Thursday, October 09, 2008

#602 - Sigh


Well, this week has been so busy. Right now I'm left with one homework (finally!! haha... :) ). But still, that doesn't mean I have one work left, I have some stuffs to do and I plan to finish them this weekend, hmmm... . Plus, there is one unexpected-and-really-weird thing that I have to handle immediately, duh.

These days have also been very exhausting (a consequence of busy days), huh!! :(

Anyway, I just watched the fifth leg of TARA 3. All teams stayed in Taiwan. Well, I think this episode isn't as good as some previous episodes. Because:
1) there are too many needle-in-haystack tasks (2 of them)
2) no equalizer
3) the result was so obvious
4) lack of creativity on making the task. The FF was VERY similar to TAR 12's FF
Poor Mai & Oliver, they got eliminated not because they didn't race well but simply because of bad luck. That even makes the elimination a lot worse. I really wish I could see them staying longer in the race.


Hmm, minggu ini benar2 menyibukkan deh. Sekarang aku tinggal ada 1 PR sih (akhirnya!! haha... :) ). Tapi tetap saja, itu tidak berarti tinggal satu kerjaanku, masih ada beberapa hal yang aku rencanakan harus beres wiken ini, hmmm... . Plus, malah ada satu masalah tak-terduga-namun-aneh nih yang harus aku urus segera, duh.

Akhir2 ini juga melelahkan sekali nih (sebagai konsekuensi dari hari2 menyibukkan), huh!! :(

Ngomong2, aku tadi nonton babak kelima dari TARA 3. Semua tim tinggal di Taiwan. Hmm, aku rasa episode ini nggak sebaik beberapa episode lalu deh. Karena:
1) Ada kebanyakan tugas jarum-di-dalam-jerami (ada 2)
2) nggak ada equalizer
3) hasilnya jelas banget
4) kurangnya kreativitas dalam pembuatan tugas. FFnya SANGAT mirip sama FFnya TAR 12
Kasian tu Mai & Oliver, mereka tereliminasi bukan karena mereka itu payah nge race nya tapi karena sial banget saja, itu yang justru bikin eliminasinya menjadi semakin buruk. Aku bener2 pengen sebenernya mereka bertahan lebih lama.

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