As you can read at my previous entry, this week, American Idol 2007 started to be aired. Beside that, as you know, I also have one fave programme still aired on AXN, TARA.
Just as usual, the first week of American Idol is just the audition week in 2 cities (Minnesota and Seattle). It's kinda interesting for me (but I still prefer the real show starting at the workshop round along until the final 2.... :D). Some were good, some were mediocre, some were terrible, some were horribly terrible. But at this point, I think the producers focus more on the "fun" thing (or even more "humiliating") rather than the "serious" thing. There was a guy who said he was as good as Freddie Mercury from Queens (hmm, nice thought!! Let's see....). But apparently, he was WAY TOO FAR AWAAYYYYYY, he couldn't even sing.
Btw, I like the way Simon reacted, here's one example (Not the exact words):
This conversation happened after the guy 'sang' (if twas really a 'singing') and twas absoultely a "NO" but the guy insisted he deserved to pass the audition
Simon: "So, you wanna say lack of coaching is your main problem"
Guy : "Yes"
Randy: "Who do you think should be your coach?"
Guy: "I guess Simon, I know he knows what he's saying, bring it on, and coach me"
Simon: "Well, I couldn't"
Guy: "Why?"
Simon: "It's like coaching a one-legged person to win a 100 meter sprint, even though I'm a great coach but if you haven't got it, it's not gonna work!!"
Wakakakakaka.... . That's a cold-hearted answer... :) But I like that
Well, tonight, American Idol was aired at 7 PM - 9 PM here, while at 8 PM - 9 PM I also had TARA. Of course, twas a no-brainer choice, I chose TARA since AI was still about the audition and TARA was down to the final 4.
This leg, all teams had to travel from New Delhi, India, to Dubai, UAE. Once they arrived, they had to go to Abra Station and found the next clue. Well, again, there was a YIELD. But apparently, noone chose to use the YIELD (this is so different with The US Version, in the final 4, all teams in The US Version usually tempted to use the YIELD since the competition had been so intense, in TAR-10, Dustin&Kandice, who arrived #3 at the YIELD (Tyler&James and Rob&Kim chose not to yield anyone) even decided to yield Lyn&Karlyn (the most underdog team)). The next task was a Road-Block Task, they had to go to a golf-court and play a 9-hole game. After they finished, they had to go to Dubai International Marine Club to find the next clue. The next task was a Detour Task at the Ski Dubai. Teams had to choose between "HACK" and "HIKE". In "HACK", they had to crack a 15 kg ice (the clue was inside the ice) to get the clue. In "HIKE", they had to hike the artificial ice/snow hill and also brought an additional 25 kg load. After finishing the Detour, teams had to proceed to Dubai Mall and looked for a Modern Jewellery Shop and got the next clue. After that was the pitstop with the final placing: Sandy&Francesca (1), Andrew&Syeon (2), Zabrina&Joe-Jer (3), and Mardy&Marsio (4 >> NOT ELIMINATED, as people in forum and I predicted, it was a NEL... :D). Btw, it's now clear that Andrew&Syeon got 2 alliances. First with Mardy&Marsio, and second with Zabrina&Joe-Jer, but the latter one was more on 'monetary alliance'... :)
note: well, Blogger works well when I use Firefox, so I guess the problem is in my IE... :(
Seperti yang bisa dibaca di postingan saya sebelumnya, minggu ini, American Idol 2007 dimulai untuk ditayangkan loh. Disamping itu, seperti yang udah pada tau, aku juga masih punya 1 program favorit yang masih ditayangkan di AXN, yaitu TARA.
Seperti biasanya, minggu pertama dari American Idol tuh menceritakan minggu audisi di 2 kota (Minnesota dan Seattle). Lumayan menarik sih untuk aku (tapi aku masih lebih emmilih untuk nonton kalo udah babak workshop deh terus sampe babak 2 besarnya nanti.... :D). Ada yang bagus, ada yang biasa-biasa aja, beberapa jelek, beberapa jeleknya parah banget. Tapi pada tahapan ini, produsernya kayanya lebih fokus ke hal "lucu" (atau lebih ke "memalukan") daripada ke hal yang "serius". Ada laki2 yang bilang suaranya sebagus Freddie Mercury dari Queens (Hmm, pikiran yang menarik tuh!! Mari kita lihat....). Tapi ternyata, dia tuh SANGAATTT JAUUUH SEKALLIIIIIIII, malah dia tuh gabisa nyanyi.
