Well, this Friday is not the Friday that I like. I think this was not my day....
First, today we had a history exam this morning. It was not very hard actually (the history exam last semester was a lot harder), but I still prefer not having exam.... . Lol
Second, at school today my class watched a movie. The title is 'The Beautiful Mind'. The movie was about a genius man who suffered from shizophrenia. It was good and I like it (actually my father asked me to watch this film but I always had no time to watch it... :D). Unfortunately, when it was down to the climax of the film, there was an announcement for the students to go back to the classroom and leave our cellularphones in the classroom then we had to go to the hall. D**n!! It sucks!!! It was down to the climax of the film and we had to leave it!?!?!?! Oh, s**t.
Then, I found out that a pupil from the first grade lost his cellular phone. Therefore, my school decided to do a quick 'raid' to the students. We had to leave our bellongings (especially cellular phones) in our classrooms and we had to go to the hall. While we were waiting, some teachers checked our classrooms. I was wondering how this case could happen. Finally, I found it out.
Here is the story. Let's just say that the pupil who lost his cellular phone is A. On the breaktime, some A's friends borrowed his cellphone, and A lent it to them. Unbelievably, these friends asked the PIN number of the cellphone (it's unbelievable, PIN code is personal. I never ask to someone about his/her PIN code). And the more unbelievable thing is that A told the PIN number.... . MORON!!!! PIN code is made for our cellphone's security and A just told it easily and innocently to his friends!?!?!?! And then, another unbelievable thing, when the bell rang for the next lesson (this class had a lesson outside the classroom) his friend just put this cellphone on a desk in the classroom and innocently just left the cellphone lying on the table. What!?!?!?!
Well. I think the raid was unefficient. Why? Because the school informed first about this raid quite explicitly (well, if people are ordered to leave their bellongings in a room and they must leave that room, then they will be suspicious, won't they?). This weakness was probably made use by the thief. This thief is smart for sure and probably he saved that cellphone in a secure place. Well, just like what I had supposed before, the thief was not caught.
Let's just move to another thing. Actually this afternoon 2 friends and I planned to go out together. BUT, one friend didn't come and broke the promise without said even a word to me that he would not come.... . I hate this.... . Arrrgghhhh.... . He just messed up all plans..
Then, I just went to a bookstore and bought a book there, the title is the Memoirs of a Geisha. My friend has watched its film and he said that it was good and interesting. I am interested and I just bought it.
Fourth, actually I planned to go to a cafe to have dinner there and read this book while waiting for my TOEFL class. Unfortunately, the cafe was CLOSE today!!! Arrggghhh.....
Then, when I wrote this message, the computer was error. It sucks!!! I had written half and the computer didn't work!! I had to restart the computer and of course retype all words!!!
Well, do you believe in bad day??
Hmmm, Jumat ini bukanlah hari Jumat yang aku suka. Kayaknya sih ini bukan hariku....
Pertama, hari ini ada ulangan sejarah pagi ini. Nggak susah-susah amat sih sebenarnya (ulangan sejarahnya semester lalu lebih susah), tapi aku masih lebih suka kalo nggak ulangan.... . Hahaha
Kedua, di sekolah hari ini kelasku nonton film. Judulnya adalah 'The Beautiful Mind'. Ceritanya tuh tentang seorang yang jenius tapi menderita penyakit sizhophrenia. Ceritanya bagus dan aku suka (sebenarnya sih papaku dah nyuruh aku buat nonton, tapi aku nggak ada waktu buat nonton... :D). Sayangnya, waktu dah masuk ke klimaks filmnya, ada pengumuman kalo murid-murid mesti balik ke ruangan kelas dan meninggalkan handphone kita disana trus kita mesti pergi ke aula. Br*****k!! Nyebelin banget!! Dah sampe klimaks tuh filmnya trus kita mesti nyetop nonton!?!?!?! Oh, s**t.
Trus, aku tahu kalo ternyata ada seorang murid kelas satu yang kehilangan HP. Makanya, sekoalhku mutusin buat melakukan 'razia' cepet ke murid-murid. Kita mesti ninggalin barang-barang kita (terutama HP) di kelas trus pergi ke aula. Waktu kita lagi nunggu, beberapa guru ngecek kelas kita. Aku penasaran koq kasus ini bisa terjadi. Akhirnya, aku tahu.
Begini ceritanya. Hmm, kita bilang aja deh kalo murid yang kehilangan HP ini si A. Nah,waktu istirahat, beberapa temen si A ini pinjem HPnya si A, trus A minjemin gitu. Nggak bisa dipercaya, temen-temennya ini nanya nomer PIN HP si A ini (nggak bisa dipercaya, PIN kan personal sifatnya. Aku nggak bakalan nanya nomer PIN seseorang lah....). Trus, yang lebih nggak bisa dipercaya lagi, si A ngasi tau nomer PINnya.... . TOLOL!!! Nomer PIN kan dibuat untuk keamanan HP kita dan A dengan gampangnya dan polosnya ngasi tau nomer PINnya ke temennya!?!?!?! Trus, hal lain yang nggak bisa dipercaya, waktu bel bunyi untuk pelajaran berikutnya (kelas ini ada pelajaran di luar kelas) temennya cuma naruh tuh HP di atas meja di dalem kelas dan dengan tanpa rasa bersalaha meninggalkan tuh HP di atas meja. Apa!?!?!?!
Sebenarnya, menurutku razia ini nggak efisien. Kenapa? Soalnya sekolah ngasi tau dulu secara eksplisit (kalo orang disuruh untuk ninggalin barangnya di suatu ruangan dan mereka mesti ninggalin tuh ruangan, pasti mereka bakal curiga kan??). Kelemahan ini kayaknya dimanfaatin sama pelakunya. Pelaku ini kan tentu aja pinter dan mungkin dia nyimpen HP di tempat yang aman. Hmm, kayak yang udah aku duga sebelumnya, pencurinya nggak ketangkep. I
Dah ah, ayo ngomongin yang lain aja. Sebenarnya siang ini 2 temenku sama aku rencana mau pergi. TAPI, salah satu temenku nggak dateng dan melanggar janji tanpa ngomongin lebih dulu kalo dia nggak bakalan dateng... . Aku benci kayak gini.... . Arrrgghhhh..... . Dia menghancurkan segala rencana....
Trus, aku pergi ke toko buku dan beli sebuah buku disana yang berjudul Memoar seorang Geisha. Temenku dah nonton filamnya dan katanya sih bagus dan menarik. Nah, aku tertarik dan aku akhirnya beli tuh buku.
Keempat, sebenarnya aku berencana mo ke kafe untuk makan sambil baca nih buku sekalian ngisi waktu nunggu kelas TOEFL. Sayangnya, kafenya TUTUP!!! Arrggghhhh.....
Trus, waktu aku nulis message ini, komputerku error. Nyebelin banget!! Aku dah nulis setengah dan komputernya nggak jalan!! Aku mesti nge-restart ulang nih komputer dan tentu aja ngetik ulang semuanya!!!
Hmm, apakah kamu percaya hari buruk??
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