain ngambil dan menyimpan laptopnya, jadi pekerjaanku "selesai" dengan mudahnya... :D
Hmm, waktu pesta, kita ketemu sama adiknya nenekku dan istrinya. Ternyata, seminggu sebelumnya, rumah mereka dirampok waktu dini hari!! Dan tebak apa, salah satu perampoknya tuh ternyata pacarnya pembantu mereka. Nah, sekitar sehari sebelum perampokan, pembantu ini meninggalkan rumah nggak bilang-bilang, yup, dia kabur. Perampoknya mengikat mereka dan mengambil beberapa perhiasan, uang, dan mobil... :(
Trus, sekitar jam 9an, pestanya selesai dan jam 10 malem, kita balik ke hotel. Aku capek banget dan tidur deh langsung setelahnya, he3... :) Btw, sorenya, aku udah pesen tiket buat balik ke Bandung keesokan harinya jam 4.45 sore.
Selasa, 20 Februari 2007
Aku bangun pagi-pagi banget tuh, jam 5.45 soale kan papaku ada janji sama dokter di Rumah Sakit Medistra jam 7 pagi. Jam 6.30 pagi kita check out dan naik taksi untuk pergi ke RS Medistra. Kemarin Februari memang jadwalnya papaku untuk check-up kesehatan sih. Dalam perjalanan ke RS, aku melihat banyak orang-orang muda ngantri untuk sesuatu. Pertamanya sih aku kira mereka tuh anak-anak SMA yang lagi mau mendaftar untuk ujian masuk perguruan tinggi atau semacamnya la, tapi kemudian aku menyadari sesuatu. Ada banyak bendera dan spanduk Indonesian Idol di sekitar tuh tempat. Trus, aku trus paham. Mereka lagi ngantri buat audisi Indonesian Idol musim keempat!! Wow, benar-benar usaha!! Kan masi pagi banget tuh, jam 6.40 pagi!!
Jam 6.50 pagi, kita sampai di Medistra. Sekitar jam 8.30 semuanya udah selesai untuk sesi pagi (malemnya ntar papaku mesti dateng lagi buat sesi kedua dari check-up kesehatannya). Jadi, kita pergi ke Jakarta Utara, ke Dusit Mangga Dua (sekarang namanya udah diubah tuh, jadi "Le Grandier"), dan check in deh disana. Jam 9.15 pagi aku sama papaku meninggalkan hotel dan pergi ke Senayan City (aku pingin kesana, soale kan blom pernah kesana). Tebak bagaimana kita pergi kesana?? Kita baik Bus Transjakarta (busway) loh >> soale pingin nyoba aja... :) Pertamanya kita naik bajaj dulu untuk pergi ke Halte terdekat, Halte Jakarta Kota. Wah, ternyata ekonomis dan terjangkau ya!! Kita cuma perlu bayar Rp. 3.500,oo untuk pergi ke semua tujuan yang ingin didatangi... :) Btw, waktu pertama melangkah masuk, aku agak kaget loh. Di bisnya ada AC dan pengemudi dan petugasnya PEREMPUAN!! Hmm, sebuah hal lucu terjadi dalam perjalanan, tapi aku memilih untuk menyimpannya untuk nanti deh... :)
Sekitar jam 10.05 pagi kita turun di Halte Bundaran Senayan dan jalan deh ke Senayan City. Mallnya lumayan bagus dan berkelas. Tapi ada masalah saatu aku kesana. Nggak ada traffic!! Hmm, aku nggak tahu memang begitu keadaannya atau aku aja ya yang dateng di waktu yang salah. Sekitar jam 11.40 siang kita meninggalkan mallnya dan naik busway lagi ke Harmoni, trus naik taksi untuk pergi ke salah satu rumahnya saudara soale kita rencana mau makan siang bareng di sebuah restoran seafood.