Btw, aku suka bagaimana reaksinya Simon, ini dia satu contohnya (kata2nya ga sama persis loh):
Percakapan ini terjadi habis laki2 ini 'menyanyi' (kalo itu bener2 sebuah 'nyanyian') dan jelas2 jawabannya "TIDAK" tapi laki2 ini bersikeras kalo dia berhak lolos audisi)
Simon: "Jadi kamu mau bilang kalo masalah kamu tuh cuma nggak punya pelatih musikal?"
Laki2 : "Ya"
Randy: "Siapa menurutku yang patut menjadi pelatihmu??"
Laki2: "Aku rasa Simon, aku tahu Simon pasti tau apa yang dia omongkan, buktikan, dengan melatih saya"
Simon: "Hmm, aku nggak bisa"
Laki2: "Kenapa?"
Simon: "Ini seperti melatih seorang berkaki sebelah untuk memenangkan perlombaan lari 100 meter, walaupun saya adalah pelatih yang hebat, tapi kalo kamu memang nggak 'punya', ya tetep aja nggak akan berhasil!!"
Wakakakakaka.... . Jawaban yang dingin tuh... :) Tapi aku suka
Hmm, malam ini, American Idol ditayangin jam 7 malem sampe jam 9 malem, padahal jam 8 sampe jam 9 aku juga punya TARA. Tentu saja, pilihan yang sangat mudah, aku jelas milih TARA dong, kan AI masih audisinya dan TARA udah sampe babak 4 besar.
Pada babak kali ini, semua tim harus pergi dari New Delhi, India menuju ke Dubai, UEA Begitu mereka sampai, mereka mesti pergi ke Stasiun Abra untuk mendapatkan petunjuk selanjutnya. Hmm, skali lagi, ternyata ada YIELD loh. Tapi ternyata, nggak ada yang memilih untuk menggunakan YIELD tsb (ini agak berbeda dengan yang di versi Amerika, di 4 besar, tim di versi Amerika biasanya begitu ingin untuk menggunakan YIELD soalnya kompetisi kan udah bener2 sengit, di TAR 10, bahkan Dustin&Kandice, yang sampai ketiga di YIELD (Tyler&James dan Rob&Kim memilih untuk nggak nge-yield siapa2) memutuskan untuk menge-yield Lyn&Karlyn (tim yang paling menjadi underdog)). Tugas selanjutnya adalah Road-Block, mereka harus pergi ke lapangan golf dan main game 9-hole. Habis selesai, mereka mesti pergi ke Dubai International Marine Club untuk menemukan petunjuk selanjutnya. Tugas selanjutnya adalah Detour di Ski Dubai. Tim harus memilih diantara "HACK" atau "HIKE". Di "HACK", mereka harus memecahkan 15 kg es (petunjuknya ada di dalam es-nya) untuk mendapatkan petunjuk). Di "HIKE", mereka harus mendakit bukit es/salju buatan dengan beban tambahan 25 kg. Habis menyelesaikan tugas Detour, semua harus pergi ke Mal Dubai dan mencari Toko Perhiasan Modern untuk mendapatkan petunjuk selanjutnya. Habis itu adalah pitstop dengan urutan terakhir:Sandy&Francesca (1), Andrew&Syeon (2), Zabrina&Joe-Jer (3), dan Mardy&Marsio (4 >> NGGAK TERELIMINASI, seperti yang orang2 di forum dan saya perkirakan, babak ini adalah babak NEL... :D). Btw, sekarang jelas kalo Andrew&Syeon punya 2 aliansi. Pertama, dengan Mardy&Marsio, dan kedua dengan Zabrina&Joe-Jer, dan yang kedua lebih condong ke 'aliansi keuangan' deh kayanya... :)
catatan: hmm, Blogger baik2 saja waktu aku pake Firefox, jadi kayanya masalahnya ada di IE-ku deh ... :(
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