Pre-note: Wow, today I post 2 (TWO) entries, the other one can be read here.
Last night I watched the second episode of The Amazing Race Asia. Yep, it was in Jakarta where for sure, Mardy and Marsio got an advantage. Since last week Sandy and Fransesca checked in the pitstop last, they got a penalty where all money of them was taken. As a result, they should start the second leg with no money. But one thing that I really appreciate from this Asian version is the generosity and kindness of the other 9 teams. They left some of their money for Sandy and Fransesca, so they didn’t start the next race with no money since it was gonnabe very hard for them to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta with NO money in their pockets.
The first task was to go to Ragunan Zoo, they then must enter a snake cage and take the next clue in the middle of the cage. That was truly hard for snake-phobia. Then, they could choose between Fast-Forward (if team takes this task, they can go directly to the pitstop without finishing the Detour and Road-Block tasks) and Detour. Apparently the rule is a bit different here in the Asia Version. There are some Fast-Forward challenges, but the only permitted number of team who take this Fast-Forward is one each leg. Plus, each team is only permitted to take one Fast-Forward during the whole race. Apparently, there were 2 teams who were willing to take this Fast-Forward, Ernie and Jeena (Philippines team) and Prashant and Sahil (India team). The Indian team arrived first at SMA 60 (where the Fast Forward task took place), and unfortunately, Ernie and Jeena must take the Detour task and it also means that they had wasted most of their time. The first team to arrive was, no surprise, Prashant and Sahil (that’s obvious, they took the Fast-Forward). The second team was Mardy and Marsio (Indonesian team >> people can’t underestimate them for sure; one of them said this during the race: "We were not designed physically for this race, but our brains were"). The third was Howard and Sahran, the fourth was Zabrina and Joe-Jer, the fifth was Melody and Sharon, the sixth was Aubrey and Jaq, the seventh was Andy and Laura, and the eighth was Andrew and Syeon. The ninth team to arrive was Sandy and Fransesca, who were both lucky and unlucky I think. Lucky because Ernie and Jeena made a mistake by intending to take the Fast-Forward Task. Unlucky because they got an annoying and bad taxi driver. The last team to arrive and got eliminated was clearly Jeena and Ernie. However, all of my fave teams are still in the race, he3..... :) (who are my fave?? Find it here)
::: Ernie and Jeena, the first team to be eliminated.
::: as Sheilla's request, I now upload the pic of Mardy and Marsio (Indonesian Team)
Pre-note: Wow, hari ini aku menulis 2 (DUA) postingan loh, satunya bisa dibaca disini.
Semalam aku nonton episode kedua dari The Amazing Race Asia. Yep, kemarin tuh ada di Jakarta dimana tentu saja, Mardy dan Marsio mendapatkan keuntungan. Karena minggu lalu Sandy dan Fransesca sampai di pitstopnya terakhir, mereka mendapatkan penalti dimana keseluruhan uang mereka diambil. Sebagai hasilnya, mereka harus memulai tugas kedua dengan tidak ada uang sama sekali. Tapi satu hal yang aku hargai dari versi Asia ini adalah kebaik-hatian dan kemurahan-hati dari 9 tim yang lainnya. Mereka meninggalkan sebagian uang mereka untuk Sandy dan Fransesca sehingga mereka nggak harus memulai tugas kedua dengan tanpa uang sama sekali soalnya kan bakalan susah banget tuh untuk mereka untuk pergi dari Kuala Lumpur ke Jakarta dengan TANPA uang dalam kantong.
Tugas pertama mereka adalah pergi ke Kebun Binatang Ragunan, mereka harus masuk ke kadang ular dan ngambil petunjuk selanjutnya di tengah-tengah kandang. Pasti susah banget tuh untuk mereka yang takut ular. Trus, mereka bisa memilih diantara Fast-Forward (kalo ngambil tantangan ini, mereka bisa pergi langsung ke pitstop tanpa harus menyelesaikan Detour dan Road-Block) dan Detour. Ternyata, peraturannya sedikit berbeda di dalam versi Asia ini. Akan ada beberapa Fast-Forward, tapi jumlah tim yang diijinkan untuk mengambil Fast-Forward ini hanyalah 1 tim per-episode. Ditambah lagi, tiap tim hanya boleh mengambil 1 Fast-Forward saja dari keseluruhan pertandingan ini. Ternyata, ada 2 tim yang kemarin kepingin ngambil Fast-Forward, Ernie dan Jeena (dari Filipina) dan Prashant dan Sahil (dari India). Tim India sampe duluan di SMA 60 (tempat dimana tugas Fast-Forward akan dilaksanakan) dan malangnya Ernie dan Jeena harus mengambil Detour, dan ini juga berarti bahwa mereka sudah membuang banyak sekali waktu. Tim pertama yang sampai dipitstop adalah, nggak kaget sih, Prashant dan Sahil (jelas banget kan, mereka kan ngambil Fast-Forward). Tim kedua adalah Mardy dan Marsio (tim Indonesia >> orang bener-bener nggak bisa meremehkan mereka loh, salah seorang dari mereka bilang gini loh: "Kita nggak dirancang secara fisik untuk mengikuti game ini, tapi otak kita iya"). Tim ketiga yang sampai adalah Howard dan Sahran, keempat adalah Zabrina dan Joe-Jer, kelima Melody dan Sharon, keenam Aubrey dan Jaq, ketujuh Andy dan Laura, kedelapan Andrew dan Syeon. Tim kesembilan yang sampai adalah Sandy dan Fransesca, yang beruntung dan tidak beruntung menurutku. Beruntung soale Ernie dan Jeena melakukan kesalahan dengan mau mengambil tugas Fast-Forward. Nggak beruntung soale mereka dapat sopir taksi yang menyebalkan dan "jahat". Tim yang terakhir sampai di pitstop dan tereliminasi adalah Ernie dan Jeena. Btw, semua tim favorit saya masih bertahan loh, he3..... :) (siapakah tim favorit saya?? Silakan baca disini)
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