Today was suck... . Why don't we get a holiday today?? Yesterday was Sunday, and tomorrow we have holiday.... . Why don't they just make Monday as holiday as well so we get 3 days holiday?? Arrgghhhh....
Well, today we had a full schoolday. We started the lessons at 7 AM and ended at 13.35 PM. There was nothing special except we got surprising and shocking news. We will have math exam next Wednesday and Physics Exam next Friday. Don't u think that it's crazy?? We have not been having our lessons for more than 1 week yet and now we have already got 2 exams appearing!! Arrggghh....... .
Well, let's just move away from school activities. After getting back home I had to help my dad copying some datas from my computer to the floppy disk. And in the evening, actually I had planned to go to the gym (I have been absent again for 2 weeks!!!) but I had to cancel it because I had to help my dad going to the office to print some pictures for the new shop. Unpredictably, it took 1 hour to print all of them (well, we met some problems with the printers there...).
Then at 6 PM I went to My TOEFL course until 7.30 PM. Then I got back home and surfed the net and also watched TV (wow, The Apprentice Indonesia now is down to the final two!! >> I will tell you a lil' about it next week... )
Hari ini nyebelin banget... . Kenapa nggak libur sih?? Kemarin tuh Minggu, besok libur... . Kenapa nggak ngeliburin Senen sekalian biar liburannya jadi 3 hari?? Arrggghhhh......
Hari ini tadi tuh udah kayak biasa lagi sekolahnya. Pelajaran mulai jam 7 sampe jam 13.35 siang. Nggak ada yang spesial sih kecuali kita dapat berita yang mengecutkan dan bikin shock. Bakalan ada ulangan matematika besok Rabu dan ulangan Fisika besok Jumat. Gila nggak tuh?? Kita belum masuk sekolah lebih dari seminggu tapi sekarang kita dah ada 2 ualnagn yang muncul!! Arrgghhhh........ .
Dah ah, ngomongin yang lain deh. Habis pulang sekolah aku mbantu papaku ngopi beberapa data dari komputer ini ke disket. Dan di sore harinya, rencananya aku mau pergi ke gym (aku dah absen lagi selama 2 minggu!!!) tapi aku terpaksa mbatalin soalnya aku mesti mbantu papaku pergi ke kantor buat ngeprint beberapa gambar tentang toko yg baru. Nggak terduga aja, ternyata lebih dari 1 jam untuk ngeprint doank (soalnya ketemu sama beberapa masalah dengan printernya disana....)
Trus jam 6 sorenya aku pergi ke kursus TOEFL sampe jam 7.30 malem. Habis itu aku pulang dan main internet dan nonton TV... (wah, tadi The Apprentice Indonesia dah masuk babak final tuh... >> aku bakalan crita dikit ttg ini minggu depan...)
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