Sekitar jam 1 siang, kita berangkat dan sampai di restoran sekitar jam 1.45 siang. Kita trus memesan beberapa makanan dan makan siang deh. Papaku agak kecewa soale nggak ada "Udang Ronggeng" yang dia cari-cari. Jam 2.45 siang, kita selesai makan siang. Karena udah lumayan deket ke jam 4.45 sore (ya, masih 2 jam sih, tapi tau kan Jakarta itu bagaimana dan lokasi waktu itu lumayan jauh dari titik keberangkatan travelku), jadi kita meninggalkan restorannya dan kokoku nganter kita kita halte busway terdekat di Citraland.
Jam 3.20 sore, kita sampai di stasiunnya dan naik busway deh. Kita trus sampe di Halte Jakarta Kota jam 4.10!! Hmm, aku masih harus ke Le Grandier untuk ngambil tasku. Karena lumayan susah nyari bajaj, papaku ada ide buat naik angkot. Tapi idenya aku tolak soalnya angkot nggak akan berangkat begitu kita naik, dia akan nunggu sampe angkotnya penuh baru berangkat, dan itu kan lumayan memboroskan waktu. Jadi, akhirnya kita dapet bajaj dan sampe di Le Grandier jam 4.15 sore. Aku trus ngambil tasku, turun, dan naik taksi ke Mangga Dua Square, titik keberangkatannya. Aku lumayan lega waktu taksiku masuk Mangga Dua Square jam 4.28 sore, jadi aku nggak telat. Hmm, aku blom sadar kalo masih ada masalah lain yang akan muncul. Ternyata SANGAT SUSAH untuk menemukan konter dari travelnya!! Mangga Dua Square kan gede tuh!! Aku ada alamatnya dan tertulis ada di blok B. Kita trus nanya satpam dan mengikuti apa yang diberitahu oleh si satpan, tapi nggak ketemu tuh. Kita mengelilingi blok B dan nggak ketemu!! Duh, jamku udah menunjukkan jam 4.35 sore!! Jadi aku memutuskan untuk keluar dari taksi dan nyari sendiri soale sopir taksinya ga membantu sama sekali!!! Aku nyoba telpon konternya tapi ga diangkat
Aku trus nanya satpam lain dan katanya konternya ada di dalam mallnya dan dia nunjukin kalo konternya ada di sisi lain dari mall. Si***n!! Oke, jadi aku masuk deh ke mallnya dan mengikuti arah yang ditunjukannya. Tapi aku NGGAK MENEMUKANNYA!! Aku trus muter-muter di dalem mall. Aku nanya petugas kebersihannya dan mereka gatau!! Si***n!! Dasar petugas T****L!! Aku trus jalan dan untungnya, aku menemukan mobil travelnya di luar salah satu pintu masuk di deket si satpam yang aku tanya tadi, jadi harusnya aku ga ke sisi lain dari mall. AKu harusnya cuma perlu belok kanan dan jalan aja sampe ketemu pintu masuk lain dan tuh pintu ga sejauh kalo harus ke sisi lain dari mall (FYI, si satpam nunjuknya ke arah kiri juga tuh... :( )Hmm, aku lumayan lega tapi kan aku masih harus menemukan counternya untuk check in. Trus aku jalan keluar aja di pintu masuk itu, dan begitu aku balik badan, eh konternya ada tepat di belakangku. Terima Kasih Tuhan!! Aku berhasil!! Aku sampe di konter jam 4.43 sore, 2 menit sebelum keberangkatan!! Aku trus komplain, kenapa sih konternya kecil dan terpencil banget... :) Hmm, aku merasa kaya ikutan The Amazing Race nih... :) Kalo aku telat aku berarti harus menunggu 2 jam untuk keberangkatan selanjutnya atau memperpanjang perjalananku ke Jakarta 1 malam lagi sampe besoknya. Jam 4.45 sore, travelku berangkat dan aku balik deh ke Bandung.
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