Well, one year has been quick!! Now, another season of American Idol has started. The exciting part has started right now, the top 24 (semifinal) onwards. Anyway, finally my favorite format for the semifinal is back: top 24 contestants consisting of 12 girls and 12 guys, divided into two groups by gender where each week for three weeks, the bottom two of each group will be eliminated, leaving the final top 12 in the end. It is a MUCH better system than the system they used last year. Well, I hate that system because I don't think it's fair.
Anyway, watching this season's audition and Hollywood week, female contestants seemed to have the potency to dominate the season, rather than all male contestants. Many female contestants were really strong during their audition and Hollywood Week. However, unfortunately, ALL female contestants were disappointing this week in their first performance. NONE of them stood up. Sure, still there were several potential contestants, but they were not that strong this week, sadly. In other hands, some male contestants performed really well and exceeded my expectation!! Watching this week's show, I have several potential favorite contestants. Yeah, they are still "potential" and further performances are needed to finalize my votes. They are:
1. Paige Miles
2. Crystal Bowersox
3. Didi Benami
4. Katelyn Epperson
5. Lilly Scott
6. Siobhan Magnus (but I don't really like her attitude tho, she's kinda too "stiff", hmmm)
1. Casey James
2. Aaron Kelly
3. Lee DeWyze
4. Alex Lambert (well, he didn't perform that well this week because of his nerves, but he has a really unique voice!! He has a great potency to do well in the competition)
Well, I have several weakest contestants this week:
10. Ashley Rodriguez
10. Lacey Brown
12. Haeley Vaughn
9. John Park
10. Jermaine Sellers
11. Todrick Hall
12. Tim Urban
For the women, I think Ashley Rodriguez and Haeley Vaughn should be eliminated this week. Well, I think the probability that Ashley will go is a lot bigger than Haeley tho. This is because I think Haeley is actually quite unique in term of the way she sings. It's just that she didn't pick the right song for her style this week. But we will see tho. For the men, Todrick Hall and Tim Urban should go. Todrick changed Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" too much, murdering the song. I like the original version much better. For Tim, well, I think he struggled. He picked the wrong song, "Apologize", which needed a lot of falsetto while his falsetto technique was still not that great. It was kinda torturing, hmmm....
note : photo taken from nydailynews.com
Wah, setahun cepat juga yah!! Sekarang, musim terbaru dari American Idol sudah mulai lagi nih. Bagian yang asik sudah mulai juga, top 24 (semifinal) dst. Ngomong2, akhirnya format semifinal favoritku kembali lagi: 24 besar kontestan yang terdiri atas 12 cowo dan 12 cewe, dibagi ke dua grup berdasarkan jenis kelamin dimana setiap minggu selama tiga minggu, dua terbawah dari masing2 grup akan tereliminasi sehingga menyisakan 12 besar akhirnya. Sistem ini JAUH lebih baik daripada sistem yang dipake tahun lalu nih. Yah, aku benci sistem itu deh karena ga gitu adil dah.
Ngomong2, nonton audisi dan minggu Hollywood musim ini, kontestan perempuan kayanya akan mendominasi musim ini, daripada kontestan cowo. Banyak tuh kontestan perempuan yang sangat kuat sepanjang audisi dan mingu Hollywood-nya. Namun, sayang sekali, SEMUA kontestan perempuan mengecewakan deh minggu ini. NGGAK ADA yang bener2 bagus. Tentu, memang ada sih beberapa yang terlihat berpotensi bagus, namun masih nggak sekuat itu minggu ini, sayang sekali. Di sisi lain, kontestan cowo justru ada beberapa yang melebihi ekspektasiku minggu ini!! Nonton show minggu ini, aku ada beberapa kontestan potensial untuk menjadi favorit nih. Yeah, mereka masih "potensial" dan penampilan lebih lanjut masih perlu dilihat. Mereka adalah:
1. Paige Miles
2. Crystal Bowersox
3. Didi Benami
4. Katelyn Epperson
5. Lilly Scott
6. Siobhan Magnus (tapi aku ga gitu suka sikapnya tuh, agak-agak "kaku", hmmm)
1. Casey James
2. Aaron Kelly
3. Lee DeWyze
4. Alex Lambert (yah, benar bahwa dia tidak tampil maksimal minggu ini karena grogi banget (keliatan banget), cuma suaranya dia khas banget lho! Jadi dia sebenernya memiliki potensi untuk berprestasi baik di kompetisi ini).
Aku juga memiliki daftar tentang beberapa kontestan yang lemah minggu ini:
10. Ashley Rodriguez
10. Lacey Brown
12. Haeley Vaughn
9. John Park
10. Jermaine Sellers
11. Todrick Hall
12. Tim Urban
Untuk yang perempuan, kayanya Ashley Rodriguez dan Haeley Vaughn yang seharusnya keluar minggu ini. Yah, aku rasa Ashley berpeluang lebih besar untuk tereliminasi minggu ini daripada Haeley. Ini karena Haeley sebenarnya cukup unik juga dalam hal cara bernyanyi. Sayangnya, dia tidak memilih lagu yang tepat dengan gayanya itu minggu ini. Tapi akan kita lihat deh. Untuk yang cowo, Todrick Hall dan Tim Urban seharusnya tereliminasi minggu ini. Todrick mengganti lagunya Kelly Clarkson yang "Since U Been Gone" dengan agak berlebihan, justru menghancurkan lagu itu. Aku jauh lebih suka versi originalnya. Untuk Tim, yah, kayanya dia bener2 kesulitan deh. Dia memilih lagu yang salah, "Apologize", yang membutuhkan banyak falsetto sementara teknik falsettonya masih sangat lemah. Agak menyiksa juga, hmmm...
Tahun ini aku malas nonton eh...Ntar malam tak rekam di TV kamar ah biar sambil tiduran nontonnya. Tp dah ketinggalan cerita eh
ReplyDelete@ Dian : Agak payah yang minggu ini, ga ada yang bener2 buaguss, hehehe