These two days (up to this weekend maybe) have been so busy for me. Yesterday I hanged out with my friend again. At first we were about to watch a movie at the cinema, Transformers 2. However, because yesterday was the premiere day in Yogyakarta, the cinema was so full that the lines of people queing for it had to be extended to the parking lot!! WTF!! Therefore we aborted that plan. Instead, we played bowling since the day before my performance was not satisfying, haha... . Yesterday I played well, scoring 92, 116, and 116. At least my target was achieved: passing 100.
Today, I went to the bank to take my new ATM Card. Last week I decided to upgrade it from silver to gold because they both charge the same administration fee each month but gold card provides better (of course). I can take more money and have more transaction in one day. I had an experience where it took me two days to take some amount of money. It's kinda irritating tho. With this upgrade, that kindof experiences can be depressed.
This afternoon, on the way to the bank, I received a news from my friend that I have to be in Bandung on Monday the 29th or Tuesday the 30th for scholarship interview. Damnit!! Couldn't the notification be closer to the date?? (*sarcastic mode on*). Well, sure Monday is still three days ahead. However, now we are in the middle of school holiday!! Learning from last year experience, it should be extremely hard to find train ticket in such a close date!! However, I have no choice tho. So I went to the reservation center (R.C).
As predicted, the R.C was so full of people, a typical one on Yogyakarta's R.C during holiday. There was a list of available seat, and the train I wanted to catch (Argo Wilis) only had ONE seat left for the date I will go to Bandung!!! Waaa!! The atmosphere became so intense for me!! However, nothing has been improved since the last time I went to this P.R. There were five pens, four of them were 'expired'!! Damnit!! The situation was worse because the R.C was full, a lot of people were waiting for that one pen. If I had to queue for that one ridiculous pen, it could waste more time and it was more likely that other person had already taken it once I got the pen. Then, I had a brilliant idea. I went to the canteen, bought a drink (I was also thirsty at that time), and borrow a pen from its cashier, wkwkwkwkw. So, I skipped that queue.
Then, I had to face another queue, getting to the ticket booths. Somehow, I managed to get there quickly, thanks to my cunning idea, LOL. I guess people use their brain more effectively when they are desperate, haha. Then, I got that ONE left seat!! Yeahh!! It was like a victory for me!! LOL.
So, I will go back to Bandung next Monday catching Argo Wilis and will be back to Yogyakarta next Wednesday, also catching Argo Wilis.
Dua hari ini (sampe wiken ini mungkin) menyibukkan deh untuk aku. Kemarin aku jalan2 sama temenku lagi. Pertamanya kami mau nonton film di bioskop, Transformers 2. Namun, karena kemarin adalah hari tayang perdana di Yogyakarta, bioskopnya penuh sekali sampai antriannya sampe ke tempat parkir loh!! WTF!! Makanya kami membatalkan rencana itu. Akhirnya kami main bowling lagi karena hari sebelumnya permainanku tidak memuaskan, haha... . Kemarin mainnya lumayan lah, dapat 92, 116, dan 116. Setidaknya targetku tercapai: melebihi nilai 100.
Hari ini, aku pergi ke bank untuk mengambil Kartu ATM baruku. Minggu lalu aku memusutkan untuk meng-upgrade-nya dari silver ke gold karena keduanya menarik biaya administrasi yang sama per bulan tetapi kartu gold lebih menguntungkan (tentu saja). Aku bisa mengambil uang lebih banyak dan transaksi lebih banyak dalam sehari. Aku pernah ada pengalaman dimana aku membutuhkan waktu dua hari untuk mengambil sejumlah uang. Nggak enak kan. Makanya dengan upgrade ini hal kaya gitu kan bisa diatasi.
Siang tadi, di perjalanan ke bank, aku dapat berita dari temenku bahwa aku harus ada di Bandung Senin tanggal 29 atau Selasa tanggal 30 untuk wawancara beasiswa. Sial!! Apa nggak bisa gitu tanggalnya lebih mepet lagi?? (*mode sarkastik menyala*). Yah, memang Senin masih tiga hari lagi. Namun, kita kan sekarang sedang ada di pertengahan liburan sekolah!! Belajar dari pengalaman tahun lalu, kan susah nih nyari tiker kereta apalagi kalo tanggalnya mepet!! Yah, aku nggak ada pilihan lagi sih. Akhirnya aku harus pergi ke Pusat Reservasi (P.R).
Seperti diprediksi, P.R-nya penug banget, yah begitulah P.R di Yogyakarta semasa liburan. Disana tadi ada daftar kursi tersedia, dan kereta yang ingin aku naiki (Argo Wilis) hanya ada SATU kursi kosong untuk tanggal kapan aku akan ke Bandung!!! Waaa!!! Jadi intens deh suasananya bagi aku!! Namun, tidak ada perubahan deh sejak terakhir kali aku ke P.R. Ada lima pena, empat di antaranya macet!! Sialan!! Situasi lebih buruk karena kan P.R penuh sekali, makanya banyak orang antre untuk pena itu. Kalau aku harus mengantri untuk satu pena sial itu, bisa-bisa satu kursi tersisaku itu direbut orang lain dong. Makanya aku kemudian mendapat ide bagus. Aku pergi ke kantinnya, beli minum (sekalian sih soalnya memang lagi haus), dan PINJAM pena dari kasirnya, wkwkwkwkw. Jadi, aku bisa melewati antrian pena.
Trus, aku harus menghadapi antrian lainnya, yaitu antrian untuk dapat giliran ke loket tiket. Dengan suatu cara, aku bisa ke loket dengan cepat, terima kasih pada ide cemerlangku, LOL. Rasanya orang akan menggunakan otak lebih efektif ketika sedang desperate yah, haha. Akhirnya, aku mendapat SATU tiket terakhir itu!! Yeah!! Bener2 kaya kemenangan deh untuk aku!! LOL.
Jadi, aku akan pergi ke Bandung Senin besok naik Argo Wilis, dan akan balik ke Yogyakarta hari Rabunya, juga naik Argo Wilis.
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